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Under the Guidance of

Prof . J . B .
Prof . M . D . Faisal Hussain
Faculty of MBA ( HRM ), BRMIMIT
Company Guide
Mr. K. C. Jena
HR Manager,OPGC
Presentation Outline
Chapter 1: OBJECTIVE of the study

Chapter 2:Research Methodology

Chapter 3:Organisational Climate- Literature survey

Chapter 4:OPGC Overview,Organisational Climate at OPGC

Chapter 5:Research and Findings

Chapter 6:Limitation of the Study

Chapter 7: Conclusion

Chapter 8: Suggestion

Chapter 9:Appendix

Chapter 10:Refferences
Chapter 1

Objective of the study

• To understand the working environment of OPGC
• To identify areas of improvement in HR domain and present
the findings for consideration of OPGC for adoption.

The scope of the project was to include the employees of the
The views of executives were taken through primary as well as secondary sources

The corporate office at Bhubaneswar was covered as a part of study

Chapter 2

Research Methodology

• The tools used were Questionnaire on organization climate,

semi-structured and un-structured interviews, discussion
with the employees and regular observation of the work
of the organization. The Questionnaire consists of 45
questions. Some of the questions are included on YES or
NO and rest of the questions on a 5 point scale. Each
Questionnaire was given to executive of OPGC (BBSR)
and total number was 24.
• Sources of Data: Primary sources of data included
interaction with HR managers and employees.

Chapter 3

Literature Survey
• About Organizational Climate
 The organizational climate is a reflection of thoughts, perceptions, emotions
and feelings of people.
 Climate surveys give employees a voice to assist in making desired transitions
as smooth as possible. It also serves as a basis for quality improvements. By
identifying areas of inefficiency and acting on performance barriers identified by
employees of all levels, an organization gains a fresh and different perspective.

 Organizational climate surveys increase productivity. Survey analysis

identifies areas of employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction to facilitate
management in the creation of greater workplace harmony and, therefore,
increased productivity.
• Factors
• 1. Clarity: everyone in the organization knows what is expected of them.
• 2. Standards: challenging but attainable goals are set.
• 3. Responsibility: employees are given authority to accomplish tasks.
• 4. Flexibility: there are no unnecessary rules, policies and procedures.
• 5. Rewards: employees are recognized and rewarded for good performance.
• 6. Team commitment: people are proud to belong to the organization.

Chapter 3


1. Individual’s satisfaction with their job and working conditions –

 Factors such as: role clarity; role over load; working arrangements; intrinsic
and extrinsic rewards; Opportunities to develop; physical work environment;
access to resources; e: g-lack of information/authority; equipment and time.

 2. Individual satisfaction with their managers –

 Factors related to how management treats employees, such as :perceived
justice and fairness (performance management and appraisal, application of
rewards, honesty); management behavior (e: g -communication, decision
making, involvement, empowerment, support and approach ability); and trust in

 3. Individual’s satisfaction with team work and the way people work
together –
 Factors such as; team morale; clarity of team purpose; goals and time frames;
obstacles to performance(e:g –politicking; red tape); support and collaboration;
interpersonal relationship; communication; and diversity. 

 4. Individual’s satisfaction with the leadership of the organization –

 Factors such as; organizational structure, strategy efficiency and effectiveness
Chapter 3


a. Personnel Policies-


 I. Recruitment -
 ii. Selection -
 iii. Performance appraisal –
 iv. Promotion –
 v. Compensation –
 vi. Training and development –
 vii. Grievance –
 viii. Attrition –

b. Environment –

c. Team Work-


d. Management effectiveness-


e. Competency-


C h a p te r 4
OPGC Review
 Orissa power Generation Corporation limited (OPGC) was
incorporated as a wholly owned government company on
November 14, 1984 under the company act 1956. Accordingly
OPGC set up two units of 210MW each under phase I of Ib Thermal
power station (ITPS) in the Ib valley area. Unit 1 was commissioned
on December 21, 1994 and unit 2 on June 20, 1996. The total
project cost for phase I was Rs 11,350 million.


