Slide Show: Introduction To Sons of Union Veterans of The Civil War and Lincoln-Cushing Camp #2

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Introduction to Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

President Abraham Lincoln

CMDR. William B. Cushing

Lincoln-Cushing Camp No. 2 Department of the Chesapeake

SUVCW Coat of Arms

Copyrighted with medals in 1882 by A.P. Davis Use in official correspondence

Also copyrighted in 1882 by A.P. Davis

SUVCW Membership
Membership Criteria Male descendent of CW veteran Never convicted of heinous crime Never took up arms against U.S. government Junior Membership Criteria Same qualifications as Member, aged 6 to 14 Associate Membership Criteria No direct lineage, but has a deep interest in Civil War

SUVCW History
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) predecessor of SUVCW

founded in 1866 by Union Veterans

GAR founded Sons of Veterans, U.S.A (SV) in 1881 GAR sponsored SV camps

In 1925, SV became SUVCW

In 1954, federal charter issued by Congress

SUVCW Mission
To preserve the memory of the GAR and our ancestors who

fought to preserve the Union, 1861-1865

To assist every practicable way in preservation and making

available for research documents and records pertaining to the GAR and its members our country in any way

To cooperate in doing honor to all who have patriotically served To teach patriotism and duties of citizenship, the true history of

our country and the love and honor of our flag

SUVCW Structure
National Headquarters at

National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA

Led by the Commander-

in-Chief with the Council of Administration

National encampment

meets annually

SUVCW Structure
Department Many departments are by state but Chesapeake is DE, MD, VA, WV and DC Committees matching functions at National level Hold annual encampments

Department of the Chesapeake



District of Columbia

West Virginia


SUVCW Structure
Camp Led by Commander and two Vice Commanders Meets quarterly by camp by-laws Local projects Traditional Memorial Day (30 May) ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery Historical and social outings

SUVCW Officers
For both Camp and Department Commander Senior Vice Commander Junior Vice Commander Secretary Treasurer 3 Council Members

SUVCW Programs
Union graves registration Civil War and GAR memorials


GAR Records Project Education Petition to restore traditional

Memorial Day to 30 May

Eagle Scout recognition

Union Graves Registration

Maintain list of graves in

your region

Ensure proper

headstones or markers acquire headstone from Veterans Administration

If unmarked, seek family,

Civil War and GAR Memorials Catalog

Identify all GAR erected


Inspect and report back

to National the condition of these memorials determine the cost and apply for a grant

If any need refurbishing,

GAR Records Project

Locate and catalog GAR


Create database of GAR Assist custodians of GAR

records with their preservation

Classroom speakers on

Civil War or patriotic themes


Flag facts and flag

SUVCW scholarships

Memorial Day Petition

In 1868, General Logan

PC-in-C, issued Order No. 11 to designate 30 May as Decoration Day, later Memorial Day, to honor those who lost their lives in the war
Congress to consider restoration of the traditional 30 May date for Memorial Day

The petition asks

Eagle Scout Recognition

SUVCW feels any young

man who has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout deserves recognition

Scouting promotes the

same principles of patriotism and the love and respect of the flag commendation presentation

Certificate of

Department of the Chesapeake History

First Camp Garfield #1, Baltimore 1 March, 1883 Department of Maryland chartered 14 June, 1887 First Department Commander Miles Ross, Baltimore First Department Encampment (annual business meeting) 14-15

June, 1887 in Baltimore

First hosted National Encampment 1888 in Wheeling, WV

First C-in-C Edward Campbell of DC 1901 Department changed its name to Department of the Chesapeake

April 2011

Department of the Chesapeake will host the 2015 National

Encampment in Richmond, VA

Lincoln-Cushing Camp No. 2 History

On 22 February 1961 Lincoln-Cushing Camp No. 2 was chartered

in the city of Washington, DC

Created through combination of Abraham Lincoln Camp No. 2

(chartered 9 February 1887) and CDR William B. Cushing Camp No. 30 (chartered 1 December 1891) Ulysses S. Grant III, Past C-in-C

First Lincoln-Cushing Camp Commander was Maj. General

First brother to sign Lincoln-Cushing charter was Robert Todd

Bud Lincoln Beckwith, Great Grandson of President Lincoln

Camp Badges

Worn by any full SUVCW member.

Camp Member

Worn by any active Camp Commander.

Camp Commander

Worn by any past Camp Commander after serving a full term.

Past Camp Commander

Associate and Junior Badges

Worn by associate members.


Worn by junior members.


Department Badges

Worn by elected department officers except Commander.

Department Officer

Worn by department Commander while serving. Includes a drop bar reading Department Commander.

Department Commander

Past Department Commander

May be worn by any past Department Commander after serving a full term.

National Badges

Worn by national officers. Commanderin-Chief has a drop bar labeled National Commander.

National Officer

Past Commander-in-Chief
Worn by past national Commander.

Military Service Medals

Worn by members who served in U.S. Military during a time of combat. Has drop bar bearing name of war.

War Service Medal

Represents service in U.S. military.

Military Service Medal

Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR) Badge

Worn by members of the Sons of Veterans Reserve.

SUVCW Badge Protocol

Worn on left breast, or on formal occasions, on left lapel

or as a mini-badge

May only wear one member badge (member, camp,

department or national) at a time badge instead of member badge

Or you may wear a past camp, department or C-in-C

Not one of each!

SUVCW Badge Protocol

You may wear a War Medal Badge OR a Military Service

Badge in addition to a member or past badge

A Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR) badge, National or

Department Encampment badge MUST be worn with a member or past badge

Encampment badges are worn on right breast.

Special Ceremonies
Burial of a True Son of a

Union Veteran

Burial of a member
Dedication or

rededication of a grave marker or headstone departed members

Memorial service for Annual traditional

Memorial Day service at Arlington National Cemetery

Sons of Veterans Reserve (SVR)

The ceremonial uniformed military

component of the SUVCW

Participates in Civil War related

ceremonies, parades, living history programs and reenactments required to belong to the SVR organization with military rank for members

Membership in the SUVCW is SVR maintains a separate

Auxiliary to the SUVCW

Founded in 1883 as the Ladies Aid

Society to the Sons of Veterans in 1887 and name became Auxiliary to SV in 1900 SUVCW in 1925

Granted auxiliary status to the SV

Name changed to Auxiliary to the Open to women who are

descendants or married to a brother of SUVCW

For More Information

National Headquarters
Lincoln-Cushing Camp No. 2

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