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Adolescent Pregnancies in Bangladesh

Presented by,

Saleh Ahmed
BCC Technical Coordinator USAID/DFID NGO Health Service Delivery Project Bangladesh

To share the study findings on adolescents pregnancy decisions in Bangladesh The appropriate measures can be taken by the development experts through this outcomes There would be scope to reduce the early pregnancy, which can control population growth in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has made commendable progress in achieving MDGs 4 & 5. However, pregnancy among the adolescents is still very common in Bangladesh. 23% of total population is adolescent and among them 65% got married before their age 18 and 64.3% of them become pregnant Early marriage rate is very high 86% of women with no education were married before 18 years of age

Source: (BDHS 2011)

Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) among adolescents is only 47.1% while the national rate is 61% The median age at first marriage among women age 25-49 is 15.5 years compared with 24.2 years for men the same age Child Deaths are 50% higher for adolescent mothers compared to mothers age 20-29 15-19 has lowest birth interval 26% has 7-17 months and 21% has 18-23 months.
Source: (BDHS 2011)

Study description
Problem Statement

Population momentum effects can not be reduced for high level of early pregnancies
Lack of knowledge on the health consequences on adolescent pregnancies adolescents are becoming mother at their early ages

Study description
The study questions are:

1. Is any information adolescent have that can delay their

pregnancies? 2. What are influencing factors that provoke adolescent to become mother? 3. Who influences adolescents to become a mother?

Study methodology:
Cross sectional; applying both qualitative and quantitative methods. A total number of 50 pregnant adolescents of urban slum of Dhaka city were purposively interviewed

Conceptual Framework of the study

The study has identified factors at macro and micro levels affecting adolescent pregnancy decision making

Macro level Policy implementation Focused BCC interventions Early marriage Birth registration Social prejudice

Micro level Lack of knowledge Spousal influence Participation in fertility decision Employment Education

Adolescent pregnancies

Have strong believe that if they dont get pregnant just after marriage than it might cause infecundity Are insisted by their family members for taking baby immediately after marriage Believe that use of FP methods before first pregnancy causes the infecundity for the women

Lack of knowledge/ information on reproductive and maternal health issues Incomplete knowledge/information on right use of modern FP methods and More dependency on traditional and short term methods Have believe that early pregnancy prevent RTI and treat irregular menstruation Pressurized by social and religious prejudice

Those who are not good looking feels that if they become mother their husband will not leave them For social security such as if they become pregnant then they can avoid sexual harassment When their family failed to give dowry as demanded by their husbands than they wanted to become pregnant quickly to delay the process

In conclusion it can be said thatlack of knowledge among adolescents on maternal health and family planning , and social and religious prejudices are the main determinants for adolescent pregnancies in Bangladesh.

Challenges and lesson learned

Limited access of adolescents to FP information and services Lack of spousal communication in making decisions on pregnancy Lack of audience specific BCC interventions for adolescents on maternal health and FP issues Limited resources for appropriate BCC programs Effective enforcement of existing law Existence of social insecurity.

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