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Realised by:
Anas BADRI Firas AYADI Mohamed DAHAS

Introduction 1)Definitions 2)Services 3)Architectures 4) Data Transferring 5)VoIP types 6)Streaming types 7)VoIP/Streaming protocols Conclusion


VOIP and Streaming are a techniques for transferring data .

Data could be audio for VoIP, audio and video for Streaming


Definitions 1/2
Voip (voice over IP):
A new telecommunication technology that has transformed the concept of phone call. allows to transmit voice conversations over a network via

Internet Protocol (IP ).

Provides services and functions in the telephony domain.

Definitions 2/2
Streaming :

Streaming is a technique for transferring data through internet in real time. Streaming is a technical re-ordering of data that makes it possible for a user to view and interact with media information without having to wait for it to download entirely to his or her computer.


Services 1/2
VoIP services:
IP phone

IP fax machine
Internet Radio

Services 2/2
Streaming services:
Videoconferencing Telemonitoring Interactive games Distance learning(E-learning) Web TV


Architecture 1/2
VoIP Architecture
caller Digital Voice (DATA)

Analog Voice (Audio SIGNAL)

Transmission over IP network

Analog Voice (Audio SIGNAL)

Digital Voice (DATA)



Architecture 2/2
Streaming Architecture
Unicast Multicast



Each client gets a separate stream and only if they request it

delivery of Data to a group of destination computers in a single transmission from the source 12


Data Transferring


Data Transferring 1/2

Voip and Streaming have almost the same way of work 1. Compression: voice and video is compressed typically with the codec

2. Encapsulation: the digitized voice and video is wrapped in an IP packets

3. Routing: the packets is routed thru the network

to its final destination


Data Transferring2/2
Packet Switching System
The computer from which data is sent chops the data into small packets with fixing an address on each one detailing the network device where to send them. Each packet contains a payload (like music, voice...)
All the packets traverse different paths to get to the computer. The computer then resembles the data to their original form using the instructions contained in the packets.


VoIP types


VOIP types 1/3

ATA (Analog Telephone Adaptor)
The ATA is an analog-to-digital converter. This device allows one to connect a standard phone to the computer and the internet connection for using VoIP. What the ATA device does is that it takes the analog signal from the phone and converts it into digital data. This digital data can then be transmitted over the internet.


VOIP types 2/3

IP Phones
This phone is connected directly into the router.

IP phones have all the hardware and software that are necessary to handle the IP call.


VOIP types 3/3

This is the easiest way to use VoIP. It is also very inexpensive.

The basic requirements are software, a microphone, speakers, a sound card, and a fast internet connection.


Streaming types


Streaming types 1/2

Real Streaming
Requires a special server (a streaming server) which broadcasts the audio/video information in real time. The player on the visitor's computer interprets this stream of data and visualizes it immediately.

Requires powerful servers (needs a lot of resources)


Streaming types 2/2

Pseudo Streaming (HTTP streaming )
Dont need a lot of resources(standard web server). Playing part of the downloaded video, file while the rest of the file is still being downloaded. Modern Flash, QuickTime and RealMedia players combined with a fast server, however, manage to play such videos without many problems and to minimize the buffering time.


Voip/Streaming protocols


Voip/Streaming protocols 1/4

Codec Protocol :
Codecs are used to convert an analog voice signal to digitally encoded version.
Codecs vary by the sound quality, the bandwidth required, the computational requirements.


Voip/Streaming protocols 2/4

SIP protocol The Session Initiation Protocol is a signaling communicationprotocol

Functionalities: INVITES: allows the application of a new session ACK: confirms the establishment of the INVITE BYE: terminates the session CANCEL: cancels the session establishment


Voip/Streaming protocols 3/4

RTP (real time protocol) transport layer:
RTP supplies necessary tools for the applications: sequencing and timestamp RTP reconstitutes the order of packages, synchronizes media and detect the loss of packages


Voip/Streaming protocols 4/4

RTSP: Real time streaming protocol (transport layer)
It supports the following operations: retrieval the media from a server invitation of a media server to a conference recording of a conference Its Major methods SETUP: server allocates resources for a stream and starts an RTSP session PLAY: starts data on a stream PAUSE: temporarily halts a stream TEARDOWN: free resources of the stream, no RTSP session on server any more



VoIP and streaming technologies will be the trend of future The market for VoIP applications and streaming media for manufacturers is growing exponentially


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