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I have been told, not once or twice In love of country, my duty lies.

To be true Filipino, this I should know I sing this poem I learned below

As a Filipino, in God I believe His daily blessings we all receive. He makes me strong when I am weak And He is here for good to speak

As Filipinos, you and I are one. We work together in toil and fun. All together as a team, We are true partners, this I have seen

As a Filipino, Im truly proud. For this rich country, I sing aloud. Wherever I go, I bring with me My countrys name, beloved and free

As a Filipino, I study hard. I read, I write to move forward. I study so when I grow up Ill help my country reach the top.

As a Filipino, I promise to Respect all life, we all must do. For hand-in-hand and arm-in-arm, We must not do each other harm.

As a Filipino, I will obey The laws of my land, for this I pray. Ill be of help to all the good The leaders do, we really should.

As a Filipino, the truth Ill say. I shall not be with tongues that slay. I will be brave with words so few, I will uphold all that is true.

As a Filipino, I will be fair. For what is right, Ill always care. I will be just and not oppress, Or take advantage of the rest.

As a Filipino, I will depend My right to be until the end. And with this freedom comes a price My countrys where my duty lies.

As a Filipino, Ill put above The good of all with warmth and love. Without conditions, I pledge to give To those with less so they can live

Stanzas 13

1. My older sister loves chocolate ice cream. My younger sister loves strawberry ice cream. But I love vanilla ice cream. I recognize that we may have different favorites, even if we are sisters To recognize means ___________________ a. read

b. learn
c. see

2. We are Catholics, said Father. Our neighbors are Protestants. And your best friend is a Muslim. We have diverse beliefs but it does not mean that we are enemies People with diverse belief ______________ a. have the same religion

b. have different religions

c. do not believe in God

3. If you and your friend dont agree on some things, talk about these things in a nice way. Dont fight and hurt each other because brutality will not solve your problem.

Brutality means _________________________

a. cruelty

b. discussion
c. argument

4. My teacher told us that we need not harm each other. We can settle our fights by taking about them When we settle our fights we _________________ a. Try to discuss what were fighting about

b. Tell our teacher about what we are fighting about

c. see report the matter to the principal

5. All right, Father, I said. I vow to do my best to be a very good Filipino. Good boy, said father. To vow means __________________________ a. to make a promise b. To do at once c. To write

6. My classmates and I play together, study together, and eat together. We never fight. Im glad that you live in harmony, says Miss Santos. To live in harmony means _____________________ a. we live together happily b. we always fight with each other c. Some of us are friends, some are not

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tall while Some are _____, short . others are ______

curly hair, Some have ______ straight while others have _________ hair.

fair skin, Some have ____ while others have ______ dark skin.

What differences among Filipinos are stated in the poem?

1. In June, any child of school age anywhere in the Philippines can enroll and go to school in the nearest barangay.

2. After filing the necessary papers in the Municipal Hall, Aling Pining has opened her sari-sari store in the neighborhood, same with Mang Carding who has put up a meat stall in the market.

3. Mr. Claro, the richest man in town of San Fabian, was fined for not paying his taxes correctly.

As a Filipino, I recognize That we may be of different size, Diverse beliefs, and colors too But we are all Filipinos true.

1. What differences among Filipino children are mentioned in the poem?

2. Beliefs may mean the religion of Filipinos. Can you mention some of the different beliefs of Filipinos?

3. Does that make a difference in being a Filipino?

4. What value is discussed in Stanza 12?

5. Can you explain equality in your own words?

Stanzas 45


if the statement

illustrates equality and not.


1. Not only man but also a woman can be a soldier.

2. Black Americans are

not allowed to enroll in a school owned by White Americans.

3. A councilor commit a traffic violation he was held responsible despite his position.

4. In politics, one may run

for an office whether he is Catholic, Protestant or a Muslim.

5. Only graduates from

well-known universities can apply for a certain job.

Thank you!

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