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Murk Pinjani Zehra Hasan Murtazain Shoaib Tayyab Ahmed Chughtai

Developed economies have gained their leading edge through investing in information technologies Skill, information and potential for innovation are now intangible assets Responsibility of the HR to provide these Key reasons for giving companies a competitive edge and the success of economy

is an active transformation from something in itself, to something useful, useable and used Many people think that it will change the work environment completely However, companies have always been driven by improving technology and innovation through attaining knowledge.

"The basic economic resource - the means of production - is no longer capital, nor natural resources, nor labor. It is and will be knowledge." -Peter Drucker

Knowledge economy technology, diversity, globalization Major shift in HR practices Focus facilitating knowledge, building relationships, intermediating human capital and specializing in deployment. Fourfold involvement

Domains focused: Strategy Recruitment and Selection Policies Training and Development Performance Management

Microsoft evaluates the performance of each employee through there applicant process

Also offered stock options Goals that are ought to be achieved by the employees are measurable through performance objectives, which are:
S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Result based T = Time bound

A training system LEAP is in place at Microsoft for training employees which stands for leap engineer acceleration program
Number of training programs includes: Computer/software training Linguistic training Product training Program for developing Leadership

Microsoft prefers intelligence over experience Recruiting people from the top educational institutions Selection process Interview(by 3 to 10 managers) Interview by senior manager Interview by someone who is not the member of the hiring group

Performance Culture Model``

knowledge workers are more suitable in designing activities to motivate the employees

Knowledge is gaining more worth comparative to other tangible assets According to Lehnick, HRM cannot afford to operate in the traditional manner
Focusing on developing an employee instead of merely filling in vacancies.

Focusing on developing an employee instead of merely filling in vacancies. Microsoft is more drawn towards the power of its people rather than its manufactured products. Fresh graduates from leading educational institutes an obtain the most energetic and intelligent crowd to work for them.

Employees are their most valuable assets they offer them substantial bonuses and incentives to keep them highly motivated
Maximize the value of their employees and improve their performance.

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