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Henry Moseley

Structure of the Atom

Henry Moseley contributions to chemistry redefined the structure of the atom. By looking at the wavelength of x-rays emitted by different metals, Moseley noticed a pattern. This is called Moseleys Law.

Moseley's Law

By measuring the frequency, he realized that the frequency is close to the square of the atomic number. This is known as Moseley's Law This gave the atomic number an actual definition rather than just a number for an element.

Moseley's Law

Moseley developed the application of X-Ray spectra, being used to study atomic structure. By studying the X-Ray spectra lines of different elements, Moseley found that ordering the wavelengths of the X-Ray emissions coincided with the ordering of the elements by atomic number.

Moseleys Work

With the discovery of isotopes, it became apparent that atomic weight was not significant to the group or period that they fell into. Moseleys work overruled Mendeleev and Meyers theories of the periodic law. And through Moseleys work, Mendeleevs periodic table became more structured. In conclusion, his discoveries resulted in more accurate positioning of the elements in the periodic table.

Moseleys Work

Henry Moseley was born in 1887, in Dorset. His father was a prominent biologist who was part of the Challenger Expedition. Earning his bachelors at Oxford, he later went on to work at the University of Manchester with Rutherford. In 1913, Moseley published his paper about X ray spectroscopy and Moseleys Law.


Before Moseley's discovery, the Atomic number was an arbitrary number just to order the elements, often arrange based on there properties. Moseley gave the atomic number some definition, and arranged the periodic table according to atomic weight. By measuring the frequencies, Moseley predicted 4 undiscovered elements (technetium, promethium, hafnium and rhenium)


When WW1 broke out, Moseley left his job to serve in the Army as a technical engineer. He was killed in April 1915 by a Turkish sniper. He died at the age of 27 His death may have been the most costly death to the world of physics and chemistry for mankind generally at the time.


Due to his death, the British government issued a policy of not allowing prominent scientists to enlist. Many believe he would have been awarded the Nobel Prize in 1916.


At the time of Moseley's work, the atom was described as a positive centre with negative particles around it. The neutron hadnt been discovered yet however. This was discovered later.

Model at the time

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