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Maharana Pratap College of Technology, Gwalior

Seminar File ON Fire protection



fire protection system is one such Company which can provide you best solution according to your requirement and your budget in a professional way.
We has successfully carried out several projects for Govt. Organisation and Public Limited





Fire Hydrant System, the oldest and still one of the most effective and dependable one, consists of the following components: Sufficiently large water reservoir Fire pumpsets (Main and Standby) O/0ect Joc ey pumpset Hydrant , valves O/0ect 1 Fire fighting hoses with coupling !ranch pipe with no""les

#his is a semi$automatic system% & networ of pipes is laid out depending upon the ris with hydrant valves placed at strategic places% #he spacing'distance between yard hydrants are guided by norms vi"% (F)& #ariff &dvisory *ommittee Pump +,S-




& sprin ler system consists of a water supply (or supplies) and one or more sprin ler installations, each installation consist of a set of installation control valves and a pipe array fitted with sprin ler heads% #he sprin ler heads are fitted at specified locations at the roof or ceiling, and where necessary between rac s, below shelves, inside ovens or stoves or below obstructions% & sprin ler has two functions to perform% ,t must first sense the heat, and must then provide an ade.uate distribution of water to control or e/tinguish the fire% 0ach function is performed separately and one is independent of the other e/cept insofar as early detection ma es e/tinction easier because the fire has not grown large% #he classic use of the sprin ler is in the hot gas layer which forms beneath the ceiling of an enclosure in which a fire is developing%



& special fi/ed pipe system connected to a reliable source of fire protection water supply and e.uipped with water spray no""les for specific water discharge and distribution over the surface or area to be protected% #he piping system is connected to the water supply through an automatically actuated -eluge 1alve which initiates flow of water% &utomatic actuation is achieved by operation of automatic detecting e.uipment installed along with water spray no""les% #here are two types of systems namely High 1elocity 2ater Spray System and Medium 1elocity 2ater Spray System% ,) High 1elocity 2ater Spray System High 1elocity 2ater spray systems are installed to e/tinguish fires involving li.uids with flash points of 34 deg% * (546 deg% F) or higher% ,t was found however that water applied in the form of the finely bro en needles to create an emulsion possessed a high resistance to electric current% #his e.uipment is now more or less standard for live oil filled electrical gear and is .uite commonly installed for the protection of electrical e.uipment carrying voltage of 766 81 or more

,) Medium 1elocity 2ater Spray System &dvance in technology have brought about much wider usage in industry of highly inflammable li.uids, gases and solids% #he fire problems so produced have re.uired new thin ing and development of new technologies% 2ith fire ris s involving the lighter oils, li.uefied petroleum gases and other flammable li.uids with flash points below 34 deg%* it may not be possible or even desirable to e/tinguish the fire completely% 9nder such circumstances the aim is to achieve controlled burning% &de.uate control of such fires and also protection of vessels and plant e/posed to surrounding fire can be achieved by properly designed medium velocity water spray system% *ooling smothering and dilution play apart in varying degrees with such a system #his type of system utili"es sprayers which produce a medium velocity water discharged with directional properties operating at a minimum water pressure of appro/imate 5%4 bar sprayers can be arranged for individual automatic operation or for automatic and manual operation in groups to command the plant or fire area concerned% Here again, the essence of the design is proper discharged pattern, careful hydraulic calculation and balance of flow and pressure% &ll systems are fitted with alarm e.uipment and monitoring devices as re.uired% :eneral ,nformation Medium velocity water spray system has been developed and e/tensively installed for the following applications% For the protection of vessels, plant, and structures e/posed to heat from ad;acent and surrounding fires%





Foam for fire protection purposes is an aggregate of air$filled bubbles formed from a.ueous solutions and is lower density than the lightest flammable li.uids% ,t is principally used to form a coherent floating blan et on flammable and combustible li.uid lighter than water and prevents or e/tinguishes fire by e/cluding air and cooling the fuel% ,t also prevents re$ignition by suppressing formation of flammable vapors% ,t has the property of adhering to surfaces, providing a degree of e/posure protection from ad;acent fires% Foam may be used as a fire prevention, control or e/tinguishments agent for flammable li.uid tan s or processing areas% Foam solution for these ha"ards may be supplied by fi/ed piped systems or portable foam generating systems% Foam may be applied by foam discharge outlets, which allow it to fall gently on the surface of burning fuel or it may be introduced by other means% Foam may also be applied to these ha"ards by portable hose streams using foam no""les, portable towers or large capacity monitor no""les%

