Training in The Organization: Haji Muhammed Fauzi Bin Othman

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Training in the Organization

Haji Muhammed Fauzi bin Othman

Training The process of developing skills in order to more effectively perform a specific job or tasks To provide employees with the KSA to perform more effectively (to meet current job requirements or prepare them to meet inevitable changes) Part of an integrated system in which performance is measured against criteria In the US, 2001- USD57b, 2004- USD50b. Studies shows that ROI is increasing

General Open Systems Model


Systems External Environment

Business organization must interact with the environment, thus it is an open system Depends on the environment for input, to keep the system active The systems output flows into the environment and might or might npt influence the environment

Training as a Subsystem within the Organizational System

Mission Finances Strategy Resources Structure People Policies Products Procedures Technology

INPUT Organizational Needs Employee Needs Budget Equipment Staff PROCESS Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation

Knowledge Skills Attitudes Motivation Job Performance

Many open system is a subset of a larger system. E.g. product assembly-manufacturing system-company (system)-industry.. Training is a subsystem in the HR unit. The organizations mission, strategies, resources etc are sources of input to the training subsystem So do the employee needs, budget, staff, equipment etc Training processes transform these input into usable output (KSA), job performance.

Training Processes Model

Needs Analysis Phase Input Process Output

Design Phase Input Process Output

Triggering Event

Development Phase Input Process Output

Implementation Phase Input Process Output Outcome Evaluation Data

Process Evaluation Data

Evaluation Phase Input Process Output

Training Process Model

The training process begins with a trigger event. E.g. a person with authority recognizes the gap between ACTUAL ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE (AOP) and the EXPECTED ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE (EOP) and takes action Analysis phase- called the TNA (both training and non-training needs are identified) Future oriented performance gap Not all gap is caused by KSA deficiencies and could be solved by T&D

oDesign phase- developing the training objectives, methods of instruction oSpecify organizational and employee outcomes oBecomes input for evaluation phase oDevelopment phase- formulating instructional strategy to meet training objectives (order, timing, combination of methods, elements used) oOutputs- content, instructional methods, materials, equipment and media, manuals and facilities

Implementation phase- everything comes together, however not everything will be as it was planned Evaluation phaseProcess evaluation Outcome evaluation

Analysis Phase (TNA)

Organizational Analysis Objectives Resources Environment
TRIGGER Actual Organizational Performance (AOP) < Expected Organizational Performance (EOP)



Training Needs Identify Performance Discrepancy (PD) PD = EP < AP And Causes of PD Non Training Needs

Operational Analysis Expected Performance (EP)

Person Analysis Actual Performance (AP)

AOP less than EOP or OPG

TNA determines whether training can correct the performance problem:

Increase the chances that the time and money spent on training is spent wisely Determine the benchmark for evaluation of training Increase the motivation of participants Align the training activities with the companys strategic plan

Important concepts Learning- relatively permanent changes in cognition (understanding and thinking), results from experience and directly influence behaviour. Learning in KSA
Knowledge- information we acquire and placed into memory (declarative) Information organized for use (procedural) How, when and why information is used and is useful (strategic)

Skills Compilation-(lower) when a person has just learned and use a new skill, awareness Automaticity- (higher) after a period of time, he/she mastered the skill, no thinking required

Attitude Affective, Feelings, Personality, Values, Ethics.

Competencies- a set of KSA to enable a person to successfully perform tasks. Not just KSA but also to integrate and use the KSA successfully

Training, development and education

Training- the actual opportunity to learn KSA Development- the result of the training program (result). An alternative definition- learnig for future job needs Education- more general in nature, related but not specifically tailored to career or job

Reasons for the need for T&D

Internal factors External factors
1. Changes in the objectives of 1. Legal and requirements organization/strategy 2. Changes in technology 2. Changes in structure of 3. Market organization driven/competitiveness and 3. Changes in system or sustainability process 4. Emergence of new jobs/tasks 5. Gap in AOP-EOP 6. Procurement of new machinery/hardware 7. New staff/employee

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