Fuel For Exercise: The Body Uses CHO, Fat and Protein To Provide Energy

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Fuel For Exercise

The body uses CHO, fat and protein to provide energy. During exercise, primary nutrients used are fat, CHO and protein in a small amount..

Carbohydrate (CHO)
Stored CHO provided the body with a rapidly form of energy. 1 gm of CHO produces approximately 4 kcal of energy (McMurray, 1977) CHO exist in forms: Monosaccharide Disaccharide Polysaccharide

Monosaccharide simple sugars such as glucose and fructose Glucose is familiar often reffered as blood glucose Fructose is contained in fruits or honey

Are form from 2 molecule of glucose. Table sugar is called sucrose and composed by glucose and fructose Maltose also a disaccharide. 25 % of total caloric intake of most American is sucrose (McArdle et al., 1991)

Contain three or more monosacharides. The two common forms of plant polysaccharide are cellulose and starch Starch the type important source of CHO among Malaysian. Glycogen the term used for plolysaccharide stored in animal tissue and liver.

Body system used fat as fuel during prolonged exercise. One gram of fat contains 9 kcal of energy. Fat can be categorized into: 1. fatty acid 2. triglycerides 3. phospholipids 4. steroid Body stored fat as triglycerides.

Composed by MANY TINY SUBUNIT CALLED AMINO ACIDS. At least 20 types of AA are needed by the body to form various tissues, enzymes, blood protein. 9 essential amino acid should be supplied. Protein contain appproximately 4 kcal/g

High-Energy Phosphates
The immediate source of energy is the compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP) The formation of ATP occurs by: Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi)

Anaerobic ATP Production

PC + ADP Creatine kinase ATP + C At the onset of exercise: ATP ADP + Pi Muscle cells stored limited of PC therefore the total amount of ATP that can be performed limited. This combination are called the ATP-PC system

1. ATP-PC System
Also called as phospagen system. Provides energy for muscular contraction at the onset of exercise Short and HI exercise. Lasting within 3 -15 second (di Prampero et al,
1983, Costill, 1994)

In sprint or maximal exercise to continue: ATP must generating rapidly All the sprint event use the anaerobic pathway to synthesis ATP. The capacity of cell to stored PC were 75 mmol/kg

2. Glycolysis
Glycolysis involves the breakdown of glucose/glycogen to pyruvic than to lactic acid. Requires 12 enzymes in cytoplasma to breakdown glucose to lactic acid The nett ATP produces only 2 mol. This system and 1st can supply within 2 minutes. Lactic acid level increase from 1mmol/kg to 25 mmol/kg. This situation can decreases the fibers Ca2+ binding thus may impede muscle contraction

Aerobic ATP production

Aerobic production occur in the mitochondria. With O2, the oxydation phosphorylation will take place to: 1. Crebs cycle 2. Electrone transport chain

How ATP production

Glycolysis 2 ATP Glycolysis 4 ATP Pyruvate to acetyl co A 6 ATP Krebs cycle 2 ATP Krebs cycle -22 ATP Total - 36 ATP

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