Japan Literary

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Presented by: Erika Joyce M.

Santos BSED 3

An archipelago in the Pacific, it is separated from the east coast of Asia by the Sea of Japan. It is made up of three thousand islands; Japan's four main islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku.

Japanese are basically Mongoloid peoples. They are related in blood to Korean, Malays, and Chinese. They are greatly influence by Chinese, these can be seen in their arts, letters, philosophy, culture and other school of thoughts.
a. b. c. d. e. Kana alphabet The Bushido, or code of Chivalry Shinto religion Japanese Kimono Japanese gardens with exquisite landscape f. g. h. i. j. Ikebana (flower arrangement) Delicate ceramics Cha-no-yu (tea drinking ceremony) Zen meditation on Zabuton Spots: Judo (art of self defense), Kendo (fencing), Sumo (wrestling)

The Japanese were already reading and writing since the 8th Century. Their first few works in prose were the Kojiki Record of Ancient Matters, and Nikon Shoki or Chronicles of Japan, a history. They give importance to literary, they held an annual poetry contest and poetry readings. Gentlemen and ladies of the court kept diaries detailing court ceremonies and the life of the aristocrats class and dabbed in fiction.

Manyoshu (collection of one Thousand Leaves) which appeared during the great of Nara included lengthy poems in refined literary language. Kokinshiu (Ancient and Modern Poems) came out during the great age of Kyoto (922). Japanese poetry is mostly lyrical and basically an expression of emotion. Themes include nostalgic yearning for homes.

poem divided into five lines of five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables, each line flowing seamlessly into one thought. Choka. Longer poetic form that the Tanka; it consists of an unlimited number of alternating lines of five and seven syllables. Preference for short poems gradually put this poetic form to extinction. Renga. It became fashionable in Japan during the 13th century for groups of poets to work together to write chains of interlocking Tanka.

Tanka. Older than the more popular poetic form, Haiku. Tanka is a 31-syllable

literary form of three lines of five, seven, and five syllables. These is believed to be the predecessors of the Haiku. Haiku. Very short unrhymed poem of 17 syllables distributed in five, seven, and five syllables. It is called to be a contemplative poetry. It highlights moments.

Hokku. Opening verse of Renga which itself was developed into a distinct

Emperor Tenchi
Coarse the rush-mat roof Sheltering the harvest-hut Of the autumn rice-field; And my sleeves are growing wet With the moisture dripping through

Emperor Jito
Spring has passed And the summer come again; For the silk-white robes, So they say, are spread to dry On the Mount of Heavens Perfume

Emperor Juntoku
In this ancient house, Paved with a hundred stones, Ferns grow in the eaves; But numerous as they are, My old memories are more.

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