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IT Roll Out (Project Panchdeep) in ESIC

Project Panchdeep

Online compliance & Facilities/Convenience to employers through internet using ESI portal (
Registration of Unit Registration of Employees under ESI Scheme Submission of monthly contribution Generation & Printout of Challans Online Generation & Printout of TIC Online Request for Updation of Employers details Automatic Online maintenance of Form- 6 Register Submission of Accident Reports in r/o employees

Submission of Annual Return (Form 01 A)

Registration of sub-units Insertion of new employee already having Ins No from previous employment Online submission of self certification /CAs certificate View contribution History Updation of IPs particulars ( except Name , Ins No, gender & date of appointment)

Till date more than 9 Lakh Pehchan Cards issued in West Bengal against total Insured Person of approx 11.5 Lakh
Online camps at Branch offices and Hybrid Camps at employers premises Employers Portal ( fully functional for hassle free compliance

Provision to pay contribution through online payment gateway.

Almost 100% system calculated Cash Benefit payments at Branch Offices.

PDB & DB data freezed and centralized payment from RO following the Batch process method with 100 % accuracy of Calculation and payment to respective Bank Account of beneficiary .

System - generated action on defaulters such as issue of notice, calculation of dues etc . Notices generated are being sent automatically by system in their emails

. Compliance History ,Defaulter list and default position viewable on the click of a mouse by Revenue Branches.

Instant & Accurate generation of MIS reports & returns. All relevant data of IPs .(entitlement, particular, status of claim, contribution etc) can be accessed by IP himself through IP portal Real-time tracking of Pehchan Card status. All offices/Service Dispensaries/Hospitals (Total 2200+ locations) connected for anytime/anywhere medical service. Instant generation of Coverage letter( C-11) for new Registration of units. User Id/password sent to email id.

Instant Insurance Number generation for new employee Registration online. One IP number valid throughout India irrespective of change in employment. Automatic Online Form-6 (under Reg -32) Register updation on submission of online

Monthly Contribution . No need to maintain physical Form -6.

Automatic generation of Half-Yearly Return of Contribution(RC). No need to submit physical copy. certification / CAs certificate can be scanned and uploaded. Survey /Inspection Report by Social Security Officers being submitted and processed online





Facilitate IPs to establish Identity more easily at Dispensaries, Branch Offices etc through unique Biometric Card Difficulty faced by IPs when changing employer. A Unique portable number valid for entire country has solved this problem misuse/

Biometric details (fingerprints) prevents any scope for impersonation

In many cases families of IPs resided elsewhere and it was not possible for them to avail medical treatment. The issue of two Pehchan Cards solved this problem. The necessity of maintaining huge Medical Record Envelopes in ESI Dispensaries is dispensed off as all medical data can be captured in the Card itself.

With a view to enroll 100% IPs , the Pehchan Campaign started in 2009 with massive publicity in mass media, introduction of mobile Vans etc.

Setting up of permanent Pehchan Enrollment Camps at all Branch Offices Establishing Card printing facilities at ROs/SROs Setting time-bound targets distribution of Cards etc. for printing and

Introduction of Hybrid Pehchan Camps at Employers Premises aimed at increasing the daily number of enrollments

Initially at 5 Regions including West Bengal as pilot practice and has now spread to rest of the country gradually Held at the employers premises
Employees who have TICs/generated Insurance No but have not yet enrolled for Pehchan are eligible

As on 31st October 2013, 52,284 enrollments has taken place at 569 Hybrid Camps at employers premises in West Bengal Region ( 2nd highest in India)

Modalities of Hybrid Pehchan Camp

All Registered Insured Employees having Insurance No. and Temporary Identity Card generated but till date not enrolled for Smart Card are eligible. The camp will be held in the premises of the employer who offer to provide

space/infrastructural support and also have at least 50 eligible employees yet to enroll for Smart cards.

However, two or more employees of an area can come together and offer to hold camp in the premises of any of them, provided the total number of employees

for enrollment is 50 or more.

Employers desirous of holding Camps in their premises can contact their nearest ESIC Branch Office to finalize date, venue, schedule ,etc of the camp Data of the listed IPs earmarked for a particular Pehchan camp should be checked and certified correct by the employer 2/3 days prior to the camp. It is not mandatory that family members also enroll simultaneously .IP can enroll first and family can enroll as per convenience any time anywhere.

A huge number of IPs are still to enroll for Pehchan Cards . Employer should either advise them to attend Online camps or(If 50 such IPs exist in same unit) organize Hybrid camps in their premises to enroll these IP S.

Hybrid Pehchan Camp which was suspended from November 2013 are again going to start from the last week of January 2014 at employers premises. Apart from the Hybrid Pehchan Camps, permanent online camps are being run in most of the branch offices & Regional Office besides Falta Dispensary

Dhanwantri module which spans Model as well as State-run Hospitals and Dispensaries envisages automation of various functionalities such as Patient Registration, Blood Bank , Laundry etc .
Dhanwantri is
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Multi-location application including all the core functional areas of Hospitals and Dispensaries Capable of capturing :Complete Patient Information Hospital Infrastructure such as Medical Equipments, No. of Operation Theatres, Wards and Beds etc. Scheduling of various services Doctors Appointments, Operation Theatre Booking, Radiology Services Laboratory equipments are interfaced with the solution All investigation reports are linked to patient medical records Support activities CSSD, Diet & Kitchen, Bio-Medical Engineering
Patient Clinical Data shared across the ESIC network Single Data Entry Stream Lined Operations Reduced Document Flow Statistical Analysis To implement a state of the art solution in a manner that medical services are optimally provided to the IPs independent of geographical location


Vision of Dhanwantri

Challenges/ Hurdles
Many employers were not familiar with computer/internet

How overcome
Training centre set up in each RO and employers were trained batch by batch which lasted almost one year

Employer facing technical issue in portal

Dedicated solution centre established for guiding the employers.