 Govt. of Orissa as part of the reform process in the energy
sector, has divested 49% of its share capital in favour of strategic
investor namely AES Corporation, USA in the month of January,

AES India
of Orissa
Holding Percentage
100 No. of Shares
49,02,174 49,02,174,000
(incorporate in Mauritius) (Rs. In cores)
C h a p te r 4


 The objective of the OPGC is to provide safe,

clean, reliable power to the community and give the
utmost priority to safety its own employees, contract,
laborers, visitors, suppliers, vendors etc.



• To be one of the best and reliable power utilities of

• To make every work place a safe work place.
• To keep the environment clean.
• To be socially responsible for employees and society.
Chapter 5
Organisational Climate at OPGC

• OPGC give the advertisement in press and also distribute circulation among
department of govt. and public sector enterprise where candidates with
requisite qualification and experiences are likely to be available. It makes
personal contact for recruitment to posts requiring specialized knowledge or
expertise and or exceptional ability, qualification and merit.

Selection is conducted FORselection
by corporate NON committee (CSC). The CSC
evaluates career record, if considered necessary by the chairman. It is
conducted through written test and interview.

• OPGC notifying the vacancies to the local employment exchanges, advertising

the vacancies in daily news paper having good circulation in the concerned
locality and by notifying the vacancies in the notice boards of the
establishment. This applications received within the stipulated date which
are complete in the relevant required details will only be considered.

• There shall be two selection committees, one for recruitment of w-1 & w-2
C h a p te r 5


 OPGC provides to every employee 5days training programs compulsory.
It includes in-house training, behavioural training and so on according to
the requirements of the employees.
In development program it includes:

 1. Management development program

 2. Skill development
 3. Safety, Health and Environment program
 4. Seminar, Conference and workshop
 5. Quality circle and conventions.


 There are two types of performance appraisal for executive and non-
For executive; it is measure performance management system.
 It conducted once in a year that is 1st April to 31st March
as a financial year.

For non- executive; it is conducted from 1st January to 31st December on the
basis of calendar year
 In non-executive; the grade W1, W2 and W3 are measured by two tire
 This two tire systems consist of Reporting and
C h a p te r 5
1 1.7.2006 2%

2 1.1.2007 6%

3 1.7.2007 9%

4 1.1.2008 12%

5 1.7.2008 16%

6 1.1.2009 22%

C in cre
a seC iDn.cre
A twa se
o ti
Dm. Ae stwino atimyeeasr.inItashye
o wa rs. th
It eshdoawtes th
froem d a2 te
0 0 fro
6 tom 22000096 ato
t g ive n
2 0 0 9 a t g ive n a b o ve .
O PG C a lso p ro vid e s h o u se re n t a llo w a n ce 2 0 % a t B h u b a n e sw a r a n d
C u tta ck ; 1 0 % a t IT P S / B e rh a m p u r a n d o th e r lo ca tio n s.
O PG C g ive s o th e r b e n e fits su ch a s e d u ca tio n lo a n fo r ch ild re n a n d h ig h e r
e d u ca tio n fa cility
o f e m p lo ye e s fo r th e ir ca re e r g ro w th . T h e e d u ca tio n lo a n sh a lla ttra ct a
sim p le in te re st ra te
C h a p te r 5

Sl. No Year Resignation Retirement Death Termination/ Total
1 2006 5 2 2 - 9

2 2007 27 - - 4 31

3 2008 14 2 4 1 21

4 2009 up to July 9 1 2 1 13

Total 55 5 8 6 74

A ttritio n ra te is so h ig h in O P G C b e ca u se m o re resignation is o ccu rre d ;

co m p a re to th e re tire m e n t, d e a th a n d te rm in a tio n / d ism iss. T h e m a in
re a so n is th a t th e o th e r o rg a n iza tio n p ro vid e s b e tte r p a y , b e tte r ca re e r
d e ve lo p m e n t a n d b e tte r o p p o rtu n ity. It is p a rticu la rly h a p p e n e d in se n io r
a n d m id d le le ve l exe cu tive s.
C h a p te r 5
Organization Structure


