The History of Life On Earth 2011

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Chapter 25

The History of Life on Earth

PowerPoint Lecture Presentations for

Eighth Edition Neil Campbell and Jane Reece
Lectures by Chris Romero, updated by Erin Barley with contributions from Joan Sharp
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

Overview: Lost Worlds Past organisms were very different from those now alive The fossil record shows macroevolutionary changes over large time scales including
The emergence of terrestrial vertebrates The origin of photosynthesis Long-term impacts of mass extinctions

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

Fig. 25-1

Fig 25-UN1


Concept 25.1: Conditions on early Earth made the origin of life possible Chemical and physical processes on early Earth may have produced very simple cells through a sequence of stages:
1. Abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules 2. Joining of these small molecules into macromolecules 3. Packaging of molecules into protobionts 4. Origin of self-replicating molecules
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Synthesis of Organic Compounds on Early Earth Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago, along with the rest of the solar system Earths early atmosphere likely contained water vapor and chemicals released by volcanic eruptions (nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide)

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A. I. Oparin and J. B. S. Haldane hypothesized that the early atmosphere was a reducing environment Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted lab experiments that showed that the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules in a reducing atmosphere is possible

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However, the evidence is not yet convincing that the early atmosphere was in fact reducing Instead of forming in the atmosphere, the first organic compounds may have been synthesized near submerged volcanoes and deep-sea vents

Video: Tubeworms Video: Hydrothermal Vent

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Fig. 25-2

Amino acids have also been found in meteorites

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Abiotic Synthesis of Macromolecules Small organic molecules polymerize when they are concentrated on hot sand, clay, or rock

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Protobionts Replication and metabolism are key properties of life Protobionts are aggregates of abiotically produced molecules surrounded by a membrane or membrane-like structure Protobionts exhibit simple reproduction and metabolism and maintain an internal chemical environment

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Experiments demonstrate that protobionts could have formed spontaneously from abiotically produced organic compounds For example, small membrane-bounded droplets called liposomes can form when lipids or other organic molecules are added to water

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Fig. 25-3

20 m


Glucose-phosphate Phosphatase

Starch Phosphate

Amylase Maltose

(a) Simple reproduction by liposomes

Maltose (b) Simple metabolism

Fig. 25-3a

20 m

(a) Simple reproduction by liposomes

Fig. 25-3b



Phosphate Amylase Maltose

Maltose (b) Simple metabolism

Self-Replicating RNA and the Dawn of Natural Selection The first genetic material was probably RNA, not DNA RNA molecules called ribozymes have been found to catalyze many different reactions
For example, ribozymes can make complementary copies of short stretches of their own sequence or other short pieces of RNA

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Early protobionts with self-replicating, catalytic RNA would have been more effective at using resources and would have increased in number through natural selection

The early genetic material might have formed an RNA world

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Concept 25.2: The fossil record documents the history of life The fossil record reveals changes in the history of life on earth

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The Fossil Record Sedimentary rocks are deposited into layers called strata and are the richest source of fossils

Video: Grand Canyon

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Fig. 25-4


Rhomaleosaurus victor, a plesiosaur


Casts of ammonites

Hallucigenia Coccosteus cuspidatus

Dickinsonia costata


Tappania, a unicellular eukaryote Fossilized stromatolite

Fig. 25-4-1


Dickinsonia costata


Tappania, a unicellular eukaryote Fossilized stromatolite

Fig. 25-4a-2


Rhomaleosaurus victor, a plesiosaur


Casts of ammonites

Coccosteus cuspidatus

Fig. 25-4b

Rhomaleosaurus victor, a plesiosaur

Fig. 25-4c


Fig. 25-4d

Casts of ammonites

Fig. 25-4e

Coccosteus cuspidatus

Fig. 25-4f


Fig. 25-4g

Dickinsonia costata

2.5 cm

Fig. 25-4h

Tappania, a unicellular eukaryote

Fig. 25-4i


Fig. 25-4j

Fossilized stromatolite

Few individuals have fossilized, and even fewer have been discovered The fossil record is biased in favor of species that
Existed for a long time Were abundant and widespread Had hard parts
Animation: The Geologic Record
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How Rocks and Fossils Are Dated Sedimentary strata reveal the relative ages of fossils The absolute ages of fossils can be determined by radiometric dating A parent isotope decays to a daughter isotope at a constant rate Each isotope has a known half-life, the time required for half the parent isotope to decay
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Fig. 25-5


