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Managing Events

Dictionary Getting things done through effective people and efficient processes

Peter F. Drucker One who has the task of creating a true whole that is larger than the sum of its parts; a productive entity that turns out more than the sum of the resources put into it

Main Functions of Management

Organizing Planning Motivating Communicating Creating Controlling Problem solving

Is the process of setting goals and deciding on the best approach to achieve them

Three Types of Plan Strategic Specific Administrative, organizational and structural plans

Is the process of determining the special activities to be accomplished towards the end of objectives The gathering of these activities into relevant structures and the allocation of the achievement of objectives

the act of rearranging elements

Define the aims and objectives of the project

gain skills to do their jobs more effectively or to provide improved services.
Brief all session organisers and workshop leaders on preferred styles of presentation. Indicate in any briefing notes that sessions should be participative and experiential. Make training inputs as relevant to participants as possible and provide experiences and exercises which are challenging, but also supportive and nonjudgemental. Provide opportunities to build up the confidence and skills of participants.

Analyze the background situation in which the event has to be achieved List all the tasks to be undertaken Group together all related tasks Establish links between these group of tasks

Main committee






Establish an understanding of respective roles for all those involved Identify possible communication lines between various groups

Impelling to action

It is important to keep the staff motivated and interested It is important for an event leader to know what motivates his staff and do his very best to satisfy their individual and group needs

Giving, receiving, or exchange of information so that the material communicated is completely understood by everyone concerned and that appropriate action follows

Objectives: 1. To send a message 2. To have a message received 3. To ensure understanding 4. To achieve correct action 5. To exchange information

Methods of communication Verbal communication Non-verbal communication Written communication Visual communication Electronic communication

Is the ability to produce an original idea or thought through the use of imagination

Monitoring the performance of systems and resources

It is vital part of event management because it is necessary for things to actually happen, not just promised to happen

Four Stage Plan what you intend to do Measure what has been done Compare achievements with the blueprint Take action to correct anything that is not as it should be

Is an important skill for people who are working on events

A positive, innovative thinker

Stages: 1. Obtain the facts 2. Specify the objectives 3. Identify the problem 4. Formulate alternative solutions

5. Select the best solution 6. Put the selected solution into practice 7. Continue making observations to make sure that the chosen solution works 8. Select a new solution or adjust any corrective action

Decision making

assessment and implementation of possible strategies Team Building Is the ability of an organized group of people to work together

involves the

Giving people

something to do which they are capable of achieving


Responsibility and Power

Leadership Is an interpersonal influence exercised in situations and directed through the communication process towards the attainment of a specific goal or goals

Approachable Decisive Hardworking Flexible Knowledgeable Innovative Firm but fair Diplomatic Understanding

Staff Appraisal and

Is an assessment of the


performance strengths and weaknesses of the personnel in order to improve their work and provide constructive guidance
Crisis Management
Ability to handle crisis

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Analyze the situation in a cool manner Re-examine the objectives Examine the possibilities Consider the consequences of several solutions Select the best alternative Implement the appropriate action Continue monitoring to avoid repetition

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