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Revision U3 Explain the following:

System of authority with different levels, one above the other,

e.g. a seriesof of management positions, whose holders can 1. Chain command, line authority make decisions, or give orders and instructions Organization involving various departments or perhaps operating divisions, where decision making involves 2. Functional structure consulting departments across the company structure. Reduction of management layers due to cost savings, 3. Flattening hierarchies advanced IT systems and simplifying decision making. System in which people report to more than one superior, this system may management become quite complex, so sometimes one 4. Matrix department must be given priority in decision making. Outsourcing means transferring some of the companys jobs to suppliers and wikinomics means extending this 5. outside Outsourcing and wikinomics trend with the help of the internet.

LISTENING 1 Managers and authority, page 26


What concepts does Krishna are important in Hierarchy, the superiority ofsay a manager, and power management in Singapore?

2. In Europe, people can challenge their managers, who

How to does this differ from and the European Krishna have guide, encourage persuade countries their subordinates mentions? 3. Carlo says that in Italy authority, seniority and respect are still important. You can make your point with your boss, but not challenge him or similar her. Italy is more like From what Carlo says, how is Italy to Switzerland and Singapore Britain? than the UK or Switzerland.

LISTENING 1 Managers and authority, page 26

Respect for seniority more common in Latin and Asian In your country, what is gains respect within an organization, cultures than American and northern European long service orNorth achievement? ones. 2. Similarly, there is more possibility for a dynamic, young manager to rise quickly in the hierarchy in, say, an the USA, Can a young, dynamic, aggressive manager with MBA rise Canada, Britain and Scandinavia than in Italy, Spain, quickly in the hierarchy? Argentina, Japan or India.

Managing across cultures, page 26

Why is it important forand companies be aware of Because local habits, beliefs principlesto can easily affect local cultures? the performance of their business in each country. An individualist is someone who believes that personal goals and desires and interests are more important than What are the differences between individualists those of a group of people; a collectivist is someone who and collectivists? believes in the importance of a group of people rather than separate individuals. Who in is more likely to think: Ill let them speak People reactive cultures. first?
Who is more likely to say, about other people: They cant be Universalists.
trusted because they will always help their friends or family universalists or particularists? even help a friend?

Who is more likely to say: Oh, you cant trust them, they wouldnt Particularists.

Managing across cultures, page 26

They are rational and organized (vkonn), try to act

What type of behaviour is typical of people in logically, they are cool (klidn, rozvn) , factual (vcn) , decisive planners, they believe in respecting linear -active cultures?rules, regulations and contracts. They like to do one thing at a time. They are essentially individualists They are warm, emotional, impulsive, loquacious (povdav, hovorn), intuitive. They believe in hierarchy What type of behaviour is typical of people in and respect status, they give preference to relationships multi -activeand cultures? and connections, they improvise do more things at a time. They are collectivists. They are courteous (zdvoil, laskav), amiable (vldn), accommodating (slun, ochotn), good listeners, they try What type of behaviour is typical of people in to avoid confrontation and dont want to lose face or cause reactive cultures? someone else to. They rarely interrupt speakers and avoid eye contact.





1. collectivist is someone who believes that the

group is more important than the individual. No 9 2. compromise an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree. No 4 3. confrontation - a face to face disagreement or argument. No 3
She actually enjoys confrontation, whereas I prefer a quiet life.
There were violent confrontations between police and


4. connections - the people of influence or

importance you know and who can help you. No 6

He only got the job because of his connections!

5. eye contact looking directly at the people you are

talking to or listening to
If you're telling the truth, why are you avoiding eye contact

with me?

6. glocalization an invented word combining worldwide

and regional concerns

7. improvise - to invent or make something, such as a

speech or a device, at the time when necessary without already having planned it
I hadn't prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.

8. interrupt - to stop a person from speaking for a

short period by something you say or do, or to stop something from happening for a short period
She tried to explain what had happened but he kept

interrupting her.

9. intuition an ability to understand or know

something immediately without needing to think about it, learn it or discover it by using reason. No 5
10. logic thought based on reason and judgements

rather than on feelings and emotions. No 2

11. lose face to be humiliated or disrespected in

public. No 10
He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake.

12. status - respect, prestige or importance given to

someone; the amount of respect, admiration or importance given to a person, organization or object. No 8
As the daughter of the president, she enjoys high status

among her peers. The leaders were often more concerned with status and privilege than with the problems of the people.

Writing, page 28, Model answer

I think my genes or DNA are the most

important influence, because these are inherited characteristics that you cant change. I think early family environment is also important, even if its influence is unconscious. I expect that I also have a lot of characteristics that are considered typical of my country, which I cannot change.

Writing, page 28, Model answer

I think I am consciously influenced by

my friends and social life, the things I choose to do in my free time. In fifth place Id put higher education, I think my university and what I studied there had a big effect on me.

LISTENING 2 Managers and cultural diversity


The diversity of the students, which gives you experience What does Lakshmi describe an advantage of in working with people fromas different cultural international management schools? backgrounds.

2. Because there are so that many businessbusinesspeople schools and sonow many Why does Janine say American

courses on culture. have different attitudes ?

3. Emotional intelligence (this is the ability to understand

What skill or your ability does Janine say allows people to be and manage own emotions, and to understand other peoples ). more self-aware?

LISTENING 2 Managers and cultural diversity

What expression Carlo use to describe corporations 4. He says they aredoes giving up their passport. becoming truly international?
5. He helps create mutual understanding of different What does Carloasay happens if companies move a lot of

cultures and to make the difference smaller (to smooth executives and managers around? to round the corners) 6. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This means that What is the saying or proverb that Janine quotes? What when in another country, you should try to adopt local does of it mean? ways behaving. 7. When in Rome, learn what the Romans do, so you can What is the Japanese version of this saying that she heard? become a better Japanese. This means that a good Japanese (or other business traveller) should learn What does it any mean? how to behave appropriately in other cultures.

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