Accumulating daughter isotope


Remaining parent isotope 1

4 1/ 8 1/ 16

3 2 Time (half-lives)

Radiocarbon dating can be used to date fossils up to 75,000 years old For older fossils, some isotopes can be used to date sedimentary rock layers above and below the fossil

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The magnetism of rocks can provide dating information Reversals of the magnetic poles leave their record on rocks throughout the world

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The Origin of New Groups of Organisms Mammals belong to the group of animals called tetrapods The evolution of unique mammalian features through gradual modifications can be traced from ancestral synapsids through the present

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Fig. 25-6

Synapsid (300 mya)

Temporal fenestra

Key Articular Quadrate Dentary Squamosal

Therapsid (280 mya) Temporal fenestra EARLY TETRAPODS Reptiles (including dinosaurs and birds) Dimetrodon

Early cynodont (260 mya)

Temporal fenestra

Very late cynodonts


Later cynodont (220 mya)


Very late cynodont (195 mya)

Fig. 25-6-1

Synapsid (300 mya)

Temporal fenestra

Key Articular Quadrate Dentary Squamosal

Therapsid (280 mya) Temporal fenestra

Fig. 25-6-2

Early cynodont (260 mya)

Key Temporal fenestra Later cynodont (220 mya) Articular Quadrate Dentary Squamosal

Very late cynodont (195 mya)

Concept 25.3: Key events in lifes history include the origins of single-celled and multicelled organisms and the colonization of land The geologic record is divided into the Archaean, the Proterozoic, and the Phanerozoic eons

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Table 25-1

Table 25-1a

Table 25-1b

The Phanerozoic encompasses multicellular eukaryotic life The Phanerozoic is divided into three eras: the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Major boundaries between geological divisions correspond to extinction events in the fossil record

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Fig. 25-7


Colonization of land Animals Origin of solar system and Earth

1 Proterozoic



Multicellular eukaryotes
Single-celled eukaryotes

Atmospheric oxygen

The First Single-Celled Organisms The oldest known fossils are stromatolites, rock-like structures composed of many layers of bacteria and sediment Stromatolites date back 3.5 billion years ago Prokaryotes were Earths sole inhabitants from 3.5 to about 2.1 billion years ago

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Fig 25-UN2


Photosynthesis and the Oxygen Revolution Most atmospheric oxygen (O2) is of biological origin O2 produced by oxygenic photosynthesis reacted with dissolved iron and precipitated out to form banded iron formations The source of O2 was likely bacteria similar to modern cyanobacteria

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By about 2.7 billion years ago, O2 began accumulating in the atmosphere and rusting iron-rich terrestrial rocks This oxygen revolution from 2.7 to 2.2 billion years ago
Posed a challenge for life Provided opportunity to gain energy from light Allowed organisms to exploit new ecosystems
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Fig 25-UN3

Atmospheric oxygen

Fig. 25-8

The First Eukaryotes The oldest fossils of eukaryotic cells date back 2.1 billion years The hypothesis of endosymbiosis proposes that mitochondria and plastids (chloroplasts and related organelles) were formerly small prokaryotes living within larger host cells An endosymbiont is a cell that lives within a host cell

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Fig 25-UN4

Singlecelled eukaryotes

The prokaryotic ancestors of mitochondria and plastids probably gained entry to the host cell as undigested prey or internal parasites In the process of becoming more interdependent, the host and endosymbionts would have become a single organism Serial endosymbiosis supposes that mitochondria evolved before plastids through a sequence of endosymbiotic events
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Fig. 25-9-1