 Managing Director Director of Finance

 Senior General
 Secretarial H.R Project Manager Finance

 Company Senior General Manager

 Secretary Manager (S.G.M.) Deputy General Senior
 Manager Manager
 Manager Deputy Manager
 Manager Manager
C o m p e te n cy
Training and Development
Research and Findings C h a p te r
• Personnel policies; 1st variable shows the highest percentage such as75% recruitment process is
fair in OPGC. 2nd variable indicates75% OPGC has written HR policy. 3rd variable shows 62.5%
employees read the HR policy, 29.17% not read it and 8.33% has no response. 4th variable
54.17% employees are satisfied with current working environment, 37.5% employees are
adjustable and rests are not satisfied. 5th variable case 16.67% employees wants to improve
the T.A, 29.17% D.A, 29.17% local conveyance and 20.83% accommodation within city. But
outside city around 30% employees wants to improve T.A, D.A and Accommodation. 75%
employees are satisfied with telephone facility. 6th variable; 83.33% employees are satisfied
with pay structure. 7th variable; 75% employees are satisfied with education policies. 8th
variable; 58.33% are satisfied with the reimbursement of education expenses for children but
41.67% wants to improve. 9th variable; 29.17% are not aware about other benefits.

• The working environment is clean and well organized. As 62.50%of employees are in favour of the
working environment.
• The resources are sufficient for the employees to perform their job effectively.

• The team members are co-operative.

• The new ways of the doing things are liked by all team members.

• The employees are not satisfied with their senior management as 41.67% of employees can’t
communicate regarding their work with senior management.
• Management takes employees ‘s suggestion seriously as the 60% employees are satisfied
• Skills are well utilized by the management as the 41.66% of employees are in favour of
management is utilization of individual’s skill.

• 45.84% of the employees are in support of that their work is not challenging. So they have not
much work pressure.
• 41.67% of the employees are satisfied with the freedom to do their job.
• 33.33% are agreeing with that they can handle the size of their work load. It means the work load is
not heavier C o n tin u e d ..
• Most of the employees viewed that they had the sufficient skills when they joined to their job.
C h a p te r

Research and Findings


• As 50% employees are committed that they are very clear about the values of OPGC.
• Most respondent gave their opinion that they are pleased about the management.


• As 50% employees are viewed that they are aware about their pay.
• As the 33.33% of the employees are not satisfied with the salary whereas 25% of them are
not given any suggestion.

Appraisal System

• Most of the employees are not satisfied with the performance appraisal system of OPGC.
• As 41.66% employees are satisfied with their team leader and only 37.50% are not
satisfied .it means the team leaders are cooperative.


• Most of the employees as the 45.83% are satisfied about the orientation.
• 50% employees agree about their involvement with the management in decision making
C h a p te r
Limitations of the study 6

 Although the study was based on the primary data for the relevant sources of
information. This is not free from limitations. They are:-

o The study was carried out within the corporate office in Bhubaneswar which
restricted the scope of the study.

o The study includes the white collar workers and not the entire levels of the

o The study lacks the visit to the actual plant site where actual working conditions
would have been determined.

o The study was limited to a brief period of 6weeks only. Most of the time was
spent in preparation of the questionnaire. Also due to the busy schedule of
the employees responses were delayed and subsequently less time was
spent in analyzing the results.
C h a p te r




The purpose of the study was to determine the aspects of organizational

climate that promote and enhance job satisfaction, to determine the
degree of job satisfaction among the organizational employees and to
recommend changes that can be made to improve job satisfaction,
performance levels and reducing the turnover wastage.

The climate study indicates that OPGC has talented, skilled and motivated
workforce to meet its present requirements and take up future challenges
of expansion.

