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The present simple tense & the present continuous tense: exercises

Dragana Filipovi

1.Put the verb into the correct form.

1. '. ). ,. .. /. 2. 4.

I ______ for

hris. Do !ou "no# #here he is$ %loo"&

The things are not so goo( at #or". The compan! ______ mone!. %lose& *et+s go out no#. It _________ an! more. %not rain& -ou can turn off the ra(io. I _______ to it. %not listen& I ________ tire(. I nee( a rest. %get& 0oe ________ this #ee". 1e+s on holi(a!. %not #or"& -our 3nglish __________ better. %get& The compan! I #or" for _________ so #ell this !ear. %not (o&

*et+s chec" the ans#ers.

1. '.

I am loo"ing for

hris. Do !ou "no# #here he is$

The things are not so goo( at #or". The compan! is losing mone!. *et+s go out no#. It isn+t raining an! more. -ou can turn off the ra(io. I am not listening to it. I am getting tire(. I nee( a rest. 0oe isn+t #or"ing this #ee". 1e+s on holi(a!. -our 3nglish is getting better. The compan! I #or" for isn+t (oing so #ell this !ear.

). ,. .. /. 2. 4.

'.Put the verb into the correct form.

1. '. ). ,. .. /. 2. 4.

5nn _____ tea ver! often. %not (rin"& 6hat time ________________ %the ban"s 7 open& here$ 8! parents _______ in a ver! small flat. %live& The 9l!mpic :ames _______ place ever! , !ears. %ta"e& ;egetarians _______ meat. %not eat& 5lex isn+t ver! fit. 1e _________ an! sport. %not (o& <6here ______ %:avin 7 come& from$= <1e+s >cottish.= ?a( (riving ________ man! acci(ents. %cause&

*et+s chec" the ans#ers.

1. '. ). ,. .. /. 2. 4.

5nn (oesn+t (rin" tea ver! often. 6hat time (o the ban"s open here$ 8! parents live in a ver! small flat. The 9l!mpic :ames ta"e place ever! , !ears. ;egetarians (o not eat meat. %(o not @ (on+t& 5lex isn+t ver! fit. 1e (oesn+t (o an! sport. <6here (oes :avin come from$= <1e+s >cottish.= ?a( (riving causes man! acci(ents.

Fin( the mista"es an( correct them.

1. '.

6ater boils at 1BB (egrees The #ater boils. boiling


an !ou turn it off$ is

Fin( the mista"es an( correct them.

1. '. ). ,. .. /. 2. 4.

*oo"C The man tries to open the (oor of !our car. The moon goes roun( the earth in about '2 (a!s. I must go no#. It gets late. I usuall! go to #or" b! car. an !ou hear those people$ 6hat (o the! tal" about$ <1urr! upC It+s time to leave.= <9DE I come.= It (oesn+t rain ver! much in summer. Peter is never late. 1e+s al#a!s getting to lectures on time.

*et+s chec" the mista"es.

1. '. ). ,. ..

*oo"C The man tries to open the (oor of !our car. is trying The moon goes roun( the earth in about '2 (a!s. I must go no#. It gets late. is getting I usuall! go to #or" b! car. an !ou hear those people$ 6hat (o the! tal" about$ are they talking <1urr! upC It+s time to leave.= <9DE I come.= am coming It (oesn+t rain ver! much in summer. Peter is never late. 1e+s al#a!s getting to lectures on time. He always gets

/. 2. 4.

3xpress anno!ance or (issatisfaction. Fse always ing (Present Continuous).

5: I+ve lost m! "e! again. ?: Got againC -ou ____________ !our "e!. 5: The car has bro"en (o#n again. ?: The car is useless. It ______________ (o#n. 5: *oo"C -ou+ve ma(e the same mista"e again. ?: 9h noE not againC I ___________ the same mista"e.

5: I+ve lost m! "e! again. ?: Got againC -ou are al#a!s losing !our "e!. 5: The car has bro"en (o#n again. ?: The car is useless. It is al#a!s brea"ing (o#n. 5: *oo"C -ou+ve ma(e the same mista"e again. ?: 9h noE not againC I am al#a!s ma"ing the same mista"e.

Put the verb into the correct form.


>arah is ver! goo( at languages. >he _____ %spea"& four languages ver! #ell. 1urr! upC 3ver!bo(! ______ %#ait& for !ou. The Hiver Gile ____ %flo#& into the 8e(iterranean. Ta!lor is in ?elgra(e at the moment. 1e _____ %sta!& at the Par" 1otel. <6hat ________ %!our brother 7 (o&$= <1e+s an architectE but he _______ %not 7 #or"& at the moment.

'. ). ,.



>arah is ver! goo( at languages. >he spea"s four languages ver! #ell. 1urr! upC 3ver!bo(! is #aiting for !ou. The Hiver Gile flo#s into the 8e(iterranean. Ta!lor is in ?elgra(e at the moment. 1e is sta!ing at the Par" 1otel. <6hat (oes !our brother (o$= <1e+s an architectE but he isn+t #or"ing at the moment.

'. ). ,.


That+s all fol"sC

The 3n(

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