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Easter holiday celebration has its unique and distinctive features and characteristics according to the place, location, country and region where it is celebrated. Each Christian nation has its particular traditions, customs and habits which are followed during the Easter holiday. These distinctive elements make Easter holiday a really special one, when people are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, according to the Christian religion.

Easter inRomania
Easter is one of the most important festivals amongst Christians. It marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The festival also welcomes the new season of spring after the end of the Lent period. Romania is one such country where Easter is celebrated to render respect and reverence to Jesus, thereby, making Easter one of the most important occasions in Romania. Another popular tradition followed in every Romanian household, on Great Thursday, is the placing of a chair near fire, with blankets kept over it. It is believed that the dead souls would sit on those chairs.

Holy Saturday, which is also referred to as Flowers Saturday or Lazarus Saturday in Romania, at midnight, everyone in the family visits the church and attends the mass. They carry a bowl of Pasca, eggs and steak, to the church, where these foods are blessed by the priests. On returning from the mass, every family member consumes a little bit of the sanctified food, before resting.

Pasca is a must-have for Romanian people during Easter. The shells of the eggs, used for making Pasca, are thrown in the river. It is believed that the river would take the shells to the land of Good People, announcing the arrival of Easter.


The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is commemorated on Good Friday. Easter is celebrated two days later, as it marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Easter Sunday is marked as the most significant festival for Christians after Christmas. The Israelis celebrate Easter with great intensity and emotion to share the pain of Jesus Christ. The Holy City of Jerusalem is visited by millions of worshippers every year for Easter celebrations, who remember Jesus rebirth. Various Christian rituals are carried out in Jerusalem on Easter. Read through the following lines to know more about the Easter traditions and celebrations in Israel.

Easter Celebrations In


The ancient church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalems walled Old City is decorated and prepared for Easter celebrations. The priests and monks wear white robes and chant the liturgy, while the fragrant incense rise above the tomb where Christians believe Jesus was buried and rose from the dead. While in the mainland Israel Orthodox Jews celebrate Passover, Messianic Jews celebrate Easter along with the rest of the Christians across the world. The reason for the differences is that Orthodox Jews do not consider Jesus to be their Messiah and hence, they do not celebrate His crucifixion or resurrection.

Carrying out of various processions is one the major Easter traditions in Israel. People gather in groups and travel to Golgotha to mark the route of Jesus Christs journey. This route is known as the Twelve Stations of the Cross. Many tourists and worshippers from across the world participate in these processions, as it is considered to be a holy practice. The processions finally gather at the tomb of Jesus. On Easter Sunday, at one oclock, the priest enters Jesus Christs tomb and doors are shut after him. The entire towns lights are lit off and later, when the church bells rings, the priest comes out with a blazing torch. People present in the procession light their candles from this holy fire.

Shops and stores in and around Israel are brightly lit and displayed with Easter eggs, Easter bunnies and Easter cakes. The major traditional delicacies prepared on Easter in Israel include charoset, matzah balls, kosher, matzah brei and chocolate cakes. People in Easter are more devoted towards Jesus Christs sacrifice for the freedom of mankind from sin and eternal death. Easter in Israel is considered to have more religious significance rather than feasting and celebrations.


As all springs festivals, the celebrations begin with Lent and end in Easter Sunday.On Shrove Tuesday, one of the most popular specialties are the Easter cakes, which are served to family and friends. Christians are going to church in order to listen the religious services and to testify their sins. Other major events during the Easter preparations are The Good Friday, when the Christians are going to churches for congregations and Easter masses.

On Easter afternoon, the priest narrates the sufferings that Jesus Christ underwent for the sake of humanity. The meal conducted in the Panjim church of Mary Immaculate Conception is attended by a large crowd. People even stay in the doorways and dress in formal clothes with somber countenance.

Easter eggs and Easter bunnies are the major attractions during Easter. Hence, these elements are largely sold in stores, and people even exchange these elements between them as gifts. One distinctive Easter holiday tradition in India is that the people are exchanging colorful lanterns and flowers which symbolize a new beginning of life.

Wonderful carnivals organised at the beach state of India, Goa, where various street plays, songs and dances are staged. The most popular holiday destinations, undoubtedly, include the exotic beaches of Goa, the striking( the amazing) backwaters of Kerala and wonderful architectural landmarks from Andhra Pradesh.

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