كل شيء عن الأفعال محمد يوسف وسوسن عبود Verb patterns

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Verb Patterns in English

Verb Pattern 1:
This pattern is for the verb be. The subject complement may be a noun, a pronoun, an adjective, an adjective phrase (e.g. a propositional group). There may be an adverbial or an infinitive to. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP1
Subject + BE Subject complement/adverbial

1. This is 2. This suitcase is 3. The children are 4. This book is 5. This is

a book. mine. asleep. for you. where I work.

VP1 Continued
There are variations with introductory there/it.
There/It + BE There was It was impossible It was a pity Subject a large crowd. to go further. the weather was so bad.

1. 2. 3.

Examples of VP2A
Subject 1.We all 2.The moon 3.A period of political unrest vi breath, drink and eat. rose. followed.

Verb Pattern 2A (cont)

There are variations with introductory there/it
1. There followed 2. It doesnt matter a long period of political unrest. whether we start now or later.

Verb Pattern 2A (cont)

That-clauses are possible after seem, appear, happen, chance and follow.
1.It seemed (that) the day would never end. 2.It so chanced/happened (that) we were out when she called. 3. It doesnt followed (that) they are husband and wife.

Verb Pattern 2B
Verbs in this pattern are used with an adverbial adjunct of distance, duration, weight, cost, etc. For many occur before adverbials of distance and duration. An indirect object may occur after cost, last and take (meaning require). Click here for some examples.

Examples of VP2B
Subject + vi (for) + adverbial adjunct 1.We walked (for) five minutes. 2.The meeting lasted (for) two hours. 3.The book costs (me) $1.20. 4.This book weighs five kilos.

Verb Pattern 2C
Many intransitive verbs are used with an adverbial adjunct (including an adverbial particle alone, or an adverbial particle followed by a preposition). Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP2C
Subject + vi adverbial adjunct
1. Go away! 2. Please come in. 3. Ill soon catch up with you. 4. Its getting on for midnight. 5. It looks like rain/as if it were going to rain.

Verb Pattern 2D
Verbs in this pattern are followed by an adjective, a noun or, in the case of a reflexive verb, a pronoun. Inchoative verbs (eg become, come, get) and verbs of the senses (eg smell, taste, feel) are among the many verbs used in this pattern. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP2D
Subject + vi adjective/noun/pronoun
true. low. young. a millionaire. an acrobat. yourself. 1. Her dreams have come 2. The fire has burnt 3. She married 4. He died 5. Later he became 6. Youre not looking

Verb Pattern 2E
In this pattern the predicative adjunct is a present participle. Subject + vi
1. She lay 2. Do you like to go 3. The children came

present participle
smiling at me. dancing? running to meet us.

Verb Pattern 3A
Verbs in this pattern are followed by a preposition and its object (which may be a noun, pronoun, gerund, phase, or clause). The verb and preposition function as a unit. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP3A
Subject + vi
1. You may rely

preposition + noun/pronoun

on that man/his discretion/his being discreet. 2. Can I count on your help? 3. What has happened to them?

Verb Pattern 3A (cont)

An infinitive phase may follow the noun/pronoun.
1. Were waiting 2. I rely 3. She pleaded for our new cat to be delivered. on you to be discreet. with the judge to have mercy.

Verb Pattern 3B
The preposition is omitted before a thatclause, thus producing the same word order as in [VP9] (for transitive verbs).
He insisted on his innocence. [VP3A] He insisted that he was innocent. [VP3B] Cf He declared that he was innocent. [VP9]

Verb Pattern 3B (cont)

The preposition may be retained if its object is a dependent question, or if a preceding preposition + it construction is used. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP3B
Subject + vi (preposition (+it)) clause
1. I agree 2. You must see
3. I hesitated (to it) (about)

4. Have you decided (upon) 5. Dont worry (about)

that it was a mistake. that this sort of thing never occurs again. whether to accept your offer. where you will go for your holiday? how the money was lost.

