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Provide a way for separate compilation. Describe the dependencies among the project files. The make utility.

Using makefiles
Naming: makefile or Makefile are standard other name can be also used Running make make make f filename if the name of your file is not makefile or Makefile make target_name if you want to make a target that is not the first one

Sample makefile
Makefiles main element is called a rule: target : dependencies TAB commands
Example: my_prog : eval.o main.o g++ -o my_prog eval.o main.o eval.o : eval.c eval.h g++ -c eval.c main.o : main.c eval.h g++ -c main.c _________________________
# -o to specify executable file name # -c to compile only (no linking)

#shell commands

The old way (no variables) A new way (using variables)
C = g++ OBJS = eval.o main.o HDRS = eval.h my_prog : eval.o main.o g++ -o my_prog eval.o main.o eval.o : eval.c eval.h g++ -c g eval.c main.o : main.c eval.h g++ -c g main.c my_prog : eval.o main.o $(C) -o my_prog $(OBJS) eval.o : eval.c $(C) c g eval.c main.o : main.c $(C) c g main.c $(OBJS) : $(HDRS)

Defining variables on the command line: Take precedence over variables defined in the makefile. make C=cc

Implicit rules
Implicit rules are standard ways for making one type of file from another type. There are numerous rules for making an .o file from a .c file, a .p file, etc. make applies the first rule it meets. If you have not defined a rule for a given object file, make will apply an implicit rule for it.
Example: Our makefile
my_prog : eval.o main.o $(C) -o my_prog $(OBJS) $(OBJS) : $(HEADERS)

The way make understands it

my_prog : eval.o main.o $(C) -o my_prog $(OBJS) $(OBJS) : $(HEADERS) eval.o : eval.c $(C) -c eval.c main.o : main.c $(C) -c main.c

Defining implicit rules

%.o : %.c $(C) -c g $<

C = g++ OBJS = eval.o main.o HDRS = eval.h my_prog : eval.o main.o $(C) -o my_prog $(OBJS) $(OBJS) : $(HDRS)

Avoiding implicit rules - empty commands target: ; #Implicit rules will not apply for this target.

Automatic variables
Automatic variables are used to refer to specific part of rule components.
target : dependencies TAB commands
#shell commands

eval.o : eval.c eval.h g++ -c eval.c

$@ $< $^ $?

- The name of the target of the rule (eval.o). - The name of the first dependency (eval.c). - The names of all the dependencies (eval.c eval.h). - The names of all dependencies that are newer than the target

make options
make options: -f filename - when the makefile name is not standard -t - (touch) mark the targets as up to date -q - (question) are the targets up to date, exits with 0 if true -n - print the commands to execute but do not execute them
/ -t, -q, and -n, cannot be used together /

-s - silent mode -k - keep going compile all the prerequisites even if not able to link them !!

Phony targets
Phony targets: Targets that have no dependencies. Used only as names for commands that you want to execute.
clean : rm $(OBJS) __________________ To invoke it: make clean


.PHONY : clean clean: rm $(OBJS)

Typical phony targets: all make all the top level targets
.PHONY : all all: my_prog1 my_prog2 clean delete all files that are normally created by make print print listing of the source files that have changed

VPATH variable defines directories to be searched if a file is not found in the current directory. VPATH = dir : dir / VPATH = src:../headers / vpath directive (lower case!) more selective directory search: vpath pattern directory / vpath %.h headers / GPATH: GPATH if you want targets to be stored in the same directory as their dependencies.

Variable modifiers
C = g++ OBJS = eval.o main.o SRCS = $(OBJS, .o=.c) my_prog : $(OBJS) $(C) -g -c $^ #!!!

%.o : %.c $(C) -g -c S<

$(SRCS) : eval.h

Conditionals (directives)
Possible conditionals are:
if ifeq ifneq ifdef ifndef

All of them should be closed with endif. Complex conditionals may use elif and else.
Example: libs_for_gcc = -lgnu normal_libs = ifeq ($(CC),gcc) libs=$(libs_for_gcc) else libs=$(normal_libs) endif

#no tabs at the beginning #no tabs at the beginning

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