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Dietary management for diabetic patient presented by : Wesam Alblawi Salha Ali Dema Sara Alblawi

Supervised by:
Dr.Doria Hassan Abd Elrahim

The aims of dietary treatment of diabetes are:
To achieve optimal blood glucose concentrations. To achieve optimal blood lipid concentrations.

To provide appropriate energy for reasonable weight,

normal growth and development, including during pregnancy and lactation. To prevent, delay, and treat diabetes-related complications. To improve health through balanced nutrition.

- Introduction - Reasons for diet - Dietary recommendations for diabetes - Balancing food choices - Eat starchy foods regularly - Choose more high fibre foods - Reduce animal or saturated fat intake -Eat regular meals based on carbohydrate - Avoid diabetic products

If you have diabetes, your body cannot make or properly use insulin. This leads to high blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels. Healthy eating helps keep your blood sugar in your target range. It is a critical part of managing your diabetes, because controlling your blood sugar can prevent the complications of diabetes. A registered dietitian can help make an eating plan just for you. It should take into account your weight, medicines, lifestyle, and other health problems you have.

Reasons for diet

- Weight control - Blood glucose control - Prevention and management of shortterm and long-term complications of diabetes

Dietary recommendations for diabetes

- Eat starchy foods regularly - Eat more fruit and vegetables - Reduce animal or saturated fat - Cut down on sugar - Reduce salt

Balancing food choices

Eat starchy foods regularly

- Bread - Potatoes - Rice - Pasta - Cereals - Plantain - Chapatis

Eat more fruit and vegetables

- Fresh - Frozen - Tinned - Dried - Juice

Choose more high fibre foods

To help maintain blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels Helps to maintain a healthy gut

- Fruit - Vegetables - Pulses - Oats

- Wholegrain cereals - Wholemeal bread - Wholewheat pasta - Brown rice

Reduce animal or saturated fat intake

- Use low fat milk - Use low fat spread instead of butter - Use oil high in unsaturated fat, eg olive oil, rapeseed oil

Use less fat in cooking

- Grill - Dry-roast - Microwave - Steam

Choose the right sort of fat

Cut down on sugary foods

- Not a sugar free diet - Cut out sweets - Cut out sugary drinks

Choose low sugar products

- Use diet or low calorie, sugar free drinks

Intense sweeteners
- Tablet - Liquid - Granulated

Avoid diabetic products

- Cost - Laxative effects - Focus on sugar free - Still raise blood glucose levels - Still contain same calories

Reduce salt intake

- Cut down on added salt - Use alternative seasonings - Look out for reduced/low sodium foods, eg bread - Avoid salt substitutes

Eat regular meals based on carbohydrate:


Lunch or snack meal

*Main meal

Be more active

Slimming tips
- Be realistic about your target weight - Aim to lose weight gradually - Eat regular meals - Make small changes you can stick to

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