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Arthropoda as fishes parasites

Crustacae, lice, Linguatulida and mites Copepoda Intermediate host I of cestodes: Pseudophylidea : Triaenophorus, Bothriocephalus, Eubothrium, Ligula Tetraphyllidea Trypanorhincha Proteocephalida (tapeworm) Dracunculida (Phylometra spp) Camallinida Acanthocephalan Ichthyosporidium Mostly living in fish The parasitically copepoda original character of crustacae loose (Lernaeidae) The part of mouth adaptable blood suction The causer of the serious damaged (ergasilosis: Ergasilus sieboldi (Ergasilidae))

Ergasilus sieboldi - found at gills (inner & base parts) - Mostly Tench fish (Tinca tinca) - Male living in several weeks & female as parasite - epithelial cell feeding ; injury coincided the secondary infection: Saprolegnia or Brachiomyces - Heavy infection fish is easily infected the other disease, anemia and cachexia

Species of Ergasilus: E. briani, E. buttgeri (freshwater fish), E. nanus, E. gibbus (eel)

Prophylactic action:
- Fish elimination of infected tank - Therapy : depend on fish tolerance the shortly dipping by KMnO4 (1:10.000 ; 1 g in 10 l water during 5-10 minutes) Formalin (1:4000 during 1 hr)

- to resemble Ergasilida, parasitic caligida little bit different to free life copepoda - attachment accessories - Species: Caligus lacustris (on perch, pike, gold fish) Caligus rapax (skin & gill of salmonida ) Lepeophtheirus pollachi (aperture cavity of saltwater fish)

- Parasitic crustacae to be very worm, knuckles and abdomen has little development - Species: Dichelestium oblongum (on gills of saltwater fish) Lamprolegna pulchella (small copepoda no hook) gill of freshwater fish

- In host female no knuckles but round to resemble worm - Head anchor shape chitinous covering to perforate host body

- Species : Lernaea cyprinaea skin of gold fish

long time cachexia

- Cephalothorax: short, slim neck, horned, heart shape, 2 jaws in hooks - Sphyrion lumpi female 60 mm long gall-egg 20 mm long

Argulidae, fish lice - famous & dangerous: Argulus - species: Argulus foliaceus (lice of gold fish, tawes fish, eel) Argulus coregoni (lice of salmonida) - stiletto perforator to host red spots inflammation & toxine skin irritation - small fish several infections by 1 lice death - predilection in soft part & many blood-vessels base of fin & aperture part - larvae adult 5-6 wks to suck blood - secondary infection infectious abdomen swelling in gold fish

- mould grow in former of infected injury

- transmitter blood parasite Cryptobia

Cirripedia - Adult stage of crustacae no movement - ectoparasite of cat fish, tortoise, crustacae - ectoparasite endoparasite the original character of crustacae disappear

- Mostly living in saltwater & saltish - Several species of Cymothoidae - species: Anilocra physodes mediterrania Livoneca symmetrica, Braga, Conilera, Rocinela, Aega, Ichthyoxenus & Riggia freshwater Amerika selatan - predilection gill cavity, aperture cavity (cavum of ventral side of fish)

- Adult parasite of nose cavity & mouth of mammal, bird & reptiles. - Larvae amphibia & reptiles, seldom on small mammal or fish - Nimpha of Leipperia, Sebekia, and Subtriquetra spp fish in Congo-Africa

Tungau (Mites)
Hydrachnella (mite of freshwater) baiter chelicera to dissolve crustacae, mollusca (Unionicola) & small insect and to absorb totally content of body - Larvae free - swimming - To produce toxine - Some cases larvae found in skin, fin or oesophagus of gold fish especially in silent waters Hydrachna geographica roach fish & young bream Hydrophantes ruber & Arrenurus sp bream fish (Abramis brama)

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