Plasma membrane Ancestral prokaryote



Endoplasmic reticulum Nuclear envelope


Fig. 25-9-2

Aerobic heterotrophic prokaryote

Mitochondrion Ancestral heterotrophic eukaryote

Fig. 25-9-3

Photosynthetic prokaryote



Ancestral photosynthetic eukaryote

Fig. 25-9-4

Plasma membrane Ancestral prokaryote



Endoplasmic reticulum Nuclear envelope Aerobic heterotrophic prokaryote Mitochondrion Ancestral heterotrophic eukaryote


Photosynthetic prokaryote

Mitochondrion Plastid

Ancestral photosynthetic eukaryote

Key evidence supporting an endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and plastids:

Similarities in inner membrane structures and functions
Division is similar in these organelles and some prokaryotes These organelles transcribe and translate their own DNA Their ribosomes are more similar to prokaryotic than eukaryotic ribosomes
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The Origin of Multicellularity The evolution of eukaryotic cells allowed for a greater range of unicellular forms A second wave of diversification occurred when multicellularity evolved and gave rise to algae, plants, fungi, and animals

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The Earliest Multicellular Eukaryotes Comparisons of DNA sequences date the common ancestor of multicellular eukaryotes to 1.5 billion years ago The oldest known fossils of multicellular eukaryotes are of small algae that lived about 1.2 billion years ago

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The snowball Earth hypothesis suggests that periods of extreme glaciation confined life to the equatorial region or deep-sea vents from 750 to 580 million years ago

The Ediacaran biota were an assemblage of larger and more diverse soft-bodied organisms that lived from 565 to 535 million years ago

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Fig 25-UN5

Multicellular eukaryotes

The Cambrian Explosion The Cambrian explosion refers to the sudden appearance of fossils resembling modern phyla in the Cambrian period (535 to 525 million years ago)

The Cambrian explosion provides the first evidence of predator-prey interactions

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Fig 25-UN6


Fig. 25-10

Early Paleozoic era (Cambrian period)

Late Proterozoic eon



Millions of years ago

Sponges Cnidarians Echinoderms

Brachiopods Annelids Molluscs Arthropods

DNA analyses suggest that many animal phyla diverged before the Cambrian explosion, perhaps as early as 700 million to 1 billion years ago Fossils in China provide evidence of modern animal phyla tens of millions of years before the Cambrian explosion The Chinese fossils suggest that the Cambrian explosion had a long fuse
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Fig. 25-11

(a) Two-cell stage

150 m

(b) Later stage

200 m

The Colonization of Land Fungi, plants, and animals began to colonize land about 500 million years ago Plants and fungi likely colonized land together by 420 million years ago Arthropods and tetrapods are the most widespread and diverse land animals

Tetrapods evolved from lobe-finned fishes around 365 million years ago
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Fig 25-UN7

Colonization of land

Concept 25.4: The rise and fall of dominant groups reflect continental drift, mass extinctions, and adaptive radiations The history of life on Earth has seen the rise and fall of many groups of organisms

Video: Volcanic Eruption Video: Lava Flow

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Continental Drift

At three points in time, the land masses of Earth have formed a supercontinent: 1.1 billion, 600 million, and 250 million years ago Earths continents move slowly over the underlying hot mantle through the process of continental drift Oceanic and continental plates can collide, separate, or slide past each other
Interactions between plates cause the formation of mountains and islands, and earthquakes
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Fig. 25-12

Juan de Fuca Plate Cocos Plate Pacific Plate

North American Plate Caribbean Plate Arabian Plate

Eurasian Plate

Philippine Plate Indian Plate

Mantle Outer core Inner core (a) Cutaway view of Earth

Nazca Plate

South American Plate African Plate Australian Plate

Scotia Plate

Antarctic Plate

(b) Major continental plates

Fig. 25-12a



Outer core Inner core

(a) Cutaway view of Earth

Fig. 25-12b

North American Plate Juan de Fuca Plate Cocos Plate Pacific Plate Nazca Plate Caribbean Plate Arabian Plate