Verb Pattern 4A
In this pattern the verb is followed by a toinfinitive of purpose, outcome, or result. Subject + vi
1. We stopped 2. How did you come 3. Will he live 4. Someone has called

to rest / to have a rest. to know her? to be ninety? to see you.

Verb Pattern 4B
The infinitive may be equivalent to a co-ordinate clause. Subject + vi
1. He awoke 2. The good old days have gone 3. Electronic music has clearly come 4. He looked round

to find the house on fire. never to return. to stay. to see the door slowly opening.

Verb Pattern 4C
The infinitive adjunct is used after some verbs which, in [VP3A], are used with prepositions.
Dont trouble / bother about that. Dont trouble / bother to meet me.

Subject + vi
1. She hesitated 2. She was longing 3. He agreed

to tell anyone. to see her family again. to come at once.

Verb Pattern 4D
The verbs seem and appear are used in this pattern. If the infinitive is be with an adjective or noun as complement, to be may be omitted (unless the adjective is one that is used only predicatively, as in [VP4E]). Subject + seem/appear
1. He seemed 2. This seems 3. I seem

(to be)+ adjective/noun

(to be) surprised at the news. (to be) a serious matter. (to be) unable to enjoy myself.

Verb Pattern 4D (cont)

There is a variation of this pattern with introductory it, when the subject is an infinitive or gerund, or a clause. adjective/ It + seem/appear noun subject
1. It seemed reasonable to try again. 2. It seems a pity to waste all that food. 3. It doesnt seem much use going on. 4. It appears unlikely that well arrive on time.

Verb Pattern 4E
If the adjective after seem/appear is used only predicatively (eg awake, asleep, afraid), to be is obligatory. Happen and chance are also used in this pattern. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP4E

to be asleep/to be sleeping. to be have resented. to be out when I called. to meet in the park. to have been some mistakes.

1. The baby seems 2. My enquiries seem 3. She happened 4. We chanced 5. There seems

Verb Pattern 4F
The finites of be are used with a to-infinitive to convey a variety of meanings be* (3) Subject + BE
1. Were 2. At what time am I 3. How am I

to be married in May. to come? to pay my debt?

Verb Pattern 5
In this pattern the auxiliary verbs or anomalous finites will/would, shall/should, can/could, must, dare, need are followed by a bare infinitive (ie without to). The phrase had better, had/would rather and would sooner fit into this pattern. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP5
Subject + anomalous finite
1. You may 2. You neednt 3. Youll 4. I didnt dare 5. Youd better

leave now. wait. find it in that box. tell anyone. start at once.

Verb Pattern 6A
The verbs in this pattern have a noun or pronoun as direct object. Conversion to the passive voice is possible. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP6A

Subject + vt
1. Did you enjoy 2. We all had 3. Everyone likes

the film? a good time. her.

Verb Pattern 6B
The verbs in this pattern have a noun or pronoun as direct object, but conversion to the passive voice is not possible. Have, meaning possess/take/eat/drink, follows this pattern. Reflexive verbs, and verbs with cognate objects, follow this pattern. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP6B
Subject + vt
1. Have you had 2. She has 3. Have you hurt 4. She smiled 5. He dreamed

breakfast yet? green eyes. yourself? her thanks. a very odd dream.

Verb Pattern 6C
In this pattern the object is a gerund, not replaceable by a to-infinitive.
Subject + vt
1. She enjoys 2. Have you finished 3. I resent

playing tennis. talking? being spoken to so rudely.

Verb Pattern 6D
In this pattern the object is a gerund. This may be replaced by a to-infinitive. For the difference between like swimming and like to swim, see the notes on [VP6D] in Guide to Patterns and Usage. Subject + vt gerund
1. She loves 2. Ill continue 3. He began going to the cinema. working while my health is good. talking about his clever children.

Verb Pattern 6E
After need, want (=need) and wont/wouldnt bear, the gerund is equivalent to a passive infinitive. Subject + NEED/WANT/BEAR gerund
1. Hell need looking after (= to be looked after) 2. My shoes want mending (= to be mended). 3. His language wouldnt bear repeating (= was too bad to be repeated).

