Eva Character Profile

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We first meet Eva as a young fairy, innocently immature in her ways; she often competes and teases with her fellow fairy Alia, yet she does not realise her actions are hurtful and will have consequences.

When Eva and Alia befriend the Old Artist, they spend most their time with him in the Garden, posing whilst he draws. They become a family.

Though Eva can still not resist to compete with Alia for his attention as she knows they have a special bond, and so in turn she teases her about this. Though in her playful and young nature she means no harm...

Yet the consequences to face begin when the Old Artist slips and falls on his way to the garden and Eva cannot contain her laughter, to which the Artist does not take well. His past of pain and torment had been forgotten about until now, the echo of laughter brings it back.

Alia knowing the Artist and how he will be feeling goes to comfort him, yet as she does the Eva begins to mock and tease her of being in love. Alia for the first time becomes angry and beings to shout at Eva, though as she does she too falls. Eva laughs harder and we see the artist angrily stand to his feet and hobble away.
Alia then tells Eva how she will regret this and flies away, leaving her home with the fairies and isolating herself to the deepest part of the fairy world.

Years pass by and the curse takes its toll and the world; what was once a beautiful land, is miserable and bleak. Evas once joyful and carefree ways fade, she matures with misery as she and the land loses hope. That is until the news of a saviour to come, the last hope she and the last few fairies remaining, including Alia. Eva has not seen Alia since the day she left, and her words were true: Eva does regret her torment and teasing and misses Alia dearly. Yet news of a saviour brings the hope back into her life, and hope that Alia may too one day return. The saviour first enters the world as a child; young and carefree just as Eva once was. Eva takes her to waterfall where the last bit of life lives in the land; still a bright and joyful place. She gives Victoria a pendant which will be her guide when she is older and ready to return.

When Victoria does return, she is at first scared and confused. Yet with the help and encouragement of Eva, she soon remembers her magical journey to the world as a child.

Eva tells Victoria of the Old Artist and his cruel curse and how she is destined to save the world and will succeed as long as she believes in herself, just like Eva believes in her...Evas faith in Victoria gives her confidence and she begins her journey on her quest. When Victoria succeeds and defeats the curse, there is a price: her life. Though just as Eva had so hoped, Alia returned and the fairies world was once filled with life and joy again.

Together, united, the fairies combined their glows and sent all the power they had to now save their saviour.

Youthful- full of life Energetic- lively and graceful in movement Joyful a fairy that takes joy in her world and life Carefree- seems as though she has no worries Innocent- her actions are not meant in a harmful way Naive- she does not see what her actions do usually Matures with time when she see's what her ways have helped cause, though she does not loose hope.

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