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Chapter 15

Oral Communication Essentials

Student slides Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams Ch 15 - 1

Learning Objective 1

Enhance the basic quality of your voice.

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Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 2

Voice Quality

from the diaphragm. Control the articulators.

Jaw Tongue Lips

Student slides

Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 3

Learning Objective 2

Use your voice effectively.

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Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 4

Effective Voice

Find your natural pitch. Vary your pitch.


Use appropriate level. Vary volume for emphasis.

Speed Tone

Student slides Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams Ch 15 - 5

Learning Objective 3

Strengthen your personal presence.

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Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 6

Personal Presence

on the receivers. Be enthusiastic. Convey friendliness and sincerity through words and nonverbal cues. Choose appropriate clothing and accessories.
Student slides Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams Ch 15 - 7

Learning Objective 4

Classify delivery styles by type.

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Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 8

Delivery Styles
Manuscript Memorized Impromptu Extemporaneous
Student slides Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams Ch 15 - 9

Learning Objective 5 Prepare note cards, gather material, analyze your audience, and plan an oral presentation.

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Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 10

Preparing for an Oral Presentation


the purpose. Analyze the audience. Gather materials. Organize the presentation. Decide whether to use visual aids.
Student slides Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams Ch 15 - 11

Learning Objective 6

Deliver an oral presentation following effective speech and delivery techniques.

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Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 12

Presentation Techniques

calm. Begin positively. Use presentation aids effectively. Make adjustments based on audience feedback. End positively. Respond to questions.
Student slides Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams Ch 15 - 13

Learning Objective 7
Identify tasks and techniques associated with special presentation situations.

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Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 14

Special Presentation Situations


an event Introducing a speaker Moderating a web conference Participating in media events

Student slides

Business Communication Krizan, Merrier, Logan, & Williams

Ch 15 - 15

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