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Oral Presentation

Why Managers Need Effective Presentation Skills

Importance Watch Out ! Conversation Vs Presentation Lecture Vs Presentation

Elements Of A Presentation
Presenter Audience Specific Content

Features Of A Good Presentation

Contents Matching The Audience Language Matching The Audience Brevity Smooth Sequence Signs Of Preparation & Mastery Lively Delivery Appropriate humour

Planning A Presentation





The STAR Strategy

The MOM Plan

May Be



How To Structure Your Presentation

Prepare your visuals in advance Always make back-up copies Rehearse a lot (avoid the use of papers or note cards) Know how to use the technical equipment Preview the room, and select the layout that is best for your presentation

Preparation - Outline
1 - 2 minutes per slide
Generic 15 min Conference Presentation
Title Slide (1) Title, author, affiliation, acknowledgements Rationale (1-2) Why this is interesting Methods (1-2) What you did Results (2-4) What did you find and what does it mean Summary (1) One thing you want them to remember

Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics
Relevant images communicate, and maintain interest

Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics

Minimise text & numbers

Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers

Light text on dark background

Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers Light text on dark background

Avoid distracting backgrounds

Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers Light text on dark background Avoid distracting backgrounds

Use large sans serif fonts Helvetica or Arial rather than serif fonts like Times
24 pt is minimum,

32 pt, or even 36 pt is better

Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers Light text on dark background Avoid distracting backgrounds Use large sans serif fonts

Mix upper and lower case


Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers Light text on dark background Avoid distracting backgrounds Use large sans serif fonts Mix upper and lower case

Use colour to highlight text

Use high contrast colours for important lines, symbols or text, and lower contrast colours for less important lines, symbols or text. But use a small number of colours

Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers Light text on dark background Avoid distracting backgrounds Use large sans serif fonts Mixture upper and lower case Use colour to highlight text

Keep figures simple

Show means, sd, effect size statistics, but not test statistics


Y axis (units)

60 40 20 0


Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers Light text on dark background Avoid distracting backgrounds Use large sans serif fonts Mixture upper and lower case Use colour to highlight text Keep figures simple

Thick lines and large symbols

20 r = 0.89
Y Axis (units)

15 10 Participant 2 5 0 20


40 50 60 X Axis (units)


Preparation - Slides
Use Images & Graphics Minimise text & numbers Light text on dark background Avoid distracting backgrounds Use large sans serif fonts Mixture upper and lower case Use colour to highlight text Keep figures simple Thick lines and large symbols

Progressive disclosure

Preparing Effective PowerPoint Slides

Use visuals sparingly Rule 7 X 7
Use no more than 7 lines of text per slide Use no more than 7 words per line of text

Restrict the contents of tables and graphs Maintain uniformity in font style, font size, and bullets

General title

Intestinal chloride secretion

Salmonella induces COX-2 via iNOS expression
Specific title
3 Control L-NAME NS-398

*** ***

COX-2 (a.u.)

Keep it simple Remember a key


Statistics! Means + SEM, n=6 ***, p<0.001 vs. uninfected control

0 Uninfected Salmonella


Tips of Better Visual Presentation

Percentage Remaining

Make sure colors on graphs contrast well with background

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 08-071997 09-081997 10-091997

Bare Soil 33% 67% Full Stand




Percentage Remaining

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 08-071997 09-081997 10-091997

Always resize figures from corners, never from the sides

Bare Soil 33% 67% Full Stand





aining Percentage Rem

The way the figure is imported affects its appearance


120 100 80 60 40 20 0 7/8/97 8/9/97

Bare Soil 33% 67% Full Stand

9/10/97 10/12/97 11/13/97

Pasted as a picture, previous slide pasted as MS office object

Lighting in meeting rooms is rarely optimum for slides

Contrast is important

Slide Color Scheme

A Matter of Personal Preference

Watch For:
Good color contrast from the back row of the room Adequate font size and clarity as viewed from the back row of the room

Pure Black Background

Title: Times New Roman 44 Point

Text: Times New Roman 32 Point

Text Font and Size

Title: Arial 48 Point
Text: Arial 36 Point

Text Font and Size

Pure White Background

Title: Times New Roman 44 Point

Text: Times New Roman 32 Point
Avoid text colors that do not provide adequate contrast with the background

Pure Red Background

Title: Times New Roman 44 Point

Text: Times New Roman 32 Point

Contrast between text and background?