The climate study identifies the employees’ perception and perspectives of
Chapter 8


All team members are cooperative and supportive with each other, but their
contribution towards the decision making, ideas are negligible. By which the ideas
are not utilized to their optimal level to get the best possible output in their work. For
this priority should be given to all team members to contribute their innovative ideas
at work.
The lack of communication between the senior management and employees can affect
the productivity of the organization. So this communication gap has to be resolved
and there should be a two way effective communication between the senior
management and the employees in order to bring changes in organization.
Employees are satisfied with their current packages after the 6th pay commission
scales were implemented, but still some feel the room for in increment in terms of
project allowances and retirement pension plans.
There is a need for structuring the Human resources department so that the synergies
of teams can better be driven to achieve organizational effectiveness and there is
still room for improving the organizational morale.
Chapter 9

Personnel Policies:

 5. What things do you to be change or
Improve in HR policy.
1. The recruitment process in OPGC is fair (YES/NO).

If No please give details.

 a.  Sl. No Item
 b. 

Yes/ No
2. Dose OPGC has written HR policy(Y/N, Or Don’t

know) If Yes give suggestion
3. Have you read it(Y/N)
  1 Annual Leave 

 If No please give details.

 2 Sick Leave
 3 Casual Leave
 No time to read
 4 Maternity / Paternity Leave
 Do not have access  5 Compensatory Leave
 Any other  6 Working hours

4. Are you satisfied with you current working

  7 Working days in a week
conditions in OPGC.  8
 a. Highly satisfying  a. Travel Policy Within City
 b. Satisfying  I.TA
  II. DA
 c. Moderate
 III .Local Conveyance
Competency :
24. I find my job challenging. Chapter 9
1 2 3 4 5
25. I had sufficient skills when I was hired to the job.
1 2 3 4 5
26. I have been given fair amount of freedom to do my job.
1 2 3 4 5

27. I can handle the size of my work load.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree

28. My organization helps me to enhance my carrier development.
1 2 3 4 5

Commitment :
29. I am willing to put extra effort when necessary to complete the assigned job.

1 2 3 4 5
  30. I am committed to the values of my organization.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly disagree
 31. I am proud to say that I am part of OPGC family.
1 2 3 4 5
 Compensation :
32. I have got adequate information regarding my compensation and benefit.
10. My work Area offers me clean and well organized working
 1 2 3 4 5
environment 33. Considering my position I am paid fairly.
1 2 3 4 5
 1 2 3 4 5 34. Overall I am satisfied with my benefit packages (TA, DA, Gratuity and Insurance e
11. I have resources to perform my job effectively

1 2 3 4 5
Appraisal System :
 1 2 3 4 5 35. Performance appraisal system is effectively conducted by our organization.
12. My work environment is stressful
1 2 3 4 5
36. I received positive feedback and to improve in some aspects.
1 2 3 4 5
 1 2 3 4 5 37. Recommendation has taken place as per the discussion with our team leaders after
Team Work: 1 2 3 4 5
Involvement :
38. I receive proper induction while joining OPGC.
13. My team members’ one giving need based support to perform my

role 1 2 3 4 5
39. Management seeks the involvement of the employees’ opinion when making important
effectively. 1 2 3 4 5
40. Organization is sensitive to individual needs.
 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
41. I know what is happening in other parts of my organization.
14. My work in team is appreciated and recognized. 1 2 3 4 5
Training and Development
 1 2 3 4 5 42. All staff has equitable access to training.
1 2 3 4 5
15. The people in our team work well together.
43. Training and development program enhance my skill.
1 2 3 4
 1 2 3 4 5 44. I am satisfied with the training program.
16. Innovation /new ways of doing things are liked by all team
1 2 3 4
45. Any change is required in training and development program.
members. 1 2 3 4 5
 1 2 3 4 5
17. My team is effectively managed by team leader.

 1 2 3 4 5
Management effectiveness:

Chapter 10


• Khanka S.S. Human Resources Management
• Rao V.S.P Personnel/Human Resource Management
• Rao P.Subba Prof. Essentials of Human Resource Management (2008)
• Aswathapa K Human Resource & Personnel Management (2008)
• Dessler Gary Human Resource Management
• Pareek,U Understanding Organizational Behaviour, Oxford New
• (2006)
• Stephen P. Robbins Organizational Behaviour. (1995) pp.600-619
• L M PRASAD Organizational Behaviour. (2005) pp.411-436
Q & A


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