Case Study: Airtel Africa

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Case Study: Airtel Africa

Presentation at the LRMG Pre-Caf Workshop, South Africa By Tina Muparad i ! "o#e$%er &'(&

Who we are Why e-learning for us Partner LRMG Learn Alive Key Success factors Utilisation

o!!unication Learn Alive gui"elines #uarterly R$%& 'uly Sept (he tea! )ehin" it all *e+t Steps

Airtel Africa overview


)ganda Chad

Y Nigeria
Sierra Leone Ghana Gabon Congo B Zambia Rwanda Madagascar DRC 'an(ania enya !"#rica Seychelles Malawi


Burkina Faso

(Source: CIA World Fact Book)

Slide 3/11

Why e-Learning for us?

Inadequate career development opportunities continued to have a low engagement score but a high impact on engagement Africa !eadership Initiative aims to have all people with the right s"ills Cost efficiency in delivering s"ills building to a large number of employees Capacity to help employees develop themselves while maintaining a focus on their #obs $otivating factor that in any year we can reach a lot more people through development interventions than ever before

Implementation partner - LRMG

%idest implementation e&perience in Africa ' $ultichoice( $)*( +an"s etc Continually up to date content available in ,nglish and -rench .ood trac"ing capability /revious partnerships with Airtel Africa ' 01 and Airtel 2enya Strong technical support capabilities 314 $odel

Learn Alive
1ur e5learning system is dubbed Learn Alive! )his is a "ey component of our Africa Leadership Initiative Airtel purchased a suite of 677 courses that lin" to our organi8ational goals and our talent needs across Africa !aunched across Africa in 9uly :71: %ithin : months the upta"e was at ;;< and now at =;< with highest access in $adagascar with >=<

Key success factors

Senior $anagement ownership and sponsorship )he suite of 677 Selected courses are lin"ed to the organi8ational goals( opco and individual specific needs An effective /ro#ect plan and team A comprehensive Communication /lan that includes teasers( posters( -A?s Completion of courses is part of the employees scorecard !earning Champions ,quipping opco ! @ A $anagers with tools( "nowledge and s"ills to support their teams Support from !3$.


"ead #ffice$


01 has had a high upta"e B>;<C because of the support received from !earning Champions )he !aunch of the /ro#ect $anagement 2nowledge Centre generated more interest in e5learning

)his region has the bul" of the employees B;;<C !earning Champions Awareness Sessions

Although most of the technical challenges with software and band5with are within the -rancophone countries( the utili8ation "eeps improving Strong communication campaigns Aetermined !@A $anagers

)heir approach was to first populari8e the concept of e!earning within the organi8ation before getting their users actively enrolling and ta"ing courses )o do this embar"ed on a series of road shows to achieve this ob#ective

All opcos B1DC collated their training needs identified during the annual performance review period )raining needs were mapped to courses as per the !3$. catalogue 01 analy8ed this data and selected 677 of the most common( most popular courses across Africa that lin" to our organi8ational goals Customi8ed own catalogue by lin"ing courses into curriculums $apping of courses to individuals as per their /A/ and aspirations ,ach individual is required to do a minimum of 6 coursesE 3 as per their /A/ and : as per career aspirations

1ne Africa wide communication plan Country Specific communication plans %ebe& meetings with ! @ A $anagers 1pen forums ')o !aunch !earn Alive /ress 3elease during launch !earning Champions 3oad Shows Aedicated $ailbo& -A?s /osters

Learn Alive guidelines

/erformance Aevelopment $eetings to be held between the employee and manager at the beginning of the performance period $andatory courses for completion
3 as per /erformance Aevelopment /lan : as per Career aspirations

Included in the employees +alanced scorecard under self development 23A

All courses should be completed by $ar :713 which is the end of the performance period for Airtel

$anagers to allow at least one hour per wee" to be dedicated to e5 learning

R$% Mo"el

3each 3egional Fpta"e Analysis 5 Chart

Acces s( ,-+
Registrati ons ( )*+

3eaction 1ctober :71: Survey 3esults

courses do apply


3esponses : )he courses may not only benefit one on the #ob only but also outside wor"( some

3esponses : the study is very rewarding future life especially at wor" and communication with client continuation of study to acquire a promotion within the wor"

3esponses : In one of my courses( I had an on5going dialogue on5line where I had to choose options and got feedbac" on my choices immediately( I totally en#oyed that I also li"e the fact that it is audio and has visual e&amples( ma"es it easier and faster to grasp what one is studying

3esponses : IGm having a wonderful time so far( but I still wish I could have access to downloadable notes to ta"e home for refreshers now and again All in all( itGs a great tool and sincerely appreciated )han"s teamH

3esponses : .ood wor" it has made me step up on willingness to learn more each time

!earning 3egional Completion Analysis Region

"ead #ffice %rancophon e Anglophon e &igeria
&um/er of sers in #0'# &um/er of course registrations &um/er of course completions

:7D 1 3ID 1 >7; ==D

>:3 1 ;I; 3 I71 = ;;>

1I7 37= D1D ;73


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+usiness Impact Cost Impact

7 course 'ost of completio 'ost8 pa98 classroom ns day training Region : ;<= : ;<= 'ourse <uration > ? hours :'lassroom= 'ourse <uration > 6 "ours 1otal time saved :eLearning=

0ead 1ffice -rancophon e Anglophone *igeria 1#1AL

1I7 37= D1D ;73 . ,.,

:77 3>(777 77 :77 =1(:77 77 1;3(;77 7 :77 7 :77 >7(=77 77 6-6@-22A2 -22 2

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6D7 I1> : 161 1 :7I ) ?)?

I67 1 637 3 6>6 : 716 ? 2?2

)he team behind it all

Pamela Yamo L&D Administrator

2ey action points for ne&t I7 days

Survey managers on perceived impact of e5learning ,nhance impact of learning by providing tools to support implementation of what was learnt in e5learning Arive course completion up 3eward course completion %ithdraw licences from those not using them Claim success by lin"ing business achievement in areas where there is high e5learning course completion Create super champions amongst managers so that we can institutionalise learning

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