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1 An introduction to Project Management

Copyright 2007 Dennis Lock and his licensors. All rights reser ed.

!elcome to these supporting

Photo: Studio 86 Photography Ltd

presentations "or the ninth edition o" my #o$er %ook

Project Management

&he history o" project management

'in a%out (0 seconds)

*e"ore 1+00 . . .
!onder"ul People


cheap, plenti"ul, e en e-penda%le ' project a %ig success, ./& MA.0 12LL3D4 )
5rgency .o .o

not dri en %y the 6rat7race8

management scientists4

recogni9ed pro"ession o" project manager

1+00 7 1+:+
3mergence 3-perts

o" management science

%egin to study $ork and people at

;enry 3arly

#antt introduces his "amous chart

de elopment o" critical path net$orks

1+<0 7 1+70
5= *ig

de"ence projects e-ploit net$ork analysis

main"rame computers can run project management so"t$are


management %ecomes a recogni9ed pro"ession


concern "or people

1+70 7 1+>0

meanings "or project management?

1 management o" industrial projects 2 management o" 2& projects


elopment o" pro"essional associations project management so"t$are e legislation "or people



7 anti7discrimination and health and sa"ety la$s

1+>0 7 1++0
Desktop Project !ider

PCs run project management so"t$are

managers less dependent on 2& e-perts

acceptance o" project management as a pro"ession

1++0 @ 2000A

and note%ooks can run all applications interest in project risk management

More 2&

and industrial project management no longer regarded so di""erently


management is a respected pro"ession associations "lourish %y satellites and the 2nternet



Bor a serious history o" project management read ... Morris, Peter '1++7)

The management of projects

London, &homas &el"ord

!hat is 6a project8C

Silly things that people say:

A project is something that has? a de"inite start o%jecti es a %udget resources a de"inite "inish *ut that8s only part o" the story

0ou gi e junior the "ollo$ing instructions? #o to &esco #o no$ *uy a joint o" lam% DonDt spend more than E<.00 *e %ack here in time "or lunch

!as that a projectC

/r a joint entureC

Another de"inition o" a DprojectD?

A project is something that

causes a change

Pick up one piece o" $ood =a$ it in hal" 0ou no$ ha e t$o pieces o" $ood ;a e you created a changeC

!as that a projectC

Whats special about a project?

1 .o elty? A project is likely to %e di""erent "rom anything done %e"ore 2 Fisk? &here is usually some uncertainty a%out meeting the o%jecti es

Di""erent project types ha e? . . . Di""erent en ironments . . . Di""erent kinds o" people in ol ed . . . *ut many common principles

Bour di""erent types o" projects . . .

Civil or chemical engineering and construction projects 7 construction 7 land reclamation 7 tunnels and %ridges 7 mining and Guarrying 7 petrochemical plant 7 oil and gas

=ha"t sinking at an Australian nickel mine

2ngersoll milling machine

anufacturing projects !the outcome is a product" 7 ne$ product de elopment 7 eGuipment manu"acture 7 ship%uilding 7 hea y engineering 7 aircra"t construction 7 pharmaceuticals 7 "ood processing

anagement projects !often in$house" 7 organi9e an e-hi%ition or stage play 7 relocate a company 7 Guality impro ement project 7 marketing project 7 ne$ production or 2& "acility 7 disaster reco ery

&rojects for pure scientific research

7 high risk o" "ailure 7 also possi%ility o" high re$ards 7 possi%le pu%lic apprehension 7 outcome o"ten unpredicta%le

&he li"e cycle o" a project

Project li"e cycle

Concept Design 3-ecute Deli er or hando er

/ne de"inition o" a project li"e cycle

&here8s a picture o" a %ig %ut on the ne-t slide. Anyone $ho might %e o""ended should close their eyes no$.


Bull project li"e history

Concept and appraisal Design Make ;ando er /perate MaintainH repair =crap 'end o" use"ul li"e)

Project management phase

A complete project li"e cycle . . . . . . doesnDt end until the project has no "urther use

2n nature, li"e cycles are so7called %ecause o" e ents or organisms that rene$ themsel es. 2n that sense, project li"e cycles are not really true li"e cycles, %ut rather life histories. ;o$e er, a commercial or industrial project is usually a cycle in the sense that it? %egins $ith a customer passes to a contractor, and $hen "inished is handed %ack to the customer.

&his is ho$ it o"ten happens

7 &he &he satis"ied customer customer pays I &est and hando er 1 Agree the speci"ication

< Make or %uild

2 Plan $ork and resources

: *uy goods and ser ices

( Make dra$ings

Project phase 1 /riginal concept 2 Beasi%ility study ( *usiness plan : Fisk assessment < Pu%lic enGuiry I Authori9ation 7 /rgani9ation > Planning + Design 10 Procurement 11 Bul"ilment 12 &estHcommission 1( ;ando er 1: 3conomic li"e 1< Disposal

Bi e7year periods

A more comprehensi e ie$ o" a li"e history "or a %ig project

'!e should hope that the economic li"e $ould %e longer than $e could sho$ in the a%o e space)

!e shall re isit this li"e history in later sho$s

3nd o" Presentation 1

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