Verb Pattern 7A
In this pattern the object of the verb is a toinfinitive. (For intransitive verbs with the same word order, see [VP4].) Subject + vt (not) + to-infinitive
1. Do they want 2. He pretended 3. We hope/expect/intend 4. I forgot/remembered to go? not to see me. to climb Mount Everest. to post you letters.

Verb Pattern 7B
Ought, and the finites of have in this pattern indicate obligation. In colloquial style have got to is more usual than have to.

Subject + HAVE/OUGHT (not) + to-infinitive

1. Do you often have 2. You dont have 3. You ought to work overtime? to leave yet, do you? not to waste you money there.

Verb Pattern 8
In this pattern the object of the verb is an interrogative pronoun or adverb (except why or whether), followed by a to-infinitive.
Subject + vt
Interrogative pronoun adverb + to-infinitive
how to do it? what to do next. where to find him. when to give advice and when to be silent.

1. Do you know/see 2. I couldnt decide 3. Ive discovered 4. You must learn

Verb Pattern 9
The object of the verb is a that-clause. That is often omitted, except after more formal verbs (eg decide, intend). Subject + vt that-clause
1. I suppose 2. I wish 3. Do you think 4. The workers decided 5. We intended youll be leaving soon. you wouldnt interrupt. itll rain? that they would go on strike. that John should be invited.

Verb Pattern 10
In this pattern, the object of the verb is a dependent clause. The clause is introduced by a relative adverb or pronoun, what, or whether / if. Subject + vt dependent clause/question
1. Does anyone know 2. Come and see 3. I wonder 4. She asked how it happened? what Ive done! whether / if hell come. why I was late.

Verb Pattern 11
The verb is followed by a noun or pronoun and a that-clause. noun/ Subject + vt pronoun that-clause
1. He warned 2. I convinced 3. We satisfied us that the roads were icy. the policeman that I was innocent. ourselves that the plan would work.

Verb Pattern 12A

The verb is followed by an indirect object (IO) and a direct object (DO). The indirect object is equivalent to a prepositional object with to. As in [VP13A] Subject + vt 1.Wont you lend 2.He doesnt owe 3.He denied/grudged IO him me her DO your car? anything. nothing.

Verb Pattern 12B

In this pattern, the indirect object is equivalent to a prepositional object with for. As in [VP13B] Subject + vt IO
1. She made 2. Will you do 3. She cooked herself me her husband

a new dress. a favour? some sausages.

Verb Pattern 12C

Verbs in this pattern are rarely or never convertible to [VP13]. The labels IO and DO are not used. Subject + vt 1.Ask 2.I envy 3.He struck noun/pronoun him you the door noun/pronoun his name. your fine garden. a heave blow.

Verb Pattern 13A

In this pattern, the verb is followed by a direct object, the preposition to, and the prepositional object. It is convertible to [VP12A]. Subject + vt DO
1. She told 2. He sold 3. Ive sent the news his old car presents

to + noun/pronoun
to everyone in the village. to one of his neighbours. to everyone in my family.

Verb Pattern 13B

In this pattern the preposition is for. It is convertible to [VP12B]. Subject + vt DO for + noun/pronoun

1. She made a new dress for her daughter. 2. Will you do a favour for a friend of mine? 3. Can you cash this cheque for me?

Verb Pattern 14
In this pattern the verb is followed by a direct object and a preposition and its object. This pattern is not convertible to [VP12], as are [VP13A] and [VP13B], Give something to somebody [VP12A] may be converted to Give somebody something [VP13A]. Explain something to somebody cannot be converted to *Explain somebody something.

Verb Pattern 14
The preposition is linked to the verb and they must be learnt together, e.g. congratulate somebody on something, compare one thing to/with another. In [VP15] however the prepositional phrase is variable, e.g. put something on/under the table, in the drawer.

Verb Pattern 14
Subject + vt DO prep noun
1. We congratulated him on his success. 2. Compare the copy with the original. 3. He compared the heart to a pump. 4. I explained my difficulty to him.

