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Systems Analysis and Design



Dated 09/04/2014

MIMS College Mardan

Feasibility (Possibility) Study

Evaluation of alternative systems through cost and benefit analysis:

Technical Feasibility: Hardware and software availability, Technical Guarantee of Accuracy, Reliability, Easy to Access, Data security, technical capacity to hold data and future e pansion! Economical Feasibility:
Evaluation of cost " #enefits e pected!

Operational Feasibility: $inding views of wor%ers, employees, customers " suppliers about the use of new system!

Feasibility (Possibility) Study

Schedule Feasibility: Estimation of time to ta%e new system to become operational & ready'! Legal feasibility: Testing whether new system will comply & fullfill' financial reporting re(uirements!


)ystem design first involves Logical Design! $irst one has to write detailed specification that called design specification! Than secondly it involves Physical Design! This *hase of )ystem following functions:



Designing System Output Designing System Input Data Storage

Designing System Output

Important factor of Output Design: A process of +utput designing contained

Designing of ,ontent &re(uired info in an output', $orm &the way in which a content presented to user', -olume &(uantum of +utput i!e! *rints', Time .ines &time of need of outputs', /edia &method of output i!e! *rint, ,D etc' and $ormat &*hysical arrangement of Data'!

Designing System Output

Way of Presenting Information: The way in which data will be presented to the 0ser which should be simple and better understandable and for this Tabular and Graphic &charts, maps etc' can be used! Design Layout of Output:

The layout of a output can be in *rinted form, visual on screen etc!

Designing of )ystem 1nput

Important Factor of Input Design: A process of 1nput designing contained

Designing of ,ontent &re(uired info in a input', $orm &the media in which input is received by user', -olume &(uantum of input records', Time .ines &re(uired time to enter one record', /edia &method of input i!e! %eyboard etc' and $ormat

&1nput by the user in the system'! !oding: To reduce input control errors and speed up the entire process coding is very important! This is also important to get all records in a specific form!

Designing of )ystem 1nput

2 "ethods: Individually: &0ni(ue codes giving only one option to user out of may i!e selection of gender from male or $emale etc', Space or suggestive &for brief information' 2 Schemes: !lassification !odes &only single digit is re(uired for (uic% 3ob', Function code &activities to be performed without spelling out all details' etc!

Data Storage
This includes the storage of data# inde$ing etc! $or storage of data it can follow following approaches: Conventional File Approach: This is a traditional approach where each transaction is updated in the master file, each application have their own database and it is not useful for other applications! &#oss in /1/) ,ollege' Data ase Approach: This support decision ma%ing s%ill of the management! Data are stored in the small4small database files and same data can be used in the multiple applications! &$iles maintained as a process of the organi5ation for /1) etc!'

System Acquisition & Development

After designing the system all re%uired resources &hard'are ( Soft'are) should be gathered! 1f some of them are already with the organi5ation than it reduces the cost of ac(uisition, for remaining items organi5ation has to plan its procurements process, this includes following:

)election of Hardware: )election of )oftware -endor )election

Selection of Hard are

6hile selecting the hardware for new system a developer must %eep in mind following: Latest Technology 6hether re(uirement of business is for Scientific or *usiness !omputer Soft'are supplied by the manufacture and re(uirement of additional software !ompatible with the e isting systems in organi5ation

Selection of Soft are

)election followings:

of is

perfect totally

)oftware on

for the



!apid I"ple"entation: 6hether software can be implemented (uic%ly!!


Lo' +is, of -uality: )oftware should be properly tested by the manufacturer for the (uality otherwise organi5ation has to spend its precious time on (uality assurance!

Lo' +is, of !ost: The cost and benefit analysis will give us the perfect cost, which organi5ation can bear for ac(uiring the given software!

$endor Selection
This is finding of resources from new system hardware and software will be procured! At resource will be finali5ed based on the following:

Performance !apability in relation to cost and (uality: !ost ( *enefits: *reparation of comparative statements based on the (uotations received from vendors with terms and conditions!


"aintainability:! /aintenance re(uirements of the new e(uipments! !ompatibility 'ith the E$isting system: .endor support: *ost sale support from vendors


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