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UN Specialize Agency: IFAD

International Fund for Agricultural Development

The presentation will cover:
 1. History of IFAD
 2. Goal and Operation
o Goal
o Objectives
o Operation
 3. IFAD governance
o IFAD Governance
o Executive Board
o Other internal organs
o IFAD's core values
Anticorruption policy
 4.Statistics of achievement and specific project
 5.IFAD in Cambodia
 IFAD is an international financial institution and a specialized
United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating poverty and
hunger in rural areas of developing countries.
 the result of World Food Conference in Rome 1974,in 1977
FAD was created in response to the droughts and food crisis in
Africa and Asia in the early 1970s.
 The Fund started operations in 1978. IFAD is a unique
partnership of members from the Organization of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC), other developing countries and
the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
 Firstly IFAD support rural finance by
subsidies loaning but the political and
economical environment make IFAD
programs fail to cover cost.
 therefore, Instead it has shifted its support to
rural finance systems development,
institutional diversity and sustainable access of
the rural poor to financial services.
2. Goal, Objective and Operation
 Goal: IFAD's goal is to empower poor rural women and men
in developing countries to achieve higher incomes and
improved food security.
 Objectives: IFAD will ensure that poor rural people have
better access to, and the skills and organization they need to
take advantage of:
 Natural resources
 Improved agricultural technologies
 financial services
 Transparent and competitive markets for input and output
 Opportunities for rural off-farm employment and enterprise
 Local and national policy and programming processes
2.Goal, Objectives, Operation
 Operations: reduce poverty and improve quality of
lives in rural and remote area.
 IFAD designed and implement project and support
programs in remote area target the poorest of rural
 To build broad local ownership of the programs it
sponsors, IFAD works in partnership with others
( borrowing-country governments, poor rural people
and their organizations, and other donor agencies.)
2.Goal, Objectives, Operation
 IFAD provide loan and grant in 9 majors areas:
o agricultural development
o financial services
o rural infrastructure
o livestock
o fisheries
o capacity-and institution-building
o storage/food-processing/marketing
o research/extension/training
o small and medium scale enterprise development
3. IFAD Governance :Governing
 The Governing Council of IFAD is the Fund's principle
Governing Body having full decision-making powers.
 All powers of the Fund are vested in the Governing Council

which takes decisions on such matters as

o approval of new membership;

o appointment of the President of IFAD;

o matters pertaining to the permanent seat of the Fund;

o approval of the administrative budget and adoption of broad

policies, criteria and regulations.