Verb Pattern 14
Variations are possible. If the DO is long, the prepositional phrase may precede it. Introductory it may be used when there is an infinitive phrase or a clause.

Verb Pattern 14
Subject + vt 1. I explained Prep + noun DO to him the impossibility of granting his request. to decide whether you should offer your resignation.

2. I must leave it to your own judgment


Subject + vt DO prep + noun 1. I explained the problem to him. 2. I must leave the decision to you.

Verb Pattern 15A

In [VP15A] the DO is followed by an adverbial phrase of place, duration, distance, etc which is obligatory. I read the book [VP6] is a complete sentence, but *I put the book is not. Put needs an adjunct. Eg I put the book down/away/on the shelf with verbs marked [VP15A] the adverbial is a prepositional phrase, which is variable (unlike [VP14]).

VP 15A (cont)
Subject + vt 1. Dont let the child put 2. The secretary showed 3. Please put DO
his head

adverbial phrase
out of the card window
to the door/into the reception room on that desk/in that file

these papers

Verb Pattern 15B

In this pattern adverbial particles are used. When the Do is a personal pronoun, the adverbial particle follows. When the Do is a noun or noun phrase, the adverbial particle may either follow or precede. If the DO is long, the adverbial particle usually precedes. Click here to see examples.

Examples of VP 15B
Subject + vt
1. Take 2. Dont throw 3. Did you wind

them/your shoes it/ that old hat it/ the clock

adverbial particle
off. away. up?

Subject + vt
1. Lock 2. She gave 3. Dont Forget to switch

adverbial particle
up away off


all your valuables. all her old clothes. the lights in all rooms downstairs

Verb Pattern 16A

In this pattern there is an adverbial adjunct which is an infinitive phrase. This may be introduced by in order to or so as to. [VP16A] is to be distinguished from [VP17A] (with the same word order).
Cf: I sent I want Tom Tom to buy some fruit. [VP16A] to buy some fruit. [VP17A]

VP 16A (cont)
In [VP16A] the infinitive is one of purpose or intended result. In [VP17] the infinitive is part of the direct object. Subject + vt DO to-infinitive
1. He brought his brother to see me. 2. He opened the door to let the cat out. 3. They left me to do all the dirty work.

Verb Pattern 16B

The DO is followed by a noun introduced by as or like, or a clause introduced by as if or as though.
Subject + vt
1. I cant see 2. Her parents spoilt 3. He carries 4. You mustnt treat

my self her himself your wife

as/like + noun as if/though + clause

as a pop singer. as a child. as soldier. as if she were as servant.

Verb Pattern 17
In this pattern, the verb is followed by a noun or pronoun and a to-infinitive. The noun/pronoun + to-infinitive is the object of the verb. noun/ Subject + vt pronoun (not) + to-infinitive
1. He likes his wife 2. They warned us 3. Do you want/wish me to dress colorfully. not to be late. to stay?

Verb Pattern 18A

In this pattern the verb is used with a noun or pronoun and a bare infinitive. The verbs indicate physical perceptions. These verbs are also used in [VP19]. [VP18] indicates completed activity and [VP19] activity in progress. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP 18A
noun/ pronoun infinitive

Subject + vt

1. Did you see/notice anyone leave the house? 2. We felt the house shake. 3. I once heard her sing the part of Aida.

Verb Pattern 18B

A small number of verbs which do not indicate physical perceptions are used in this pattern. Make and let are examples. Compare force/compel and allow/permit, which are used in [VP17].
Please let me go. [VP18B] Please allow/permit me to go. [VP17]

Examples of VP 18B
noun/ pronoun infinitive
think so? go! behave so badly before.

Subject + vt

1. What makes us 2. Let me 3. Ive never known him

Verb Pattern 18C

Have is used in this pattern when it means wish, experience, or cause.
Subject + HAVE noun/ pronoun infinitive

1. What would you have me do? 2. Have the visitors shown in, please. 3. I had a frightening thing happen to me yesterday. 4. We often have our friends visit us on Sundays.

