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Old English Period


Time Span
5 century to 1150

Doesnt conclude with Norman Conquest (1066)

Literary Features

As time went on, Christian ideas influenced earlier

pagan ones Impossible to refer to any extant poetry as pagan (NB: manuscripts written down in monasteries)

2) ANONYMOUS ORIGINS: Direct mention of only one poet: Caedmon Name of Cynewulf known because he signed poems in runic lettera at the end of 4 poems Prose: Came later Used for practical purposes Authorship established in many cases

3)IMITATIVE QUALITY : Much prose and some poetry translated or adapted from Latin Favorite books for translation: books of the Bible, lives of saints

4) THE MANUSCRIPTS: Oral Tradition !!! Late in date Unique Four still exist: a) Beowulf (at the British Museum) b) Junius MS (at Bodleian, Oxford): contains Caedmonian poems c) Exeter Book (at Exeter cathedral): signed poems of Cynewulf d) Vercelli Book: 2 signed poems of Cynewulf and Andreas and The Dream of the Rood

Old English Language


Difficulty Vocabulary: Mainly native Some borrowing from Latin Grammar: Declinable nouns, pronouns, adjs elaborate verbal system 4 main dialects: Northumbrian, Mercian, Kentish, West Saxon (language of king Alfred, in which almost all extant texts are preserved)

Old English Poetry

Beowulf: Considered greatest single work of Old English literature It is the story of a Scandinavian (Geat) thane (warrior or knight) who comes to help a neighboring tribe, the Danes, who are being attacked by a monster.

No evidence of actual authorship Reworking of older material by a Christian In West Saxon Strongly rhythmical verse Alliterative Genre: Heroic epic poem

1) King Alfred: father of English prose Began series of translations of texts in Latin due to lamentable state of English learning Encouraged education

Alfred The Great

Alfred the Great (871-899) encouraged education

Had books translated from Latin to English

Pastoral Care Bedes Ecclesiastical History of the English People

The Consolation of Philosophy

Sermon to the English

2) Aelfric: Extant works: Catholic homilies, lives of the saints, translations from Scriptures

3) Wulfstan: Several signed homilies survive

4) The Anglo Chronicle: Probably inspired by Alfred Style: varies greatly from simple notices to long passages of narrative and description

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