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2 Adaptations in plants


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


If an elephant had a small surface area compared to its volume. How will this affect it in hot climates?
Why do very small animals find it difficult to live in the artic?

Why are artic foxes white in the winter?


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


I know that plants are adapted to live in a variety of climates.


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


KQ: How do plants store water to adapt to hot conditions?

Know that
Plants must be adapted to live in a variety of climates, including deserts Plants must be adapted to survive being eaten by animals by developing thorns, poisonous chemicals and warning colours to put animals off There are many ways in which plants conserve water in dry environments including, extensive roots, waxy leaves, small leaves and water storage in stems

Learning objectives

Plants lose water by evaporation through leaves.


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


I know that all living things have adaptations which help them to survive

Task 1: Structure of a leaf


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


I know that plants lose water by evaporation through leaves.

Task 2: Transpiration stream


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Plants must be adapted to survive being eaten by animals by developing thorns, poisonous chemicals and warning colours to put animals off There are many ways in which plants conserve water in dry environments including, extensive roots, waxy leaves, small leaves and water storage in stems

1.What are you investigating? 2.How will you investigate this? 3.How will you record your results? 4.How will you communicate what you have discovered?

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Task 5: Plant adaptations in the Desert

Plants like cacti have adaptations such as very deep or wide root systems to collect as much water as possible. Plants that live in dry areas also need adaptations to reduce the amount of water they lose

Draw a diagram and illustrate with words how plants are adapted to different environments

They lose water through tiny holes (stomata) in their leaves when they make food by photosynthesis.


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


There are a few desert plants with broad leaves and hence a large SA. These leaves curl to catch any dew in the cold evenings, which is then funnelled to their shallow roots. Other plants in dry environments have curled leaves which reduces the surface area and traps a layer of moist air around the leaf which reduces the amount of water they lose by evaporation. GCSE

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Most plants that live in dry environments have a reduced surface area. Why? What other leaf characteristics are good for desert living? Why do plants need water? How do plants lose water from their leaves? Why do plants often reduce the SA of their leaves to help them prevent water loss? GCSE

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment



Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Three adaptations of plants 1.Leaf (size, shape etc) 2.Water storage methods 3.Keeping animals away


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


1.Where might small plants find it difficult to receive enough light? 2.State 3 ways a plant might conserve water. 3.How do animals know not to eat certain plants?

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


KQ: How do plants store water to adapt to hot conditions?

Know that
Plants must be adapted to live in a variety of climates, including deserts Plants must be adapted to survive being eaten by animals by developing thorns, poisonous chemicals and warning colours to put animals off There are many ways in which plants conserve water in dry environments including, extensive roots, waxy leaves, small leaves and water storage in stems

Learning objectives

Plants lose water by evaporation through leaves.


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Animal adaptations in the Desert

Lizards are adapted to the desert.. Their special features are


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Adaptations to the Ocean

Killer whales are adapted to the ocean.. Their special features are

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Adaptations to the Ocean

Fish are adapted to the ocean.. Their special features are


Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Adaptations in a woodland

Which types of animals live I the woodland? What features would they need to survive? GCSE

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


Learning objectives
State materials organisms need from their surroundings to survive Describe adaptations of some organisms to their environment Explain how plants can survive in areas of limited water

Biology 1b Evolution and Environment


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