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Aircraft Repair

All actions which have the objective of restoring an item in or to a state in which it can perform its required function.

Design Approach

4 design approaches Safe Life Design: Design for fixed conservative fixed Life. Fail Safe Design: Design the structure with multiple load paths or presence of redundant structure. Infinite Life Design: Design of Structures for stress below Endurance Limit . Damage Tolerance Design: Design the structure with an assumption of the pre existing damage and provide inspection intervals.

Classification Of General Repairs

Repair of minor damages- small dents, scratches, cracks Repair of corroded areas Repair of Paint Sealing Repair Metallic Repairs Composite Repairs

Reasons for damages

FOD Fatigue Mishandling Manufacturing defect Design- life limited parts, design flaw. Weather conditions. Etc.

Damage Evaluation
An evaluation of the damage is necessary to establish the damage category: Allowable,

Requires manufacturer`s instructions.

MRO- Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul

Aircraft MRO is the overhaul, repair, inspection or modification of an aircraft or aircraft component Maintenance includes the installation or removal of a component from an aircraft or aircraft subassembly, but does not include:
Elementary work, such as spark plugs, checking cylinder compression, etc Servicing, such as refueling, washing windows Any work done on an aircraft or aircraft component as part of the manufacturing process, prior to issue of a certificate of airworthiness or other certification document

Regulation of Maintenance
JAA - Joint Aviation Authorities JAR - Joint Aviation Requirements JAR-OPS 1 & 3 issued in May 1995
JAR-OPS 1 - Aeroplanes JAR-OPS 3 - Helicopters

Applicability, i.a.w. JAR-OPS 1 & 3 Subpart A:

Civil aeroplanes in commercial air transportation Operators whose principal place of business is in a JAA Member State

Types of Maintenance
Each airline develops its own program, based on manufacturers planning documents, but includes adjustments for the airlines own operations Each aircrafts requires different operators and programs BUT, aircraft of the same number of routine maintenance hours during the program cycle

MRO- Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul

Maintenance of aircraft usually categorized into
Product type (airframe, engine and components) Timing and purpose of work

Then, resulted into 4 categories

Routine scheduled maintenance Non-routine maintenance Refurbishments Modifications

Routine scheduled maintenance

Includes airframe and engine checks The most elementary is visual inspection of the aircraft before flight- walk-around To ensure there are no leaks, missing rivets or cracks

Routine scheduled maintenance

Types of checks-In Grades
Overnight A-Check B-check C-check D-Check


Routine scheduled maintenance

Overnight: Operate 1 to 1.5 hrs. inspection (End of working day) to ensure the plane operating in according to OEM s (Original Equipment Manufacturer) minimum list, example installation of telephones and other devices A-Check: Done after 125flight hours (2-3 weeks)
An amplified preflight visual inspection of plane's power plants, avionics and accessories


Routine scheduled maintenance

B-Check: Done approximately after 175 flight hours (3 to 4 months)
An open inspection for preventive maintenance (exterior wash, engine oil) Oils filters are removed and checked, parts are lubricated and carefully examined

Routine scheduled maintenance

C-check: Carried out approximately for every 3000 flight hours (15 months)
Incorporates both A and B checks Components are repaired, Flights controls are calibrated Major internal mechanism are tested Other tests include minor structural inspections, compressor, flight control rigging tests, engine, compressor washes, aircraft appearance maintenance, and post-check flight tests

Routine scheduled maintenance

D-Check: The most intensive, approximately 20, 000 flights hours (6-8 years)
Cabin interiors (including seats, galleys, lavatories, cockpit, furnishings, headliners and sidewalls) are removed to enable careful structural inspections Flights controls are examined and the fuel system is probed for leaks and cracks The aircraft is stripped to its shell and rebuilt to return it to its original condition

Non-routine Maintenance
Done due to unforeseen event such as accident. An example of the first engine damage due to bird ingestion or an airframe dented by a catering truck Done also for an aging aircraft

I must leave this shop in full airworthy condition !
CFM56-5B and CFM56-5C at TAP Maintenance & Engineering C-Check Hangar

JT8D at TAP Maintenance & Engineering Engine Overhaul Shop

TAT and profit margin considerations shall never impair quality !

Composite Scratch repair-temporary

Non perforating damage repair- permanent

Non perforating damage repair- permanent Extra Plies

Edge Band Delamination Repair

Edge Erosion Repair

Perforating Damage Repair


Location of damage

Theoretical Substantiation


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