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INTRODUCTION -Teaching and learning is an inter-related process Teaching and learning is a concept that is important in life. According Malaquzzi Moris, 1994, "teaching and learning is not one who can 'stand' against a river and 'see' the flowing water; but to 'walk' together to weather the current in the river Through a strong collaboration, teaching will be successful and may reinforce learning. "


-Teaching can be understood as the process of delivering skills, knowledge, attitudes and values in which it will lead to changes in student behavior. -In effective teaching, a teacher must planning topics, objectives, content, delivery method and appropriate assessment of existing capabilities and students' interest. -This means that a systematic approach to teaching should be emphasized.

- Teaching may be explained as a way of preparing students for knowledge and skills so they may function

Diagram : Teaching as a Systematic Approach

(Teaching Objectives) Determine Topic and Content (Teaching prosedures) Determine Strategy T/L


Determine Time
Determine students ability Determine Objectives

Achievement evaluation

Level of content

Choosing Resource

Analyze feedback

Classroom management


Views of Scholars

-According to Yaxley, BG 1991 (Book II of the Implementation of Pedagogical Teaching by Ee Ah Meng - m / s 4), teaching is a an act intended to bring about change in terms of beliefs, values and meaning. So teaching is associated with authentication, changes, the survey, evaluation and interpretation of beliefs, values and meaning.
Yaxley also think teaching is an intellectual activity. It involves thinking, feeling and evaluation. To produce students who are rational and in need of knowledge

Learning the meaning of Learning can be understood as a process of behavioral change. The behavior is fairly constant and occurs because of experience or training Learning is defined as the consistent change in behavior due to interactions with the environment Learning occurs when the stimulus is processed by the brain This experience is will brought about behavioral change



Behavioral change

From the perspective of education, learning is defined as behavioral change as a result of a knowledge, skill or practices acquired through the education process. This means that learning occurs when our students apply knowledge obtained in situations of everyday life.
Diagram : Learning Concept 1. Knowledge gained

5. Understanding realities of the world


2. Information retaintion

4. Search for Meanings

3. Acquiring Facts and Skills

Learning as a product

-Learning is an outcome that can be seen and to be associated with change. Learning is seen as a result of the experience. But not all changes in behavior due to experience can be defined as learning. - As a process, learning may be regarded as acquiring learning or formal learning

Learning as a Process Approach Acquired learning Explaination

* Happens at all times * Concrete but limited to specific activity eg: Learning skills on note taking * Learning occured conciously as a task Occurred gradually with guidance

Formal learning

Views from scholars

-Robert Mills Gagn (1916) - the behaviourist who tend to explain the cognivitif approach has thrown up a theory of learning which consists of three components: i. Taxonomy of learning outcomes ii. Specific learning conditions to achieve the learning outcomes. iii. Nine learning events - In 1965, he published The Conditions Of Learning, which is a basic reference for the analysis of learning outcomes. He also lists five categories of learning of verbal information, intellectual skills, attitudes, skills

Gagne Views on Learning

Learning is the cumulative development of our intellectual capabilities . Learning is regarded as a mechanism that helps us to be productive members of society; Learning will result in a variety of behavior. This is based on a variety of capabilities that need stimulation from the environment where we develop

Gagne Learning Process

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Motivation Focus Remember/ memory Retrieval Generalisation Performance Feedback

Implications of Gagnes Learning

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Getting attention Educational objectives Students prior knowledge Teaching content Teaching guidance Application of knowledge Feedback Performance andassessment

Principles of Learning
8 learning principles adapted from Ewell (1977) 1.Active participation 2.Linkages of concepts-Constructivisme 3.Informal learning 4.Direct experience learning by doing 5.Compelling situation- problems to motivate 6.Continuous feedback 7.Fun learning 8.Reflection

Types of Learning- Gagne

Intelectual Skills Verbal information Cognitive strategy Psychomotor skills Attitude


Pavlov (1849 1936) 1. Repeated reactions are common (drills). Aplication in teaching and learning: Cikgu Siti using the song Mari Berkemas' to be heard to children as a signal that the activity was going to end. The song was initially introduced, Cikgu Siti give instructions on what should be done by the pupils. Since the children had already get used to the song, they will pack up and ready for the next lesson. The song had inspired the student to respond to the practice.

2. Thorndike (Theory of Trial and Error)

ried many times, finally achieving or the desired success. Aplication in T/L : Ms Salim is watching a student who tried to match shapes to suit the space. At first these students have tried many times. Finally they managed to match shapes all the forms with the right match. Ms Salim was happy to see the students that try and try again. The student made mistakes several times. Once again the pupils to try match and within a short period they managed to do it. This shows repetitive behavior of trial and error will succeed.

