Rain Technology and Its Implementation: Niraj Paghadar

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What is RAIN Technology?

RAIN Technology originated at California Institute Of Technology and its purpose was to overcome the existing problems on the internet. RAIN Technology is capable to provide the solution of all the problem of networking which is currently exist. RAIN Technology does this by reducing the number of nodes.

RAIN Technology can provide fully automated data recovery in a local area network or wide area network even if multiple nodes fail.
RAIN Technology has come up with the different network solution over the internet such as node failure,traffic congestion,link failure. RAIN Technology is used to increase the fault-tolerance.

Goals of RAIN Technology:

RAIN technology was able to offer the solution by minimizing the number of nodes in the chain connecting the client and server By RAIN tecnology making the existing nodes more robust and independent of each other

RAIN technology provides the novel feature of replacing a faulty node by a healthy one there by avoiding the break in information flow. In effect with the aid of RAIN connection between a client and server can be maintained despite all the existing problems.

Rain Component:
Rain Nodes IP-based Internetworking Rain Management Software Storage Component Communication Component Computing Component


Since the network is frequently a single point of faliure, RAIN provides fault tolerence in the network.

Group Membership:
A fundamental part of fault management is identifying which nodes are healthy and participeting.

Data Storage:
It is achieved through redundent storage schemes like storing data over multiple disk.

Bundled Interfaces:
Nodes are permited to have multiple interface card which increases fault tolerance and bandwidth.

Link Monitoring:
A link-state monitoring protocol that provides a consistence history of the link state at each endpoint.

Fault-Tolerant interconnect Topologies:

Network partioning is always a problem when a cluster of computers must act as a whole.

Group Membership:
Critical building block Tolerating faults is a very tedious. Group Membership ensures that all processes maintain a consistent view of global membership.


link/node failures dynamic reconfiguration



A naive approach:
In this construction we simply connect the nodes to the nearest switches A ring is 1-fault tolerant so, we can loose 1 switch without upset A 2nd switch faliure can partion the network.

Link Failure:



Switch Failure:
Continuous reconfiguration (e.g., load-balancing).



Star Topology:
In star topology all the nodes are attached to the central HUB or switch. Main problem is that central hub fails then whole network fails.

Star Topology Using RAIN :

We pl;ace switch at each node of network and each node can be connected with few another nodes. If central node fails the node can communicate with rest of the nodes of network by using another path.

Ring Toplogy:
In ring topology one node is connected with the another node and forms a ring like network. There are two main problems of ring network: If one node fails then whole network fails. Adding more nodes increases the delay time.

Ring Topology Using RAIN:

Here the nodes are connected with the other node which is on long distance which helps to reduce delay to transfer token. If any link in below ring topology fails then via another duplicate path node can communicate with the another node in the network.

Bus topology:
In bus topology backbone cable is used on all the nodes of network are connected the nodes can communicate via a backbone cable. Main problem is that backbone fails then whole network fails.

Bus Topology Using RAIN:

The nodes are connected with the backbone cable as well as a switch.So nodes can communicate with either the backbone cable or the switch,in case of failure of the backbone cable.

Mesh Topology:
In mesh topology every node in the network are connected to each other using a dedicated point-to-point link. Main problem is that if there is n nodes then all the nodes should have n-1 nodes. This adds to large number of cables.

Mesh Topology Using RAIN:

The nodes are kept at distance a part and link is established at minimum distance. Using diameter solution we can avoid dedicated link among the nodes.

Conclusion :
Strong Network of Webservers(SNOW) uses the distributed state sharing mechanism enable by RAIN System. SNOW system is a cluster of servers network that provide a highly robustic system.

There is no limit on the size of a RAIN cluster. There is no concept of master-slave relation. A RAIN cluster can tolerate multiple mode failurs. New node can be added into the added into the cluster to participate in load sharing. A part of cluster can taken down for maintance while other part can contains the work. It work with many different intermate application. This is highly efficient in traffic manegment.

It requires placement of switches in between netwok,so it is expensive. Installation and configuration is time consuming. If the switch fails its effect the network partially and switch has to be replaced.

Future Scope:
Development of APIs for using the various building blocks. The implementation of a real distributed file system using the partitioning scheme developed here. The Group Communication Protocols are being extended to address more challenging scenarios.

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