Verb Pattern 19A

The verb is followed by a noun or pronoun and a present participle. The verbs indicate physical perceptions and are those used in [VP18A]. noun/ Subject + vt pronoun present participle
1. Can you smell 2. She could feel 3. Did you notice 4. Didnt you hear something her heart anyone me burning? beating wildly. standing at the gate? knocking?

Verb Pattern 19B

This pattern is used for some verbs which do not indicate physical perceptions. noun/ Subject + vt pronoun present participle
1. I found 2. They left 3. This set 4. Please start 5. He soon had John me me the clock them all working at his desk. waiting outside. thinking. going. laughing.

Verb Pattern 19C

In this pattern the noun or pronoun is followed by the ing form of a verb, and this may be either the present participle or the gerund, depending upon whether it is preceded by a noun or pronoun, or a possessives. For fuller notes, see [VP19C] in Guide to patterns and Usage. Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP 19C
noun/pronoun/ -ing form possessive of the verb
him/his behaving so foolishly. me/my being so stupid? you/your taking legal action? my parents/their ever being unkind to me. Tom(s) him/his standing his ground.

Subject + vt

1. I cant understand 2. Can you image 3. Does this justify 4. I cant remember 5. I admire

Verb Pattern 20
In this pattern the verb is followed by a noun or pronoun, an interrogative adverb (except why) or pronoun, and a toinfinitive. The pattern may be compared to [VP12A].
Tell Tell me me your name. [VP12A] what to call you. [VP20]

Examples of VP20
noun/ Subject + vt pronoun
1. I showed 2. Tell 3. Ask

interrogative + to-infinitive

them how to do it. him where to put it. your teacher how to pronounce the word.

Verb Pattern 21
This pattern is similar to [VP20]. An interrogative clause follows the noun or pronoun. noun/ Subject + vt pronoun interrogative clause
1. Tell 2. Ask 3. Show me him me what your name is. where he put it. what you have in your pockets.

Verb Pattern 22
The DO is followed by an adjective which indicates result or manner. Subject + vt DO adjective
green. warm. difficult.

1. We painted the ceiling 2. The sun keeps us 3. The mud made walking

Verb Pattern 23
The DO is followed by a noun (the object complement). Subject + vt DO noun

1. They made Newton President of Royal Society. 2. They named the baby Richard. 3. They usually call him Dick.

Verb Pattern 24A

The DO is followed by a past participle. Subject + vt DO past participle

1. You must make your views known. 2. Have you ever heard this opera sung in Italian? 3. We want the work finished by Saturdays.

Verb Pattern 24B

Have is used in this pattern to indicate what the subject of the sentence experiences, undergoes, or suffers (as in Nos 1 and 2), or what is held or possessed (as in No 3). Click here to see some examples.

Examples of VP24B
Subject + HAVE

past participle

1. King Charles had his head cut off. 2. Ive recently had my appendix removed. 3. They have scarcely any money saved for their old age.

Verb Pattern 24C

Have and get are used in this pattern meaning cause to be.
GET/ Subject + HAVE DO

past participle

1. Can we have/get the program changed? 2. Please have/get these letters translated into English. 3. Ill have/get the matter seen to.

Verb Pattern 25
The DO is followed by to be (often omitted) and an adjective or a noun. In spoken English [VP9] (ie with a that-clause) is preferred.
Subject + vt 1. Most people considered 2. They all felt 3. Ive always found 4. In Britain we presume DO (to be) + adjective/noun him (to be) innocent. the plan to be unwise. Jonathan friendly/a good friend. a man (to be) innocent until he is proved guilty.

Verb Pattern 25 (cont)

For 1, Most people considered that he was innocent [VP9] is more usual. Introductory it is used if, instead of a noun, there is a clause, infinitive phrase, etc.
Do you consider long hair for men strange? Do you consider it strange for men to let their hair grow long?

Materials adapted by Yang Ying from Oxford Advanced Learners English Chinese Dictionary. PowerPoint Slides jointly put together by SELF student helpers: Xuan, Jordan, Yiwei, Dong Hao and Aik Hong in 2008

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