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All the places you will go…

And all the people who will go with

This is me…
1 Year – 31 Countries
2006 Social Media
3 Years ago our communication was
• Cool
– Kept family and friends informed adventures close
to real time
– Recommendations from broad group of people
– Lots of new friends and readers, including 1 very
influential one...
Today our communications
would be
Kind of lame
– Not real time – Blog was probably 5-7 days behind
– Comments too asynchronous
– Access was limited
– Integration wasn’t complete
– No integration with SMS internationally
2009 Social Media
• Twitter, Twitpic, MySpace, Facebook,
FourSquare, Blog, aggregators etc.
• SMS integration at reasonable rates
• Iphone with wifi access everywhere
• Blogging more mainstream
• Realtime communications with fellow
travelers and brands
Arrived in New Zealand, too busy getting ready to leave to
arrangements, kids and luggage sitting on the curb
Only sunny day in Beijing is our Great Wall day… we win!
Only rainy day in India is the Taj Mahal day… we lose!
Argentina is a great place to be a person, not a great place to be a
small edible animal.
First day in 321 days without a spill.
Kids taught English at a Chinese elementary school, Marx,
Lenin, Mao, etc. stood guard.
Real life hero on right… fighting to eradicate leprosy and
Turns out Irony is lost on the Chinese
I knew I loved the Koreans for more than BBQ
I will never complain about a crowded plane or train again…
I will never forget.
I obviously do not have enough education to be a civilized
traveler in China. Please explain.
Gratuitous picture
If I can’t bring my trebuchet I am not going.
Irony is also not lost on the Indians
Any chance that 20 years from now my kids will be visiting Iraq
or jumping off boat with their kids? One can only hope.
13 hours on the puke bus ride into the Tibetan foothills… very
worth it.
Bull elephant chasing car, no time to tweet!
Bull elephant no longer chasing the car
Large animal sniffing outside of tent, obviously it smells the
creamy filling, US!!!
I wish irony was lost on those in the Middle East.
Watching tear gas being shot into a crowd, probably will head the
other way.
The roads in Peru have been filled with burning tires and rocks
by angry Buffalo Bill fans.
Hobbiton is a great place if you are under 4 feet…or a sheep.
Lost in Tatooine, please send a larger than normal pod racer!
Living the dream
• Travelers I look up to
– @Soultravelers3
– @Umarket
– @Nomadicmatt
Good travel sites
– @matadortravel
– @nileguide
– @Weblogtheworld
• Tuesday is dream day
– #traveltuesday
2009 social media still isn’t there for travel

• Information overflow – true about all categories

• Location and time is very important
• Friend locator and matchmaking
• Marketing platform or travel aid
• # tags are a good start, better organization
• Communication very disjointed
• Real time pricing, opportunities
• Alerts both good and bad
Next trip 2014?
• Real-time fully integrated
• Real location
• Real intent
• Real purchases
• Real connections
• And we will bring you along in our pocket

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