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Prepared By : Santosh Jadhav


People requiring special assistance to be taken care of first Open windows at the site of fire If you are exiting last, close the exit door to prevent spread of smoke and fire DO NOT LOCK DOORS If fire is small and confined to area where it started, secure fire extinguisher, fight fire EVACUATE !! Do not re-enter until an all-clear .

How Fire starts?

Needs 3 elements to occur

Fuel-any combustible material Oxygen-only needs 16% Heat energy - to heat fuel to point of ignition Fire Triangle

Fire Triangle Take any one of these factors away, and the fire cannot occur or will be extinguished if it was already burning.

Fire Classification
Fire Classification Class A-ordinary combustible or fibrous material such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber and some plastics Class B-Flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, paint, paint thinners and propane

Class C-Energized electrical equipment, such as appliances, motors, computers, heaters, switches, panel boxes and power tools.
Class D-These metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support combustion. They may react violently with water/chemicals and must be handled with care.

Dos and Donts for Class A and Class B combustibles

Class A-Ordinary Combustibles Keep storage and working areas free of trash Place oily rags in covered containers

Class B-Flammable liquids or gases

Store flammables in proper racks or fume cupboards Keep flammable liquids stores in tightly closed, spill-proof containers Store flammable liquids away from spark-producing sources Use flammable liquids only in well-ventilated areas

Dos and Donts for Class C combustibles

No old wiring, worn insulation and broken fittings Keep motors clean Use only approved extension cords Investigate any appliance or electrical equipment that smells strange Unusual odors can be the first sign of fire Power outlets near water should be taken care of

Dont overload wall outlets
Do not place cords under rugs or furniture Cords are only for temporary use Do not create electrical hazards Cords can overheat and cause a

Class A

Cooling the material with water, and soaking to prevent reignition Class B By removing oxygen, will extinguish flammable liquids, greases or gas. Class C ABC or Carbon Dioxide . DO NOT USE WATER.


Do not Fight fire alone!

Do not work alone in chemical labs

If fire is spreading beyond the spot where it started, call emergency

You need escape exit if fire spreads! Never fight fire alone if you dont have adequate help and equipment

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