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C Basics

History of C
1969 By Dannis Ratchie On a DEC PDP-11 that used the UNIX Operating System Result of development process with an older language called BCPL 1970 A new language ''B'' a second attempt. c. 1971 A totally new language ''C'' a successor to ''B''. 1973 UNIX OS almost totally written in ''C''. 1990 ANSI C becomes available

Eastern University

C Basics (Cont.)

Characteristics of C
Small size. Extensive use of function calls. Structured language.
Pointer implementation - extensive use of pointers for memory, array, structures and functions.
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C Basics (Cont.)

C- a widely used professional language

It It It It has high-level constructs. can handle low-level activities. produces efficient programs. can be compiled on a variety of computers.

Eastern University

C Library

All C programs include calls to various functions for performing input/output (I/O) operations, high-level mathematical operations, or character handling. Cs standard library contains these functions. All C compilers come with a standard library of functions that perform most commonly needed tasks.

Eastern University

C Linker

Linker combines the original program object code with the object code found in the standard library for the declared header file. This process is called the Linking. C compiler have their own linker.

Eastern University

The C Compilation Model

Source Code Preprocessor

Object Code for header file (From Library)


Object Code Linker

Executable Code

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C Program Structure (Cont.)

A C Program must have a main() function. A function has the form:

type function_name (parameters) { local variables C Statements }

Eastern University

C Program Structure (Cont.)

Sample Program

#include <stdio.h> main() { printf ("I Like C"); return 0; }

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Programming in C
Constants, Variables & Data Types

Eastern University

C Tokens

Smallest individual units are known as tokens C has six types of tokens


float while


-15.5 100


ABC year


+ * /


ch amount

Special Symbols

[] ()

Eastern University


Keywords & Identifiers

All C words are classified as

Keyword Identifier
Keyword: All keywords have fixed meanings and these meanings can not be changed Keywords serve as basic building blocks for program statements Example: float, while, switch
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Keywords & Identifiers (Cont.)

Identifiers: Identifiers refer to the names of variables, functions and arrays Identifiers are user-defined names and consists of a sequence of letters and digits Example: amount, salary

Eastern University


Identifiers (Cont.)

Rules for Identifiers:

First letter must be an alphabet (or underscore) Must consists of only letters, digits or underscore Only first 31 characters are significant Cannot use a keyword Must not contain white space

Eastern University



Constants refer to fixed values that do not change during program execution

Numeric Constants

Character Constants

Integer Constants

142 -453

Real Constants

.0084 -4.5

Single Character Constants

String Constants Hello

Eastern University


Basic Data Types

Five Basic Data Types:

character integer floating-point double floating-point

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Basic data types have various modifiers preceding them which alters the meaning of the basic data types. The list of modifiers is

signed unsigned long short

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Data Types
Type char / signed char unsigned char int / signed int unsigned int long int float double Size (Bits) 8 8 16 16 32 32 64 Range

-127 to 127 0 to 255 -32,767 to 32,767 0 to 65,535 -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647 1E-37 to 1E+37 with 6 digits of precision 1E-37 to 1E+37 with 10 digits of precision

Eastern University



A variable is a named location in memory that is used to hold a value that can be modified by the program

A variable is a data name that may be used to store a data value

A variable may take different values at different times during execution

Eastern University


Variables (Cont.)

Variable declaration: type variable_list; It tells the compiler what the variable name is It specifies what type of data the variable will hold Example: int i,j; unsigned int s; double b;
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Variable Initializations

The general form of initialization is: type variable_name=constant;

int y=10; char ch='A'; double b=143.56;

Eastern University


Local Variables
Variables that are declared inside a function are called local variables Example:

# include <stdio.h> # include <conio.h> int main() { int x; x=10; printf("%d", x); getch(); return 0; }
Eastern University 21

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