Oracle r12 Appstech Tca Technical Ver.1

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Trading Community Architecture

TCA Objectives

Understand the fundamentals of TCA Discuss TCA model Review Components Parties Party Relationships Customers Locations Contacts

What is Trading Community Architecture

What is Trading Community Architecture (TCA)? What is TCA, the Trading Community Architecture? Is TCA an Oracle Applications module? Is it functionality within an Oracle module?

The TCA is a data model that supports the entry and management of entities that you interact with.

Trading Community Architecture

The summation of all entities, inclusive of partners, suppliers and competitors, that related to another entity


Competitor of

Partner of


Employee of Supplier of




Single Representation of an Entity -Supports Linking multiple relationships to the same single representation of an entity ,enabling a 360 view of the trading partner


Supports B-2-B and B-2-C -Includes distinct, comprehensive support for both Business to-Business and Business to-Consumer customer models.


Modeling of Complex Relations -Supports modeling of complex relationships between members of the community, including those that the deploying company is not part of.

TCA Features
Provides a foundation for a single source for customer information. Ability to represent all business entities as a Party (organizations, people, groups,

relationships) and to handle them the same way. This approach provides flexibility to
accommodate all B2B, B2C and hybrid models in the same repository. Many-to-many relationships between Parties and Locations, that allows for less duplication and easier updating.

Capability for advanced relationship modeling between entities within the trading
community. Any party can figure in any number of Party Relationships even within matrix hierarchies (relationship networks). Ability to setup and maintain any number of party classifications which can be used

for reporting and assignment purposes.

Extensible data model to enable various business data requirements. In reality , three entities Drive in the TCA model , which are Party, Account, and Relationships.

TCA Model
The TCA model revolves around the party concept and the relationships associated with it

Relationship Detail
The TCA model revolves around the party concept and the relationships associated with it

RelationshipAssociates two parties


A party is an entity that can enter into a business relationship and can be of two sub types; Person and Organization. Organization Person
An organization party is a legal entity generally recognized by some government authority. A person party is a unique individual of interest to the owner of the software.

ex :Oracle Corporation ex :Jane Doe

Group ex :World Wide Web Consortium A combination of two or more people, organizations or Relationship ex :Jane Doe at Oracle Corp.


Relationships in TCA allow for the linking of any two parties. When two parties are connected via a party relationship a relationship type is assigned which describes the relationship.

Party records can be created and updated using third party data sources such as Dun & Bradstreet's Global Data Products

When two parties are connected via a party relationship, a relationship type is assigned, which describes the relationship (e.g., headquarters of, employee of, spouse of, competitor of legal council for, VAR of, etc.). Once a Party Relationship is defined, it may become a party in its own right. For example, in the Party Relationship John is the spouse of Mary, both John and Mary are parties and spouse of is the relationship type. However, the relationship itself may become a party record, which would result in 3 parties: 1. John (Party of type person) 2. Mary (Party of type person) 3. John is spouse of Mary (Party of type relationship) Once a Party Relationship has become a party in its own right, it can have the same attributes as any other party such as Party Sites, Contact Points, and Customer Accounts


TCA-Location & Party Sites

Location A Physical Space, usually an Address Party Site A Party Site links a Party with a Location. Parties may be associated to one or more Locations and Locations may be associated to one or more Parties.

Party Site Uses-A Party Site Use describes the usage of a Location (e.g., mailing address, billing address,home address, etc.). Each Party Site may have one or more Party Site Uses.


TCA-Contact & Contact Points

A Contact is a party that serves as a contact for another party. However, it is possible that a person is the contact for another person (e.g., a parent for a child), an organization is the contact for another organization (e.g., a Public Relations firm for their client organization), or even that an organization is the contact for a person (e.g., a legal firm for their client). Contact Points store electronic methods of communicating with entities such as parties and party sites. Examples of Contact Points types include phone, fax, telex, email, URLs, etc. An entity may have any number of Contact Points.



A Customer Account (or simply, Account) represents a business relationship. When a party becomes a customer (i.e., purchases something), an account is created and associated to the party to track the attributes of the customer relationship. A Customer Account Site is a Party Site that is used within the context of a Customer Account (e.g., for billing or shipping purposes). A Customer Account Contact is a contact that is used in the context of a Customer Account.


TCA Logical Models Parties


TCA Parties-Type Person


TCA Parties-Type Organization


TCA Accounts


TCA Profile Classes


TCA Sites/Locations


TCA Contact Points


TCA Party Relationships


Trading Community Architecture WHATS IN R12


R12 SOA Enabling TCA

Servicebeans/SDOs/Generate Functions

Integration Repository (Web Service Provider) Business Object Level APIs and Events



Business Level APIs and Events

Business Objects (DB Objects)
Business Object Layer Entity Centric V2 APIs and Events

Entity Centric


V2 Business Events
Entity Centric




R12 Integration Capabilities

Release 11i
Integration based on TCA Entities

Release 12

Business Objects based integration

Low level entity access

Business Object level access

Extensive Custom Coding

No coding required

No middleware integration

Out-of-the-box integration to Oracle SOA Suite

Integration Components

Complete Integration Solution

Java & PL/SQL APIs

Web Services


R12 Whats in TCA


TCA Integration


TCA Technical Tables

TCA - Customer : Here are Technical details for 11i/R12 customer in TCA.


TCA Technical Tables

TCA - Suppliers Here are Technical details for R12 Supplier in TCA.




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