Vocab Museum Walk: CH 25 Conservative Resurgence

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Vocab museum walk

Ch 25 Conservative Resurgence

Entitlement Program: Governments were spending billions of dollars on programs to help certain groups Reagan will cut funding to these programs

New Right: late 20th century alliance of conservative special-interest groups concerned with cultural, social, and moral issues.

Affirmative action: policy that seeks to correct the effects of past discrimination by favoring the groups to who were previously disadvantaged.

Conservative Coalition: formed the core of the republican party in the 1980s, an alliance of business leaders, middle class voters, angry democrats, and Christian groups

Moral Majority: political alliance of religious groups, evangelical Christians, active in the 70s-80s, condemn liberal attitudes & behavior, & raise money for conservative candidates

6. Reaganomics: Reagans economic plans, included three main parts 1. Budget cuts, 2. Tax cuts, and 3. Increased defense spending

7. Supply-Side Economics:
Idea that reduction of tax rates will lead to increased jobs, savings, investments=increase in government revenue (money/funds)

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI): proposed defense systempopularly known as Star Warsintended to protect the USA against missile attacks.

9. Deregulation: cutting back of federal control on industry

10. AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome): disease caused by a virus that weakens the immune system, making the body prone to infections and otherwise rare forms of cancer.

11. Pay equity: basing an employees salary on the requirements of the job, not based on sex/race rather than women & minorities being paid less than white men (aka traditional pay)

12. Glasnost: open discussion of social problems that was permitted in the Soviet Union in the 80s

13. perestroika: the restructuring of the economy & the Soviet Union government in the 1980s

14. INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty): 1987 agreement between the USA & the Soviet Union that eliminated some weapons systems & allowed for on-site inspection of military installations

15. Tiananmen Square: site of 1989 demonstration in Beijing, China in which Chinese students demanded freedom of speech & greater voice in govt. many students were killed by the govt.

16. Contras: Nicaraguan rebels assisted by Reagan administration to overthrew the Sandinista govt in 1980s

17. Operation Desert Storm : 1991 military operation in which UN forces, led by the US, drove Iraqi invaders from Kuwait.

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