Black fade to white

Watch For:
Good color contrast from the back row of the room Adequate font size and clarity as viewed from the back row of the room

Marble Fill Effect

Title: Times New Roman 44 Point

Text: Times New Roman 32 Point

Use with caution

Background Template

Title: Times New Roman 44 Point

Text: Times New Roman 32 Point

Use with caution

Font Selection
San serif fonts tend to provide maximum clarity e.g. Arial Some serif fonts work well e.g. Times New Roman

Font Selection
Some serif fonts dont work as well e.g. Palatino,
especially if the type is smaller

Use silly fonts with caution e.g. Monotype Corsiva

Good rules of thumb

Use fonts that maximize clarity Use larger sizes

48 points for the title

36 points for the main bullets
32 points for the sub bullets

How To Deliver Your Presentation?

Be punctual Stand up, or sit straight

Keep hands in front of you

Maintain eye contact with the audience on all sides of the room Start the presentation with a smile

Use a conversational tone

Dress neatly and professionally and appropriately.

How To Deliver Your Presentation?

Reading Aloud Speaking From Memory Speaking From Notes Voice, Posture & Gestures

Top Ten Mistakes Made by Presenters

No preparation Lack of enthusiasm No eye contact Lack of facial expression Stays in one place Lack good visuals Ineffective closing No audience involvement

No presentation objectives Mediocre first impression

Use Your Voice Effectively

Speak loud enough to be heard, and be confident Dont speak in a monotone Alternate the rate of your voice Slow down when emphasizing important points

Pauses can also be used to add emphasis

Drink water to prevent voice problems

Things to Avoid
Corporal Movement
Swinging and moving excessively Playing with hair Chewing gum Clicking the top of a pen Playing with jewelry Leaning against something for support

Things to Avoid
Too fast Too slow Too low

Fillers (repetitive sounds and phrases) ah um and


Steps to Reduce Your Speaking Anxiety

Know the room
Arrive early Walk around the room

Realize people want you to succeed Dont apologize for being nervous

Know the audience Know, practice, and revise your material Learn how to relax Visualize yourself speaking

Concentrate on your message

Turn nervousness into positive energy Gain experience

How to Control Your Nervousness

Transform fear and nervousness to presentation presence and strength
Breathe deeply and exhale slowly (repeat) Stretch your muscles (neck, legs, and arms) Repeat breathing exercise, close your eyes, relax, feel prepared and ready

Walk the room: feel the space of your success

Greet your audience (Impact them)

How To Support Your Presentation Visually?

White Board Charts OHP Computers & Multimedia Models & Real Object Word Pictures

Advantages of Visual Aids

Enhance understanding of the topic Help your speech be more impressive, and improve your image Maintain the audiences attention and increase their interest Help build credibility Add variety

Overuse of Visual Aids

Attention of audience will be divided
Audience may pay more attention to visuals than to speaker Avoid slides with too much movement and/or sounds

Anticipate likely questions and prepare extra slides with the answers Maybe even plant a stooge

Paraphrase questions
1. so that other people hear the question

Paraphrase questions
1. so that other people hear the question 2. to check you understand the questions

Paraphrase questions
1. so that other people hear the question 2. to check you understand the questions 3. to stall while you think about an answer


If you dont know the answer, say so.

Offer to find out. Ask the audience.

Like most things, the best way to learn is to do

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