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Los mandatos, parte 2 (Usted/ Ustedes) Dh3U Baos, Ecuador (Hopefully a field trip for a future UC program)

Weve already covered the informal tu commands.

The informal commands are used with friends, family members, people younger than you, pets, and those you feel are socially inferior to you.

But sometimes you need to be a bit more polite, or address a group.

Formal commands [Ud. / Uds.]

The formation is easy, if you remember the present tense. PLUS there are only 2 forms! (These use the same rules as the NEGATIVE t commands)

Start with the YO form in the present tense.

Drop the -O

Add e for the UD. form; -en for the Uds. form


Hable! [speak!]

Hablen! [All of you, speak!]

To tell someone NOT to do something....stick a NO in front.

No mire aqu. [Dont look here.]

No compren de ellos. [Dont buy from them.]

ER and IR verbs
Yo form

drop the -O add A [Ud.] and AN [Uds.]



Corra ms rpido! Run faster! No corran en las calles. Dont run in the streets.

Escriba lo que digo. Write down what I say.

No escriban en los libros. Dont write in the books.

Irregular YO forms in the present

Verbs that have an irregular YO form maintain that irregularity, to which you add the appropriate ending. DECIRdigo Diga la verdad [Tell the truth!] HACERhago Hagan la tarea [Do the homework.]

SALIRsalgo Salgan inmediatemente. Leave immediately!


Tengan cuidado! Be careful!

Stem-changing verbs maintain the change

PENSARpienso Piensen antes de actuar. (Think before you do anything.)


Cierren las ventanas. [ Close the windows.]


Vuelvan temprano. [Come back early.]


These do the same thing that happened in the pretrito, for the same reasons.

-GAR will be gue / guen for pronunciation reasons

Paguen la cuenta!Pay the bill! No pague demasiado!Dont pay too much! Jueguen bien, nios. [Play nice, kids.] -CAR will be que / quen for pronunciation reasons Toque la msica ms alto!Play the music louder! No toquen las estatuas!Dont touch the statues. -ZAR will be ce / cen just because Empiece ahora!Start now! No almuercen en la biblioteca!Dont eat lunch in the library!

4 irregular verbs to memorize

DAR D Den ESTAR est estn



sean IR vaya vayan

Miramos la tarea 7.15

Commands and pronouns

Reflexive, indirect and direct pronouns may be used with commandsLook at me! Dont talk to them! Put on your sweater! Sit [yourself] down and shut [yourself] up! Pronouns go after and attached to affirmative commands and you have to add an accent [AAA to A, AAA] to the original second to last syllable.

Mreme!Look at me!
Tell me the truth !Dgame la verdad.

For negative commands, NO + pronoun[s] + command

No me mirenDont look at me.

No me digan mentiras.Dont tell me lies.

Tarea 7.17

Cmo dar instrucciones

Youre going to write 2 different sets of instructionsone how to do something, the other how to go somewhere. Youll hand in both, so make sure I can read them. Work alone, follow the instructions, hand it in when youre done.

For next class, think of commands for our amigos. Look up any words in the vocab for leccin 10.

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