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2011 CSP Grant Training


WebEx instructions

Tera Teders

Welcome 2011-2014 SUB-GRANTEES

DOE Grant Specialists

Charlene Burke
(850) 245-0897

Laura Pond
(850) 245-5138

Heather Harrell
(850) 245-0859

Helen Giraitis Grant Director (850) 245-9639

Role of Grant Specialists

Grant Specialists maintain files for each grant recipient, review and approve grant budgets, and are available to assist charter schools in the following ways:
Provide technical assistance with grant forms and paperwork Track grant timelines and provide notices and reminders

Act as a liaison between the charter school, the Department of Education, and the sponsor

Principal is Primary Contact

G-1. What are the administrative and fiscal responsibilities of a charter school grantee under the CSP? Charter schools receiving CSP grants must comply with applicable statutes, regulations, and approved applications; and must use Federal funds in accordance with those statutes, regulations, and applications. Grantees must directly administer or supervise the administration of the project, and must use fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that ensure proper disbursement of, and accounting for, Federal funds. As discussed in B-13, in cases where a charter school has contracted with a for-profit CMO or EMO to manage the day-to-day operations of the charter school, the charter school must exercise special care to ensure that the charter school directly administers or supervises the administration of the Federal grant and is independent of the for-profit CMO or EMO. 34 CFR 75.700-75.702 and 76.701.

Charter Schools Program Title V, Part B of the ESEA Nonregulatory Guidance, April 2011

CSP Grant to New Charter Schools

Principal Grant Involvement
Principal contact info: All Implementation Grants Has copy of CSP Grant Application Aware of objectives, timeline, completion Has copy of all board-approved policies Documents all principal & staff training Attends CS Conference annually Participates in CSP budget revisions Has copy of all purchase documentation Maintains CSP grant-related inventory Site Visit preparation and participation Input on Budget


This is a multi-year project with a maximum program performance period of 36 months and is comprised of 3 budget periods:
Planning and Program Development (max 18 months) Implementation 1 (max 12 months) Implementation 2 (max 12 months)

The three budget periods combined may not exceed 36 months, and the budget periods may not overlap.
Read the 2011 RFP & Your Schools Application

Three Phases of the Grant Phase 1

12-18 months


Phase 2
12 months

Implementation 1
$225,000 or $275,000 +

Phase 3
12 months

Implementation 2
$75,000 +

+Funding may be adjusted depending on enrollment.

Planning Phase

Planning Phase

12-18 months

School Opening 2011 or 2012 List of Board Members Signed Charter School Contract GEPA (General Education Provisions Act) Budget, Work with your Grant Specialist Attachment K (If Applicable)

CSP Grant Checklist

Project Award Notification DOE 200

Items purchased with these funds must be made within the specified budget period

How do I get my Money?

Work with your Grant Specialist to revise

your budgets (DOE 101s) Award Letter (DOE 200) will be sent to Principal, District and ESP/Management Company via email. Contact your fiscal sponsor (district, state university/college or community college) for the grant funds as soon as you receive your Award Letter.

Fiscal Sponsor

Each charter school is required to utilize its sponsor as a fiscal agent.

Disbursement of funds vary by sponsor/district (reimbursement-only, quarterly, advance).

Grant recipients are required to submit receipts, inventory reports, project amendments, end of project performance period reports to the sponsor.
(School District, State University/College, Community College)

Spend the Money!!!

Spend ALL of the Funds awarded.

Project Period Paperwork

All of this must be done BEFORE your Planning Project Period end date!
1. Itemized expense report. 2. Rough draft of budget reviewed by your Grant Specialist. 3. Documentation of objectives that have been completed (Labeled and sent to your Grant Specialist) Attachment J.

4. Signed DOE 150 and 101s, original signature forms arrive at Grants Management.
CSP Grant Checklist

Program Review

Governance Training for Board Potential Board Member Conflict of Interest (Lease/Rent, School Employee, Personal/Business Interest) GEPA (General Education Provisions Act) Dissemination (Student Recruitment) Lottery (No First Come, First Serve) Application/No Articulation (incoming) Signed Lease Agreement Signed Charter School Contract
CSP Grant Checklist

All Schools

Goals and Objectives

1. Founding and Governance

A. School will have formal governing board prepared to fulfill its duties ( B. Governing Board will complete required governance training, within 90 days of appointment & Prior to Imp. I. C. Governing Board will adopt conflict of interest policies

D. Governing Board will adopt policies to ensure school meets federal definition of a charter school

Training Requirements
1. Governance Training
Documentation must be provided before Implementation 1 funds are awarded for new and currently operating schools. Note: Governing board members must receive refresher training at least once every three years in order to retain a position on the charter school board.
Rule 6A-6.0784, F.A.C.