Eurasian Plate

Philippine Plate Indian Plate

South American Plate

African Plate

Australian Plate

Scotia Plate

Antarctic Plate

(b) Major continental plates

Consequences of Continental Drift Formation of the supercontinent Pangaea about 250 million years ago had many effects
A reduction in shallow water habitat A colder and drier climate inland Changes in climate as continents moved toward and away from the poles

Changes in ocean circulation patterns leading to global cooling

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Fig. 25-13

Present Cenozoic

Eurasia Africa South America India




Millions of years ago





Fig. 25-13a

Millions of years ago Cenozoic



South America



Fig. 25-13b

Millions of years ago 135 251 Paleozoic


The break-up of Pangaea lead to allopatric speciation The current distribution of fossils reflects the movement of continental drift For example, the similarity of fossils in parts of South America and Africa is consistent with the idea that these continents were formerly attached

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Mass Extinctions The fossil record shows that most species that have ever lived are now extinct At times, the rate of extinction has increased dramatically and caused a mass extinction

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The Big Five Mass Extinction Events In each of the five mass extinction events, more than 50% of Earths species became extinct

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Fig. 25-14

20 Total extinction rate (families per million years):

800 700 Number of families:


600 500


400 300

200 100 Paleozoic S D 359 Mesozoic C J 200 145


0 Era Period 542

C 299

P 251


P 65.5

N 0

488 444 416

Time (millions of years ago)

The Permian extinction defines the boundary between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras This mass extinction occurred in less than 5 million years and caused the extinction of about 96% of marine animal species This event might have been caused by volcanism, which lead to global warming, and a decrease in oceanic oxygen

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The Cretaceous mass extinction 65.5 million years ago separates the Mesozoic from the Cenozoic Organisms that went extinct include about half of all marine species and many terrestrial plants and animals, including most dinosaurs

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Fig. 25-15

NORTH AMERICA Yucatn Peninsula Chicxulub crater

The presence of iridium in sedimentary rocks suggests a meteorite impact about 65 million years ago The Chicxulub crater off the coast of Mexico is evidence of a meteorite that dates to the same time

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Is a Sixth Mass Extinction Under Way? Scientists estimate that the current rate of extinction is 100 to 1,000 times the typical background rate Data suggest that a sixth human-caused mass extinction is likely to occur unless dramatic action is taken

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Consequences of Mass Extinctions Mass extinction can alter ecological communities and the niches available to organisms It can take from 5 to 100 million years for diversity to recover following a mass extinction Mass extinction can pave the way for adaptive radiations

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Fig. 25-16

Predator genera (percentage of marine genera)

50 40 30 20 10 0

Paleozoic Mesozoic Era D C P C E O S J Tr Period 359 488 444 416 542 299 251 200 145

P 65.5

N 0

Time (millions of years ago)

Adaptive Radiations Adaptive radiation is the evolution of diversely adapted species from a common ancestor upon introduction to new environmental opportunities

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Worldwide Adaptive Radiations Mammals underwent an adaptive radiation after the extinction of terrestrial dinosaurs The disappearance of dinosaurs (except birds) allowed for the expansion of mammals in diversity and size Other notable radiations include photosynthetic prokaryotes, large predators in the Cambrian, land plants, insects, and tetrapods

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Fig. 25-17


Monotremes (5 species)
Marsupials (324 species)

Eutherians (placental mammals; 5,010 species)

250 200 100 150 Millions of years ago 50 0

Regional Adaptive Radiations Adaptive radiations can occur when organisms colonize new environments with little competition The Hawaiian Islands are one of the worlds great showcases of adaptive radiation

