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The German Idea of Freedom

Leonard Krieger 2. Theology 3. The Reformation 4. Supplementary Texts Fall of the Wall: Berlin, Leipzig 5. Conclusion 1.

Leonard Krieger
Intellectual Historian 1957: German Idea of Freedom Sonderweg Obedient German Colonel Klink, Hogans Heroes Spiritual German What is Freedom?

Student Learning Objectives

1. Familiarity with the variety of German Freedom Fighters 2. Test Kriegers Hypothesis 3. Be able to identify the operation of different concepts of freedom in texts, images, music 4. Be able to analyze the implications of this debate for German studies 5. Begin to take positions in the debate about where Germany went wrong

Papal Supremacy



Sin and Grace Treasury of Merit Indugence

Theology & Politics

Church Authority Absolve Sin Abuse?

Martin Luther
1483-1546, Saxony Theologian, Monk, Preacher Abusive Father Fear for own salvation Storm

95 Theses
Wittenberg, 1517 Cannot purchase salvation Authority: Bible Subsequent Events: Aug 1518, Imperial diet of Augsburg, Cardinal Cajetan 1519, Leipzig, disputation 1520, Papal Bull, Exsurge Domine

Nov. 1520: 3 Pamphlets

Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church On the Freedom of a Christian Person

Diet of Worms

1521: Excommunication Elector of Saxony Frederick III 1525: Peasant Wars

Supplementary Texts
The CH The Third Reich The DDR The BRD Fall of the Wall: Berlin, Leipzig

Medieval Europe

Swiss Confederacy (CH)

Lake Lucerne



The Third Reich

Treaty of Versailles

The Third Reich

Nazi Movement

The Third Reich


The Third Reich


Cold War Germany

Resurrection from the Ruins

1949: DDR Poet: Johannes Becher Music: Hans Eichler

From the ruins risen newly, to the future turned, we stand. Let us serve your good will truly, Germany, our fatherland. Triumph over bygone sorrow, can in unity be won. For we shall attain a morrow, when over our Germany, there is radiant sun, there is radiant sun. May both peace and joy inspire, Germany, our fatherland. Peace is all the worlds desire, to the peoples lend your hand. In fraternity united, we shall crush the peoples foe. Let all paths by peace be lighted, that no mother shall again mourn her son in woe, mourn her son in woe.

Cold War Germany

Rudi Dutschke
Born in DDR Refused to join Army Fled to BRD 1961 Leader of Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund Anti-Vietnam Anti-American: Cold War (Wall?) More democracy: universities, police, parents

Benno Ohnesorge
1967: Shah of Iran Police Overreacted to student protests Karl-Heinz Kurras

How Change?
Rote Armee Faktion: Bomb and Kidnap Capitalists Long March Through the Institutions Text Dutschke: 1968/79

Monday Demonstrations

1989: meetings to discuss ways to reform the DDR Churches: Nikolaichurch in Leipzig Marched



Tilo Schultz

Student Learning Objectives

1. Familiarity with the variety of German Freedom Fighters 2. Test Kriegers Hypothesis 3. Be able to identify the operation of different concepts of freedom in texts, images, music 4. Be able to analyze the implications of this debate for German studies 5. Begin to take positions in the debate about where Germany went wrong

What Question for Midterm?

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