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Ben, Nova, Dimas & Ratih

Company Background

Nissan have been in existence as a company since 1914. However, up to 1934 they marketed there products as another well known name, Datsun. However, the name Nissan has been used since 1930. Nissan was founded as Nissan Motors in 1934. Nissan are a multinational automaker based in Japan. The companys main offices are located in Tokyo, but eventually they plan to move to Yokohama, by 2010. Nissan have alliances with a few companies around the world, and one of these is an alliance with Renault S.A. of France. Nissan is a major rival of companys in the U.S. as are two other Japanese companies. Currently they are the third biggest Japanese car manufacturer. In the last 12 years, Nissan have won straight awards for the Nissan VQ engines, of V6 configuration. These were classified under Wards 10 Best Engines Nissan are currently well known for the Infiniti brand of vehicle.

Company Timeline
1933 Started as Jidosha Seizo Co. Ltd 1934 Changed to Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. 1944 Headquarters Shifted to Tokyo 1950 Acquired Stake in Minsei Diesel Motors Co. Ltd. 1952 Technological Cooperation with Austin Motors 1958 Exports to USA 1959 First overseas factory at Taiwan 1966 Merged with Prince Motors Ltd. 1980 Garner the worlds biggest auto market 1990 Nissans decline started 1999 Nissan & Renault Partnership

Decline Of Nissan







Company Culture

NISSAN Renault Partnership

In March 1999. The French company under the Japanese company from two different cultures have come to an agreement involved in joint ventures, including joint platforms for production. Nissan hold 15% of shares in Renault, and Renault hold approximately 44% shares of Nissan.

The object of the merger is to provide common sales, which benefits both parties, and ultimately, their profit margins. They are involved in a lot of joint operations and benches including the choice of suppliers and they have both involved in negotiation with suppliers. They both still operate independently, but this venture has proved to be very successful. However, they have both from different cultures, and the CEO has mentioned that independently, they operate within their all framework and culture.
The question is, why NISSAN want to have a partnership with Renault?

NISSAN Information Strategy

Nissan's information systems are now part of a joint strategy with Renault in regard to their Information Services and IT infrastructure of the organisation. They have combined on both IT structures and production platforms so that the global information services are available to both Reynolds and Nissan's information services departments. This has been in operation since 2001

Figures 1 : NISSAN Inf. Strategy

NISSAN Strategic Position







Get new products to the market place before competitors. Seize market segments and niches that competitors have overlooked. Do not attack established products and services. This is like attack in an opponent who holds a fortified position. Bypass these until have overwhelming advantage. Avoid price wars. Trying to gain market share in a mature market is like fighting a protracted war. Shorten the distribution chain, or supply line. Cut out unnecessary middleman.

Result? Good!

NISSAN Strategic Position : Phase 2

Nissan recognized that their business and traditional values would be in need of a radical overall, to gain market share in Europe. Hence the improvements stated, such as the localisation of production and distribution channels in Europe. What they recognized is (Using Porter Value Chain Analysis):

Entry of competitors. Threat of substitutes. Bargaining power of buyers. Bargaining power of suppliers. (Renault-Nissan Purchasing Organisation) Rivalry among the existing players.

NISSAN Future Strategies

Nissan are now intending to venture into the East European market. One of the key challenges in doing this is managing the logistics in countries like Romania. There are very few major row is and are relatively long supply chain would exist to consumer markets in Western Europe. Longer term it is Nissan's aim to venture into the East European market and those countries that are committed to the European Union, thus fulfilling one of the opportunity is outlined. Seek new opportunities in light commercial vehicles. They are also promoting the infinity luxury brand on an ongoing basis on a global scale.

NISSAN Swot Analysis


Manufacturing Process Build to Order Advances Local Management Development Programmes Partnership with Renault

NISSAN Swot Analysis

Product Recalls 2004 Lack of Diesel Technology

Fig 5. Nissan Share of European Diesel Car Sales (Ricardo Plc., 2005)

NISSAN Swot Analysis


There are still many countries within Europe awareness and does not have a presence. While it is prohibitively expensive Nissan to set up new distribution is within these countries, due to low market share there is the opportunity for Nissan and Renault to set up a joint distribution network. This will serve to reduce costs for both Nissan and Renault. It would also serve to gain increased market exposure for Nissan across Europe.

NISSAN Swot Analysis

Cross-Cultural Disharmony Commodity Prices Competitive Rivalry

Case Study : Nissan Juke

NISSAN Juke Specification

NISSAN Juke Product Tagline

The Stylish Crossover Perpaduan SUV dan coupe yang tangguh namun tetap stylish Curvy Performance - Tiap lekuk kekar Nissan Juke kental dengan pesona sedan sport New Breed Of Crossover - Pendekatan desain berani yang menggabungkan lekuk tangguh SUV dengan tampilan elegan sedan sport

NISSAN Juke Achivement

Car of the Year 2011 Best Compact SUV 2012

NISSAN Juke Case : Burned Car

Olivia Dewi (17), mantan Gadis Sampul, tewas mengenaskan saat mobil Nissan Juke B 60 GOH yang dikemudikannya menghantam fondasi reklame di depan gedung Graha Nusa Santana, Sabtu (10/3/2012) malam. Benturan hebat yang terjadi saat itu ternyata menimbulkan percikan api. Malangnya, Olivia tidak dapat menyelamatkan diri karena terjepit di antara kemudi setir. Olivia pun tewas terbakar dalam mobil itu. Sementara temannya, Joy Sebastian (17), sempat menyelamatkan diri keluar dari mobil.

NISSAN Juke Case : Fact

HUMAN ERROR Tubuh Olivia tidak dalam keadaan fit, mengandung zat etanol Olivia menyetir mobil tidak sesuai standar, 90 Km/Jam di jalanan sempit, sehingga menabrak tiang reklame dan keluar percikan api

MACHINE ERROR Adanya perbedaan spesifikasi antara buku panduan dan dokumen resmi kendaraan bermotor. Katup injector yang tidak ditutup sesuai dengan spesifikasi Airbag tidak mengembang, dan pintu terkunci secara otomatis

NISSAN Juke Case : Conclusion

Kasus Olivia setelah dilakukan penyelidikan selama 5 bulan dinyatakan MURNI kesalahan pengemudi Polisi sudah mendatangkan tim peniliti dari Jepang, yang akan meneliti penyebab asli nya Hasil dari penelitian di serahkan tertutup kepada polisi Untuk masalah RECALL 400 Unit NISSAN Juke yang dilakukan oleh NISSAN MOTORS INDONESIA, bukan dikarenakan peristiwa ini, melainkan adanya temuan kerusakan di bagian jok belakang

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