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Fig. 25-18

Close North American relative, the tarweed Carlquistia muirii

KAUAI 5.1 million years MOLOKAI OAHU 3.7 LANAI million years 1.3 MAUI million years

Dubautia laxa

Argyroxiphium sandwicense

HAWAII 0.4 million years

Dubautia waialealae

Dubautia scabra

Dubautia linearis

Fig. 25-18a

KAUAI 5.1 million years


1.3 MAUI million years

OAHU 3.7 million years


HAWAII 0.4 million years

Fig. 25-18b

Close North American relative, the tarweed Carlquistia muirii

Fig. 25-18c

Dubautia waialealae

Fig. 25-18d

Dubautia laxa

Fig. 25-18e

Dubautia scabra

Fig. 25-18f

Argyroxiphium sandwicense

Fig. 25-18g

Dubautia linearis

Concept 25.5: Major changes in body form can result from changes in the sequences and regulation of developmental genes
Studying genetic mechanisms of change can provide insight into large-scale evolutionary change

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Evolutionary Effects of Development Genes Genes that program development control the rate, timing, and spatial pattern of changes in an organisms form as it develops into an adult

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Changes in Rate and Timing Heterochrony is an evolutionary change in the rate or timing of developmental events It can have a significant impact on body shape The contrasting shapes of human and chimpanzee skulls are the result of small changes in relative growth rates

Animation: Allometric Growth

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Fig. 25-19


5 Age (years)



(a) Differential growth rates in a human

Chimpanzee fetus

Chimpanzee adult

Human fetus

Human adult

(b) Comparison of chimpanzee and human skull growth

Fig. 25-19a


5 Age (years)



(a) Differential growth rates in a human

Fig. 25-19b

Chimpanzee fetus

Chimpanzee adult

Human fetus

Human adult

(b) Comparison of chimpanzee and human skull growth

Heterochrony can alter the timing of reproductive development relative to the development of nonreproductive organs In paedomorphosis, the rate of reproductive development accelerates compared with somatic development The sexually mature species may retain body features that were juvenile structures in an ancestral species
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Fig. 25-20


Changes in Spatial Pattern Substantial evolutionary change can also result from alterations in genes that control the placement and organization of body parts Homeotic genes determine such basic features as where wings and legs will develop on a bird or how a flowers parts are arranged

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Hox genes are a class of homeotic genes that provide positional information during development If Hox genes are expressed in the wrong location, body parts can be produced in the wrong location For example, in crustaceans, a swimming appendage can be produced instead of a feeding appendage
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Evolution of vertebrates from invertebrate animals was associated with alterations in Hox genes Two duplications of Hox genes have occurred in the vertebrate lineage These duplications may have been important in the evolution of new vertebrate characteristics

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Fig. 25-21

Hypothetical vertebrate ancestor (invertebrate) with a single Hox cluster First Hox duplication

Hypothetical early vertebrates (jawless) with two Hox clusters Second Hox duplication

Vertebrates (with jaws) with four Hox clusters

The Evolution of Development The tremendous increase in diversity during the Cambrian explosion is a puzzle Developmental genes may play an especially important role Changes in developmental genes can result in new morphological forms

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Changes in Genes New morphological forms likely come from gene duplication events that produce new developmental genes A possible mechanism for the evolution of sixlegged insects from a many-legged crustacean ancestor has been demonstrated in lab experiments Specific changes in the Ubx gene have been identified that can turn off leg development
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Fig. 25-22

Hox gene 6

Hox gene 7 Ubx

Hox gene 8

About 400 mya



Changes in Gene Regulation Changes in the form of organisms may be caused more often by changes in the regulation of developmental genes instead of changes in their sequence

For example three-spine sticklebacks in lakes have fewer spines than their marine relatives
The gene sequence remains the same, but the regulation of gene expression is different in the two groups of fish
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Fig. 25-23