 The current president of IFAD is Mr. Kanayo Nwanze, who
was elected for a four-year term in 2009.
3. IFAD Governance :Governing
 Membership in IFAD is open to any State that is a member of
the United Nations, any of its specialized agencies or the
International Atomic Energy Agency.
 The Fund's 165 Member States are classified as follows:
 List A (primarily OECD members);
 List B (primarily OPEC members);
 List C (developing countries).
 List C is further divided into sub-list C1 (countries in Africa);
sub-list C2 (countries in Europe, Asia and the Pacific); and
sub-list C3 (countries in Latin America and the Caribbean).
3.IFAD Governance :Executive
 The Executive Board is the Fund's second main Governing Body,
consisting of 18 elected Members and 18 Alternate Members.
 . The Executive Board is responsible for:
 overseeing the general operations of IFAD
 approving its programs of work and grants
 to adopt/recommend action, the annual administrative budget;
applications for membership and staffing within the Fund.
 Membership on the Executive Board is determined by the
Governing Council and is presently distributed as follows:
 List A: eight Members and eight Alternate Members;
 List B: four Members and four Alternate Members; and
 List C: six Members and six Alternate Members; two each in the
three regional subdivisions of List C Member States.
3. Governance: Internal organ
 The Office of the President and the Vice-President (OPV) is composed of
the President, the Vice-President, their respective front offices, Offices of
Internal Audit, Office of the General Counsel
 Office of Audit and Oversight (OA) is an independent appraisal function
established within IFAD to assist management in the effective discharge of
its responsibilities to establish and maintain sound internal controls.
 The Office of the General Counsel (OL) provides substantive legal advice
to IFAD’s secretariat and Governing Bodies on all legal aspects of IFAD’s
operations and administration.
 The External Affairs Department’s overall goal is increased political and
financial support for IFAD.
 The Program Management Department (PMD) is responsible for the
overall lending program of the Fund
 The Office of Evaluation (OE) is responsible for evaluating IFAD’s
operations and policies. OE is independent and it reports directly to the
Executive Board.
 Department of Finance and Administration has role of do financial
reports, fund distribution for loan and grants, Planning and budgeting,
investing, admistrative work, human resource and IT management.
4. IFAD Core Values
 Focus on results: We strive to achieve excellent results. We
accept personal responsibility and accountability for our
actions and results. We recognize achievement and reward
high performance.
 Integrity:We are driven by our commitment to enabling
poor rural people to overcome poverty, and not by personal
gain or alliances with vested interests.
 Professionalism:We exercise high levels of professionalism
in our work and reward merit. We use the most appropriate
skills and competencies, continually seeking opportunities
to improve through innovative approaches.
 Respect :We treat our staff, partners, donors and poor rural
people with respect and sensitivity. We value diversity and
draw upon the different strengths, cultures, ideas,
experience and talents of people
5. IFAD Anti corruption Policies
 . ‘Zero tolerance’ means that IFAD will pursue all
allegations falling under the scope of this policy and
that appropriate sanctions will be applied where the
allegations are substantiated.
 The Fund shall apply a zero-tolerance policy where it
has determined through an investigative process that
its staff, consultants or individuals acting as
representatives of the Fund have engaged in
fraudulent, corrupt, collusive or coercive practices.
6. IFAD Achievement
6. IFAD Achievement
 have provided US$11.2 billion in loans and grants. Since
2002 the investment programme has been growing at an
average of nearly10%/year.
 Development aid to agriculture US$5 billion in 2007.
 IFAD supports over 200 ongoing programs and projects
with a total IFAD investment of US$3.4 billion (2007)
 help 21 million active borrowers from IFAD-assisted
microfinance institutions (2008)
6.IFAD Achievement
 In 2007 IFAD has worked with partners to empower
poor rural women and men to improve their food
security and increase their incomes.
 is among the top three multilateral institutions
working in agriculture in Africa; in 2008, almost 50%
of the financing
 With co-financing from partners, the total investment
is US$28 billion.
 has reached about 340 million people through the
initiatives it supports
7. IFAD in Cambodia
 IFAD has operated and support projects in Cambodia
Since 1996
 IFAD’s country program has two main objectives:

-improving poor rural people’s livelihoods in a

sustainable manner through community empowerment
and through improving productivity and access to
assets, productive resources, rural services, rural
infrastructure and markets
-promoting decentralization and deconcentration of local
governance for pro-poor agricultural and rural
• Agricultural
Productivity Improvement
• Agricultural
Development Support to
Seila (513-KH)
• Community Based
Reduction Project (551-
• Rural Poverty
Reduction Project in Prey
Veng and Svay Rieng (623
• Rural livelihoods KH)
improvement project in Kratie, Preah
Vihear and Ratanakiri Provinces
7. IFAD in Cambodia
 As of 1 September 2007, IFAD has provided the equivalent
of US$48.59 million for five projects in Cambodia, of which
two have closed and three are ongoing
1. Agriculture Productivity Improvement Project (closed in
2006): a sustainable national system established for
providing village animal health services through private
village animal health workers (VAHWs)
2. Agricultural Development Support to Seila (closed in 2006):
(i) increased food and income security of 64,500 poor
households in about 1,000 villages, 217 communes and 34
districts in four provinces
7. IFAD in Cambodia
1. Community-Based Rural Development Project in Kompong
Thom and Kampot (ongoing) as of the end of 2006: (i) 164,400
households assisted in 795 villages, 127 communes and 15
districts in two provinces
2. Rural Poverty Reduction Project in Prey Veng and Svay Rieng
(ongoing) as of the end of 2006: (i) 54,900 people from 25,000
households assisted in 1,827 villages and 148 communes in two
provinces, with 1,000 poor farmers’ groups and community
organizations established and trained
3. The recently approved Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project
(RULIP) in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratanakiri will target 22,600
households in 16 project districts in three provinces, with an
additional 11,300 households expected to be indirect
 Kingdom of Cambodia Country strategic opportunities programme (Executive Board —
Ninety-second Session Rome, 11-13 December 2007 For: Review)

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