3. Skinner (1904 1990)- Continuation Thorndike (penambahbaikan prinsip Thorndike)

Occur through exploration and repetition in the point of success.

At the corner of a student is exploring computer mathematical software. There are several icons of Mathematic Activity . Finally he stressed the appropriate icon of his interest. He dominated the activities found on the icon. This item is repeated each time the pupils to use computers.

4. Bandura (copying / Role Model) * Learning occurs through a process of imitation.

Application Teachers as role model, what the say / act and explanations from teachers are true and followed by students

Mimicking the behavior of their peers. In a class of first year students to wear a hair clip in the form of clips.
Stimulate the interest of some other person to wear similar clips the next day.


Eric Erikson (1902 1994) Each individual through the process of conflict in stages. Application in T/L : Nani , a teacher talked with students about outdoor play activities. They choose the game 'Cat and Mouse' Comments: "Teacher, why is Amir always be a cat? I also want to be a cat " Teacher: "Yes, now it's your turn ." Pupils are aware and know how to handle conflict effectively. This model is not based on student understanding, but through practiced


Jean Piaget Learning happens in Stages from :



Application in teaching and learning:

3 year old child Played with a cat

6 year old child search The internet looking for info abaout cats

Before the learning process to be carried out, some things need to be considered.

1.Back ground Individual differences

6. Friendly interaction

2. Time to consider capability to receives knowledge at different age level. skills appropriate to the age)


5. Integrated learning

3. Use the 5 senses. Learning using prior knowledge , with teaching aids

4. Learn through play.

Prinsip Vygotsky Modul Open Universiti.Tajuk:Pengenalan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak Ms 46-47. Penulis:Dr Putri Zabariah

Children build knowledge Development can not be separated from society. Learning can help development. Language plays a major role in mental development Application of Vygotsky's theory Children aged 2 years look at buffalo but referred to as cows.

Understanding the concept of children corrected by adults as Model.

Prinsip Pembelajaran Carl Rogers Buku:Ilmu Pendidikan Untuk KPLI ms 224-225 Penulis:Mok Song Sang

People are born with the potential to pursue self-perfection Eg: We came to the Institute of Teaching to obtain a degree. According to research, address the principles of Rogers Leaner-centered Education (student-centered education) Students are directly involved in learning activities. Not just listening to what was communicated by the teacher Freedorm to learn (learning based on freedom) Curiosity (Learning is a kind of curiosity) Learning can occur if the materials and means are meaningful to the students.

1. Formal learning - Received in institutions such as schools, institutes and universities. - Organized by trained teachers, under the ministry of education. -Developed in stages according to the age of pupils from pre-school, primary, secondary, and to university level. -Curriculum and goals set by the ministry of education -Education is a comprehensive and well planned. -Integrate all development of Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual,and Social (JERIS)

2. Non-Formal Education (Informal)

- It is in addition to formal learning. -Happens to the individual unconsciously. -Knowledge and skills usually acquired from environmental experience. -Learning behavior, such as obtained from children through the example of the attitude ofparents, peers or watching television and others.

3. Non-Formal Education (Non-Formal) -It is in addition to formal learning. Events planned systematically. -Organized by education experts at educational institutes such as short-term courses organized by the of clubs, associations and specific institutions. -The knowledge obtained from lectures, seminars, workshops and forums. -may be held in the hall, at the mosques,churches, and in particular training center. -Because this type of learning is a minor, then assessment is not emphasized.

4. Cooperative Learning (Cooperative) -Students learn cooperation, mutual help. -The teacher presents a new learning and some problem / topic. -In the group of children were given the responsibility(accountability self-responsibility in learning problems. * An example / analogy In the EDU class the lecturer provide a number of topics, divided into several groups. -Each team member is responsible for exploring the content /substance each topic through a reference to the presentation. -Cooperative learning is better than learning alone.

Collaborative Learning(House Dictionary 1998) -Cooperation between the two parties / more to achieve The same goal. -According to Colen (3 goals) * Intellectual * Social * solution classroom discipline problems. -Co-operative and collaborative inter-related.

6. Mediative Learning (Computer mediated learning) CML -According to Bujea (1988) study conducted by the computer. -Learning through electronic media. (Reference: Science Education for Primary School trains component 1 & 2 Psychology and Pedagogy) Author: Mok Song Sangvpp. 343-345

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