For employers not having access to Computers/internet

Facilitation centre set up at RO/SRO with computer system for IPs/employers use. Branch offices instructed to extend full support to employers

Empowerment for IPs

All particulars of IPs (except name & Ins No) can be updated by his employer. IP need not visit ESIC office IP Portal A one stop source of all relevant information for IPs/employers Just log into IP Portal from and access IPs details anytime/anywhere. Details include : IP Particulars viz Name, Fathers name, present & Permanent Address, Nominee details, Date of birth, Date of joining, Family members details. Entitlements to various benefits ESI scheme provides Contribution particulars Status of any pending Cash benefit claim

DOs & DONts FOR employers

1) Do not generate multiple Insurance Nos for the same IP.

Before Registering new IP make sure he does not have an existing Insurance No.
2) Do not pay regular contribution from Omitted wages Challan Link. File Monthly Contribution and generate Challan for the month. 3) Do not use omitted wages Challan for payment against particular demand from RO such as C-18, 45A, order etc. Use Defaulter /Recovery Challan instead and use the correct link against any demand shown.

Donts (Contd)
4) Do not share password with any unauthorized persons.

5) Do not continue to attach any IP who has left your service by showing him no work in Month Contribution. Exit him by choosing the option Left Service
6) Do not use the Challan paid once for paying again for subsequent period.

7) Do not send your employees to ESIC office for purpose like updation of address, family details etc which can be done at your end.


Do check whether the Challan paid by you has been realized or not by using the link Modify Challan. Check for date of realization. Till the payment is realized, the link for modification remains open for modification of date of number of Cheque/ draft etc. mode of payment.

2) Do keep track of your employees who are yet to enroll for Smart

Card from the link Pehchan Follow up and advise them to attend nearest Camp for enrollment.

3) If you have more than 50 Pehchan not done employees do organize Hybrid Camp at your premises for enroll the remaining employees for Smart Cards. Ensure 100% attendance at Hybrid Camp.

Once Monthly Contribution is submitted, the amount

& no. of days cannot be altered. Employers are therefore requested to be very careful while submitting the monthly contributions. Principal Employers having employees through contractors may use the link IP Mapping with Contractor/Principal Employer to map contractor employees with respect to Contractors in order to distinguish them from their own employees.

Dos (Contd)
4) Do enter the Aadhar number of any new employee in the

relevant field while Registering Form 1 online.

5) Do file the Annual Information Return Form 01A online every

January by using the correct link in employer portal.

6) While writing mail to IT care/IT cell (RO) do explain the issue

clearly and attach screenshot (in case of system related issue) or scan copy of I-card (in case of IP Ins number related issue)
7) While Registering new unit (Form -01) do select the appropriate nature of work/ business carried out in the relevant field. Labour contractors/ man power suppliers should select appropriate nature of work & generate Advance Contribution Challan.

Guideline for employers

ISSUES Password blocked/showing authentication failed Challan paid but still showing unrealized. SOLUTION Use Forget password link and the new password will be sent to your registered E-mail ID. Use the links Updation of unrealized challan {for offline payments} and for Online challan double verification {For online payments}. Insert Bank Code, Journal No and submit. Request for transfer of contribution to the SMART CARD no to IT cell(RO).It may take upto one month for this transfer

Multiple ins no generated by mistake . Smart card prepared in one number but contribution deposited in another

Employer wants to Register Disabled employee for exemption of Employers share of contribution

While Registering such employee choose yes in the appropriate field. Then approach ESIC Br Office for getting uploaded Disability Certificate (scaned) and other particulars.

IP enrolled twice by mistake or ignorance. Both numbers got deduplicated and blocked and smart card not received.

Request IT cell(RO) for deletion of the biometric details(fingure print, photo) for both enrollments. After deletion IP has to enroll afresh again.

How to detect which of your employees are yet to get enrolled for Pehchan

Click on the link Pehchan follow up in employers portal and list of all such IPs will appear in PDF or EXCEL.

Family of IP living else where. How to enroll them?

IP can enroll himself first and get Pehchan card. Family members can enroll at nearest place afterwards.

Accident report submitted by employer not coming to proper Br Office

Branch office to which employer attached may be checked and in case of discrepancy same may be updated from Update Employer Details after approval from Regional Office.

Transfer of PDB/DB from one Branch Office to another.

For changing Branch Office Life Certificate needs to be uploaded once from the intended Branch Office.

Difficulty in challan creation/printing.

Please ensure that pop up blocker is disabled & the browser must be Mozilla 20 & above.

Employer wants to deposit partial amount of amount due. Challan is generated. Now employer wants to change the mode of payment

Employer can make challan for partial amount due(But in this case employer will be identified as defaulter)

By using the option Modify Challan anytime before making payment employer can change the mode of payment ,cheque/draft number and date.

Large number of employee and it is very Download the excel template, update time consuming to upload monthly the wages /no of days for the month contribution one by one and upload it


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