RESULTS Test of Hypothesis A: Differences in the coding sequence of the Pitx1 gene? Test of Hypothesis B: Differences in the regulation of expression of Pitx1 ? Marine stickleback embryo Result: No

The 283 amino acids of the Pitx1 protein are identical. Pitx1 is expressed in the ventral spine and mouth regions of developing marine sticklebacks but only in the mouth region of developing lake stickbacks. Lake stickleback embryo

Result: Yes

Close-up of mouth

Close-up of ventral surface

Fig. 25-23a

Marine stickleback embryo

Lake stickleback embryo

Close-up of mouth

Close-up of ventral surface

Concept 25.6: Evolution is not goal oriented Evolution is like tinkeringit is a process in which new forms arise by the slight modification of existing forms

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Evolutionary Novelties

Most novel biological structures evolve in many stages from previously existing structures
Complex eyes have evolved from simple photosensitive cells independently many times Exaptations are structures that evolve in one context but become co-opted for a different function Natural selection can only improve a structure in the context of its current utility
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Fig. 25-24

Pigmented cells (photoreceptors) Epithelium Nerve fibers

Pigmented cells

Nerve fibers

(a) Patch of pigmented cells

Fluid-filled cavity Epithelium

(b) Eyecup
Cellular mass (lens) Cornea

Optic nerve

Pigmented layer (retina)

Optic nerve

(c) Pinhole camera-type eye

(d) Eye with primitive lens

Lens Retina

Optic nerve

(e) Complex camera-type eye

Evolutionary Trends Extracting a single evolutionary progression from the fossil record can be misleading Apparent trends should be examined in a broader context

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Fig. 25-25
Recent (11,500 ya) Equus Pleistocene (1.8 mya) Hippidion and other genera Nannippus Pliohippus Pliocene (5.3 mya) Hipparion Neohipparion


Megahippus Callippus Archaeohippus

Miocene (23 mya)

Merychippus Anchitherium Hypohippus


Oligocene (33.9 mya)

Miohippus Mesohippus



Eocene (55.8 mya)


Orohippus Key Grazers Browsers


Fig. 25-25a

Oligocene (33.9 mya)

Miohippus Mesohippus



Eocene (55.8 mya)


Orohippus Key



Fig. 25-25b

Recent (11,500 ya)

Equus Pleistocene (1.8 mya) Hippidion and other genera Nannippus Pliohippus Pliocene (5.3 mya) Hipparion Neohipparion



Archaeohippus Miocene (23 mya) Merychippus Anchitherium Hypohippus


According to the species selection model, trends may result when species with certain characteristics endure longer and speciate more often than those with other characteristics

The appearance of an evolutionary trend does not imply that there is some intrinsic drive toward a particular phenotype

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Fig 25-UN8

1.2 bya: First multicellular eukaryotes 2.1 bya: First eukaryotes (single-celled)

535525 mya: Cambrian explosion (great increase in diversity of animal forms)

500 mya: Colonization of land by fungi, plants and animals

3.5 billion years ago (bya): First prokaryotes (single-celled)

Millions of years ago (mya)

Fig 25-UN9

Origin of solar system and Earth

Proterozoic Archaean

Fig 25-UN10

Flies and fleas



Moths and butterflies

Fig 25-UN11

Origin of solar system and Earth

1 Proterozoic

4 Archaean

You should now be able to: 1. Define radiometric dating, serial endosymbiosis, Pangaea, snowball Earth, exaptation, heterochrony, and paedomorphosis 2. Describe the contributions made by Oparin, Haldane, Miller, and Urey toward understanding the origin of organic molecules 3. Explain why RNA, not DNA, was likely the first genetic material
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

4. Describe and suggest evidence for the major events in the history of life on Earth from Earths origin to 2 billion years ago 5. Briefly describe the Cambrian explosion 6. Explain how continental drift led to Australias unique flora and fauna 7. Describe the mass extinctions that ended the Permian and Cretaceous periods 8. Explain the function of Hox genes
Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings

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