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Gold Collection Hallmark findings


Sickle cell anemia: switch a glu val in chain Low O2 increased sickling Aplastic crisis w/ B19 (Parvovirus ssDNA) infection Salmonella osteomyelitis Vaso-occlusive painful crisises Hydroxyurea as Txt (increased HbF) & Bone marrow transplant

Brushfield Spots


Call-Exner Bodies

Granulosa cell tumor: associated w/ endometrial hyperplasia & carcinoma Granuloma-Theca cell tumor

Charcot Triad

Multiple sclerosis = nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech

Cold Agglutinins

Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infectious mononucleosis

Cotton Wool Spots

HTN Aka, cytoid bodies seen w/ SLE (yellowish cotton wool fundal lesions)

Curschmanns Spirals

Bronchial asthma

Donovan Bodies

Granuloma inguinale (STD)

Glitter Cells

Acute Pyelonephritis

Michealis-Gutmann Bodies

Malakoplakia lesion on bladder due to macros & calcospherites (M-G Bodies): usually due to E. Coli

Non-pitting Edema

Myxedema Anthrax Toxin

Owls Eye Cells

CMV Reed Sternburg Cells (Hodkins Lymphoma) Aschoff cells seen w/ Rheumatic Fever

Pautriers Microabscesses

Mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma), Sezary

Psammoma Bodies

Papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid Serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary Meningioma Mesothelioma

Rash on Palms & Soles

2Syphilis RMSF Coxsackie virus infection: Hand-FootMouth Disease

Reinke Crystals

Leydig cell tumor

S3 Heart Sound

LR Shunt (VSD, PDA, ASD) Mitral Regurg LV Failure

S4 Heart Sound

Pulmonary Stenosis Pulmonary HTN

Schwartzman Reaction

Neisseria meningitidis impressive rash with bugs

Smith Antigen

SLE (also anti-dsDNA) Malar Rash, Wire loop kidney lesions, Joint pain, False (+) syphilis test (VDRL) 90% 14-45 yo females also seen w/ use of INH; Procainamide; Hydralazine = SLE-like syndrome

Thyroidization of Kidney

Chronic pyelonephritis

Warthin-Finkeldey Giant Cells


Whipples Triad

CNS dysfunction Hypoglycemic episodes - glu injection reverses CNS Sympts

Ground Glass on chest x-ray (Hyaline)

Due to Pneumocystis carinii Seen w/ Atelectasia

Honey Combing of the lung

Seen w/ Asbestosis (a restrictive lung disease)

PAS(+) Dutcher Bodies

Waldenstroms Macroglobulinemia = increased IgM = Hyperviscosity

Ground Glass in Abdomen(Hyaline)

Seen in the hepatocytes of healthy carriers of HBsAg in liver biopsies

Ground Glass Appearance (Hyaline)

Seen w/ Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy oligodendrocytes Nuclei seen in Papillary CA of the thyroid (malignant)

Devics Syndrome

Neuromyelitis Optica A variant of multiple sclerosis: rapid demyelination of the optic nerve & spinal cord w/ paraplegia

c-erb B2

Breast Cancer association

Foster-Kennedy Syndrome

A tumor causing blindness & loss of smell w/ papilloedema

Red Nucleus Destruction

Intention tremors of the arm

Ventral Spinocerebellar tr.

Unconscious proprioception of lower extremities

Dorsal Spinocerebellar tr.

Unconscious prorpioception & fine motor movements

Cuneocerebellar tr.

Unconscious proprioception & fine motor movements of upper extremities

Ventral Spinothalamic tr.

Light touch perception

LMN Lesion

Werndig Hoffman (progressive infantile muscular atrophy) Poliomyelitis

Sensory Pathway Lesion

Subacute Combined Degeneration = Friedrichs Ataxia = B12 deficiency Tabes Dorsalis (Neurosyphilis)

Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

Controls circadian rhythm

Ventromedial Nucleus

Satiety center. Savage behavior & obesity when lesioned

Lateral Nucleus

Induces eating. Starvation when lesioned

Arcuate Nucleus

Releases PIF (dopaminergic neurons)


RBSc w/ spiny projections. Seen in Abetalipoproteinemia.

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