**If you have multiple schools with the same governing board, we will only pay for the training expense once or evenly split between all schools served by that board.


Federal Procurement Policies: 34 CFR 74.40-74.48

Conflict of Interest
May not participate in the selection, award, and
administration process if a conflict of interest exists.
COI exists when an employee, officer, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for the award.
EDGAR 74.42


Federal Procurement Policies: 34 CFR 74.40-74.48 Must perform cost or price analysis by obtaining and documenting at least 3 written bids/quotes for the appropriate purchases Must ensure vendor selected or service purchased is most reasonable and not solely based on price Must justify and document any sole-source.

Allowable Expenditures

Project funds must be used for activities that directly support the accomplishment of the project purpose, priorities, and expected outcomes. All expenditures must be consistent with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and guidance.

Handout - Allowable Expenditures

Prohibited Expenditures
Project funds may not be used to supplant existing programs and/or funding and may not be used to benefit Pre-K programs. (Pre-K ESE is

Federal regulations expressly prohibit the acquisition of facilities and construction. Federal regulations do not allow recipients to spend funds for expenditures which were encumbered prior to the effective date of the project award.

Planning Allowable Expenses

Marketing/Recruiting Community Outreach Technology/Principal computer Teacher professional development Legal, Accounting, Auditing and Consultants developing your educational program. Travel to Charter School Conference $25,000 Planning funds

Handout - 2011 CSP Allowable Expenses List

Budget Narrative DOE 101s

When completing the DOE 101s for budget narratives, be specific in Column (3) by including:
Category Use (grades, room, etc.) Description Quantity Price Per Unit

(3) ACCOUNT TITLE AND NARRATIVE Equipment: These items will be used for classroom instruction, grades K-5 (one classroom per grade level). Document Cameras (6 @ $300) Smart boards (6 @ $2,000)

DOE Forms: _and_forms.asp

Coding Expenses (Function & Object Codes)

Submit Budgets

Florida Department of Education Office of Grants Management Florida Department of Education 325 W. Gaines Street, Room 332 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Fax (850) 245-0875
All DOE Forms (150, 101s and 151) should be submitted to the Office of Grants Management.
Make sure you review the budget with your Grant Specialist BEFORE you submit it .


Commingling of grant funds is prohibited:

Only the school that receives the grant award may benefit from the award. Funds may not be used to purchase goods or services for another school at the same location or under the same management as the recipient school. Grant recipients must be able to track all expenditures back to the funding source. Co-located schools must be especially careful to avoid this situation.

Co-located Schools
Separate each schools: Leadership Admissions Marketing Grant Funded Items/Labeling Receipts Signage Physical space
These factors are reviewed during the school monitoring visit.

Charter School Challenges

Lease vs. Enrollment (Fixed Cost versus Variable Revenue)
Board Size (Small Boards<5, Large Boards>10) Administrative vs. Instructional Staff Relationship with Sponsor (Communication & Timelines) Parent & Community Outreach: Effective Communication & Meaningful Participation Sunshine Law: All board meetings open, reasonable notice, & minutes recorded Any time 2 or more members of the same board discuss business that may lead to foreseeable action Public/community opportunity for orderly discussion

Lease Example

Forecast: 250 Students Enrollment: Nov. 2009 73 Students 20,000 Square Feet: Over Capacity

Lease Example

Additional Sales Tax Annual cost $353,100; Monthly $29,425 Estimated FEFP $5500/Student x 73 Students = $401,500 or $48,400 Remaining after Lease

Parent & Community Outreach

Beyond Bakesales
Staff, Parents, and Community have opportunities to actively participate in the design and implementation of the charter school. Examples include: Special board committees

Development and review of school improvement plan

Participation in the selection/interview process of school leadership (selected representatives)

Meetings held at times to maximize staff, parent, and community attendance (evenings, Saturdays, videoteleconference)

Sunshine Law

Charter School Web Site

CSP News

Are you receiving it?

Principal is primary contact, Management Company, Board members. Physical Address of School.

Required Future Training

All Schools Future Webinars

Implementation Boot Camp June 20 - 24, 2011 ESP and Management Company July 7, 2011 School Monitoring Visits September 20 & 21, 2011 Budget Amendments & Detailed Documents TBA Florida Charter School Conference Training November 14-16, 2011



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