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KRA's is the set of activities on which performances are rated. KRA's are Key Result Areas which are the main objectives of the employee in an organization. Key Result Areas or KRA's refer to general areas of outcomes or outputs for which a role is responsible. KRA's are also known as key work outputs (KWO's).

Individual determine the KRAs of their roles :
They list their main day to day responsibilities/ activities. they review the answers to their why questions, looking for common themes or areas. for each activity, they ask why do i do this?

they identify their kras from these themes. they share their kras, preferably with those they report to, those they work along with, and those who report to them.

kras prepared should be

Specific kras should be specific and should
make sense.

Measurable kras should be



Achievable kras framed should be

Related to Job kras should be Related to

Time Bound kras framed should be DEFINED


Remember to focus on why the job

exists and not on what the person does
what WE do ?
(i fix machinery)

BUT why our job exists, which is

the vital


(i keep the plant operating)

what our job title is

(im an engineer)
FOCUS : why our job exists

kras distribution .
20% are


shared responsibilities

kras are



Of work role


Helping team members. Image of the organization. Activities good for the organization.

Most roles include 3 to 5 key result areas. If individuals are accountable for more than this, they may be overloaded

Identifying KRAs helps individuals Clarify their roles. Set goals and objectives. Focus on results rather than activities. align their roles to the organizations business or strategic plan. Prioritize their activities, and therefore improve their time/work management communicate their roles purposes to others Make value-added decisions

Individuals :
Develop specific goals and objectives, and plans to reach them. Take control of their time/work management strategies Work with those they report to, those they work along with, and those who report to them to identify their kras so all on a team have clarity regarding outputs.

Deliverables. Measurement Matrix. Performance Revisal. Acceptance. KRA really help to get HR thinking strategically.

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