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-escription -ry chemical fi/ed pipe fire suppression systems are self contained units, designed by factory trained personnel, consisting of a pressure vessel constructed to &SM0 standards, nitrogen cylinders , automatic detection devices and electric'pneumatic manual actuation devices%

FM200 Gas Extinguishing

FM-200 Fire Suppression agent was the first environmentally acceptable replacement for Halon 1 01! FM-200 has o"one FM-200 Fire Suppression agent was the first environmentally acceptable replacement for Halon 1 01! "ero FM-200 has "ero o"one #epletingpotential$alowglobalwarmingpotentialan#ashortatmosphericlifetime!%tisparticularlyusefulwhereanenvironmentally #epleting potential$ a low global warming potential an# a short acceptableagentisessential$wherecleanupofotherme#iapresentsaproblem$whereweightversussuppressionpotentialisa factor$whereanelectricallynon-con#uctiveme#iumisnee#e#$an#peoplecompatibilityanoverri#ingfactor! atmospheric lifetime! %t is particularly useful where an environmentally acceptableagentisessential$wherecleanupofotherme#iapresentsa problem$ where weight versus suppression potential is a factor$ where an electrically non-con#uctive me#ium is nee#e#$ an# people compatibilityanoverri#ingfactor!

FM-200 is a colourless$ li&uefie# compresse# gas! %t is store# as a li&ui# an# #ispense# into the ha"ar# as a colourless$ eclectically noncon#uctivevapourthatisclearan##oesnotobscurevision!%tleavesno

Carbon ioxi!e Gas Extinguishing

'arbon(io)i#easane)tinguishingagentisswiftan#thorough!*ithinsecon#s$itsmothers a fire an# hol#s #amage to a minimum! Store# un#er pressure as a li&ui#$ carbon #io)i#e &uic+ly e)pan#s to vapour an# a state of fine particles of #ry ice$ much li+e snow! ,his -snow-absorbsheatrapi#lychangestoavapourun#ernormaltemperaturecon#itions$an# evenfasterinthepresenceoffire!,hecarbon#io)i#evapourcho+esofcombustion$an#the snow effect re#uces the ambient temperature to help prevent re-ignition! Moreover$ carbon #io)i#e is a three #imensional agent$ enabling it to penetrate the entire ha"ar# area$ inclu#ingelectricalcabinets!.ow-pressurean#high-pressurecarbon#io)i#esystemshave e&uale)tinguishingcapabilitieswheneachis#esigne#tohan#leaspecificha"ar#!'arbon #io)i#eisnormallyharmlesstoe&uipment$materialsan#property!%tleavesnoresi#uetobe cleane#up$moppe#uporscrape#off!/ro#uction#owntimeishel#toaminimum! 'arbon#io)i#eisacolourless$o#ourless$electricallynon-con#uctiveagentfortheprotection of vital services! %n many instances$ water is not a suitable e)tinguishing me#ium$ for e)ample$ where electrical e&uipment is concerne# or clean up time is vital$ gaseous e)tinguishingagentistheonlyoption! '02Systemsareinstalle#inunoccupie#applications$astheagentisha"ar#oustohumans #uetotheconcentrationsre&uire#toe)tinguishfires!

Fire protection system

a#!cti2e /#Pa33i2e

Fire detection systems have increased in comple/ity and sophistication as technology has advanced% ,n particular, the increased computing power now available through the development of low cost processors has enabled system designers to improve functionally through incorporating numerous features and options into the fire detection system, both in the detector head and in the control panel% However, not all installations will re.uire the ultimate in facilities and features, and there is still a strong demand for relatively simple conventional systems% #here are four elements of a fire system : a) #he -etectors b) #he *ontrol )anel c) #he warning sounders and strobes d) &ncillary devices such as door closers and fan shut$down units%

Fire "mo#e is automatically $ heat !etector !etecte!


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