L C M Intro

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Notable Quotes

The leader works in the open, and the boss is covert. The leader leads, and the boss drives. ~ Theodore Roosevelt Leadership has a harder job to do than just choosing sides. It has to bring sides together. ~ Jesse Jackson

Leaders Produce Leaders

I start with the premise that the function of leadership

is to produce more leaders, not more followers. ~ Ralph Nader

Notable Quotes
The supreme quality for a leader is unquestionable integrity. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower Setting an example is not the main means of leading others. It is the only means. ~ Albert Einstein

Leadership Is About Service

Leadership is about

unity and service. It originates from empathy and is about us.

Who Can Become a Leader?

I don't think leadership is

about title[or] how many people work for you. I think anyone can lead from anywhere at any time which is to say that I believe that first, leadership is a choice; and, secondly, that leadership is about making a positive impact. And anyone can make a positive impact. ~ Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina

Lessons Along the Way

Value Others and Practice Teamwork
Believe In and Trust Individual Talent

and Initiative Treasure and Protect a Reputation for Honesty and Credibility. Develop Others and Plan Succession

Value Others and Practice Teamwork

Believe In and Trust Individual Talent and Initiative

You have to enable and

empower people to make decisions independent of you. As Ive learned, each person on a team is an extension of your leadership; if they feel empowered by you they will magnify your power to lead. ~ Tom Ridge

Believe In and Trust Individual Talent and Initiative

Don't tell people how to

do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. ~ George S. Patton

Treasure and Protect a Reputation for Honesty and Credibility

It is better to be gone and not forgotten than forgotten but not gone; it is even greater to be remembered and revered than only remembered.

Develop Others and Plan Succession

Succession derives from the same Latin root as the word succeed.

Diverse Cultures Produce Diverse Ideas

Diversity is about empowering people and promoting the human spirit. It makes an organization effective by making the most of the individual differences found in each and every person.

Final Thoughts
The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already. ~ John Buchan

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