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What is Brand Equity?

Brand Equity is the sum total of all the different values that people attach to a brand name Reflected in how consumers think, feel & act W.R.T. the brand. Reflected as prices, market share & profitability the brand commands for the firm. It is a common denominator to interpret and assess the psychological & financial value of a brand

Customer Based Brand Equity (CBBE)

Concept given by Kevin lane Keller.

The differential effect of brand knowledge on consumer response to the marketing of the brand is known as customer based brand equity.


Brand knowledge is the key of brand equity. How to create brand knowledge?
Brand knowledge = brand equity

Brand awareness

Brand image

Brand recognition

Brand recall

Sources of brand equity

BRAND AWARENESS is the strength of brand node or trace in memory of the customer. It measures the ability to identify the brand under different conditions. 1a. Brand recognition- consumers ability to confirm prior exposure, when given the brand as a cue. 1b. Brand recall- consumers ability to retrieve the brand from memory, when given product category, needs fulfilled by that category or usage situation as a cue.

Brand Awareness Advantages

It influences formation of brand associations

Learning advantages Consideration advantages Choice advantages

Establishing brand awareness: Repeated exposure Frequent Advertising Creating positive experiences. Sponsorship and event marketing etc. Celebrity endorsement Develop a slogan or jingle or logo or symbol


It is consumers perception about a brand, reflected by brand associations in the memory of consumer. Brand associations are the other nodes in memory which leads to brand node marketing programs that link strong, favorable and unique associations to the brand in memory.

Brand image/ associations

Strength of brand association Personal relevance Consistency of presentation Favorability of brand association Desirability-relevance/differential/believable Deliverability-potential ability of product to perform. Uniqueness of brand association USP Brand elements

Benefits of Brand Equity

Greater loyalty, lesser vulnerability Higher prices, Larger margins Additional brand extension opportunities Channel power - greater trade support Additional retail shelf space Reduces customer switching behavior Prevents erosion of market share Legal protection of the brand Licensing opportunities

Building a strong brand

For it u need to answer following four questions asked by customers: 1. Who are u? (brand identity) 2. What are u? (brand meaning) 3. What about u? what do I feel or think about u? (brand responses) 4. What about u and me? what kind of association and how much of a connection would I like to have with u? (brand relationships)

Consumer-Based Brand Equity Pyramid

ConsumerBrand Resonance

4. Brand relationships

Consumer Judgments

Consumer Feelings Brand Imagery

3. Brand responses.

Brand Performance

2.Brand meaning

Brand Salience

1. Brand identity

1. BRAND SALIENCE Measures awareness of the brand Brand at top of mind or not? What type of cues & reminders are required? Customer has to be clear about Category Identification Needs Satisfied & Secondary Features

It describes how well the product meet customers functional demands. Parameters used for evaluation: ingredients of the product Product Reliability, Durability & Serviceability Service Effectiveness, Efficiency,& Empathy Style and Design; Price

It includes the ways in which brand attempts to meet customers psychological or social needs. It is the way people think about a brand abstractly and not actually. Imagery associations can be made directly or indirectly. Four intangibles can be linked to the brand: User Profiles Purchase and Usage Situations Personality & Values History, Heritage, & Experiences

Imagery Dimensions

User profiles Demographic and psychographic characteristics Actual or aspirational Group perceptionspopularity Purchase and usage situations Type of channel, specific stores, ease of purchase Time (day, week, month, year, etc.), location, and context of usage Personality and values Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness History, heritage, and experiences Nostalgia Memories


It is customers personal opinion or evaluation of the brand. It is combination of brand performance & brand imagery.
Four types of judgments are particularly important: Brand quality


Value Satisfaction Expertise Trustworthiness Likeability Relevance Differentiation


Brand credibility


Brand consideration


Brand superiority

These are customers emotional responses & reactions to the brand. It also includes the feelings evoked by marketing program for the brand or by other means. Few important brand feelings are: Warmth, Fun Excitement, Security, Social Approval, Self-Respect

It describes the nature of relationship between the brand & customer. It is characterized in terms of intensity, or the depth of psychological connect in form of: Behavioral loyalty Frequency and amount of repeat purchases

Attitudinal attachment Love brand (favourite possessions; a little pleasure) Proud of brand

Sense of community Kinship Affiliation

Active engagement Seek information Join club Visit website, chat rooms

Cult brands

Cult stands for culture; a system of serious devotion towards a particular figure or object It is a fan following of customers and their loyalty towards their aspirational brands A cult is the result of peoples opinion of your brand Therefore you have to find a way how you can attract customers representing your brand image and give them a sense of belonging.

Kapferers brand identity prism

In 1986, J.N.Kapferer proposed that brand is having gift of speech. It speaks of the product it creates & can be analyzed as any other form of communication. This model is having sender (brand marketer) & receiver (prospect). It includes a vertical division. Left side externalization social facetsoutward expression-visible facets of brand Right side- internalization-internal to brand-not visible- stays in spirit of brand.

The Kapferer Brand Identity Prism







Kapferers brand identity prism

Physique : what the product is, what does it do, how does it add value to customers. Personality What are the features of brand if it was a person? Brand characters like fido-dido, maharaja, ronald are the shortcuts for creating it.

Kapferers brand identity prism

Culture: The values feeding the brands inspiration. Mercedes German values - order prevails Even @ 260 km/h- it remain stable The brand symbol at nose tip enforces same. Relationships: How does the brand want to be seen by customers in marketing communication? Nike encourages us to let loose (just do it!) IBM orderliness, Apple -friendliness

Kapferers brand identity prism

Reflection: A brand tends to build an image of the buyer which it seems to be addressing . Pepsi to youngsters and Thums up to adventurous. Its the brands perceived client type. Self Image: Reflection is targets outward mirror (they are..) while self image is targets own internal mirror (I feel, I am ) What would the users imagine while using the product?

Lacoste: brand identity prism

Physique: Soft, Airy, crocodile, colors LACOSTE Personality: Well balanced, authentic, serene

Relationship: Valorization, accessible

Culture: Aristocratic, sophisticated, sporty

Reflection: They are men/women having real class

Self image: I am elegant

I am always correct although casual

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