Ec105 41e

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G.SHASHIKALA Lecturer DECE GPW, SURYAPET 1st year Electronic Components & Devices EC-105 Inductors and Transformers 50Minutes Self inductance
EC 105.41 1

On completion of this period, you will be able to Know.
What is inductor.

What is self inductance.

On what parameters the inductance of a coil depends.

EC 105.41

1. What is a passive component ?

Ans: These components by them selves are not capable of amplifying an electrical signal. or Which do not have the ability to produce gain.

EC 105.41

2.What are the examples of passive components ?

Ans: Examples of passive components are
(a) Resistor

(b) Capacitor
(c) Inductor

EC 105.41

It is one of the passive component. It is nothing but a coil wound on a core or former of some suitable material.

It can be used to store electro magnetic energy.

It is denoted by the letter L. Its units are Henrys H.

EC 105.41

Symbol of inductor

Figure 1

EC 105.41

Inductor Picture

Figure 2

EC 105.41

Induction by A.C
Magnetic field around an alternating current Carrying conductor.

Figure 3
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As the current increases in value magnetic field expands outwards from the conductor. As the current decreases the magnetic field collapses in the conductor. An expanding and collapses magnetic field then is the same as that of a field in motion. The passage of magnetic flux results in an induced voltage.

EC 105.41

Self Inductance
It is the ability of a conductor to induce voltage in itself when the current changes. It is denoted by the letter L.

Its units are Henrys (H).

EC 105.41


Circuit diagram

Figure 4

EC 105.41


VL= -Ldi/dt. VL= Induced Voltage in Volts (V). L=Inductance in henries (H). di/dt= Rate of change of current in amperes per second (A/Sec). The minus(-) sign indicates that polarity of induced voltage opposes the change in current.

EC 105.41


Factors effecting the inductance of an inductor

Self inductance of a coil is defined as the Weber turns per ampere of the coil.
L=N. / i = m.m.f / reluctance(S) m.m.f=N. I

S=l / a
L=N / i= N. N.i .. a / i. l L= .a.N2 henrys l

EC 105.41


Physical factors affecting the value of inductance

Figure 5

EC 105.41


The inductance of a inductor depends on the following factors:

Area of the core (A).
Length of the core (l). Relative permeability (r). Square of the number of turns (N).

EC 105.41


Points to be remembered
Inductance of a coil depends directly.

on the square of the number of turns.

on the cross sectional area of the core. on the relative Permeability. Inversely as the length of the core.
EC 105.41 16

We have discussed about
Brief note on inductor.

The inductor behavior when an A.C is applied.

Definition of self inductance & factors effecting the inductance.

EC 105.41



EC 105.41


1.Inductor is a _________component Ans: Passive 2. Inductor can be used to store _______ energy Ans:Electro magnetic 3. ______is the ability of an inductor to concentrate the magnetic flux Ans: Permeability 4. If a conductor allows flux to pass through more easily Then it is said to have_____ permeability Ans: high
EC 105.41 19

5. The property of a conductor to induce voltage when the current through it is changed is called____ a) b) c) d) Capacitance Resistance Inductance Conductance


EC 105.41


6.The standard inductors are made up of a) b) c) d) Manganese Copper Steel Aluminum

Ans: Copper

EC 105.41


7) The magnitude of induced e.m.f in a conductor depends on the --------a) b) c) d) amount of flux cut amount of flux linkage rate of change of flux linkage flux density of the magnetic field

Ans: rate of change of flux linkage

EC 105.41


Frequently asked questions

1. Define self inductance April 03/March04/sep04/March05/oct06

EC 105.41


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