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Power, Ambition, Glory takes into account great leaders in history and links similarities with the successful leaders of today. It was written in light of the economic crisis that highlights the importance of strong and effective leadership. The main idea was to compare and contrast the stories of six extraordinary ancient leaders and a number of real-life, modern corporate CEOs.

The stories covered

Cyrus the Great Xenophon Alexander the Great Hannibal of Carthage Julius Caesar Augustus

Modern day CEOs in comparison

Hank Greenburg (AIG) Ray Kroc (McDonalds) Jack Welch (GE) John Chambers (Cisco)

Cyrus the Great

Leadership is all about how you remain focused on the fundamentals. It is about embracing and understanding the daily nuts and bolts of making an organization work (Van Wormer, Besthorn & Keefe, 2007). It is an ongoing process and goes day in and day out. Character is the most important thing in leadership, something which leaders from the past possessed. It is also important that one develops and maintains a proper perspective about ones self.

Cyrus the Great

Cyrus was different because not only did he have vision but also knew how change that vision into reality He build structures to transform vision into reality. His empire was based on tolerance and inclusion. He defied age as his approach was highly unusual for his or any age (The 100 Greatest Leadership Principles of All Time, 2007). Jack Welch and John Chambers succeeded using a similar approach, and like Cyrus, they remain the exceptions rather than the rule.

Holding your empire together

Cyrus expanded his territory and ruled over large acres of land and countless number of people. Size did not deter him and he knew how to hold it together. As a leader, this is very important as the larger the number of people, the tougher it is to manage. He never let that affect his performance as a leader.

When expanding, be methodological

Cyruss reign is most remembered by how he expanded his empire. However, there was always a method to it. He did not adopt a gung-ho approach. He planned it and stuck to it. This is what modern day leaders must be doing. Make a vision and plan accordingly. Stick to your plan. Be proactive (Van Wormer, Besthorn & Keefe, 2007).

Successful leadership means adapting

Cyruss biggest weapon was he knew how to adapt to all sorts of situations. The trick was to be proactive rather than reactive. Make the most out of the situation confronted. Good leaders know how to use situations to their advantage by adapting (The 100 Greatest Leadership Principles of All Time, 2007).

Leading firmly but lightly

Cyrus was a strong leader who was strict about his rules and principles but his people loved him. He was flexible and fair. This is what good CEOs in the modern world have done too. They were steadfast about their regulations and leadership but were equally fair and empathetic towards this people (Van Wormer, Besthorn & Keefe, 2007).


Inferences can be made from how leaders from the past did and how there are similarities with some of the modern CEO success stories (Van Wormer, Besthorn & Keefe, 2007). Times might have changed but the ethics of leadership have remained the same.


Van Wormer, Katherine S.; Besthorn, Fred H.; Keefe, Thomas (2007). Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Macro Level: Groups, Communities, and Organizations. US: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-518754-7. The 100 Greatest Leadership Principles of All Time, edited by Leslie Pockell with Adrienne Avila, 2007, Warner Books

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