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English Class 3

Prof. MSc. Sandro Luis Costa Pina

English News

English News

Present Continuous Tense Exercises

Write the present continuous of these verbs:
Play Stop Dance Watch Close Say Be write go like chat sit sing listen

Present Continuous Tense Exercises

Complete with the verb to be (am is are) the sentences below:

1- Mr. Wilson ____________ talking to visitors right now. 2- I _____________ sitting at my desk right at this moment. 3- Miss Peters __________ helping me with a report now. 4- We ___________ working on the report right now. 5- I ___________ looking around the office at this moment. 6- The people __________ listening to Mr. Wilson carefully. 7- He _________ telling the people about our methods. 8- Someone __________ talking to Miss Steward right now. 9- She ___________ talking and writing at the same time. 10- Everyone ___________ working very hard right now.

Present Continuous Tense Exercises

Use the present continuous tense of each verb. He ________________on a report right now. (work) We _________________ some important papers. (study) She __________________ me with the report now. (help) The men ____________________ at their desks now. (sit) The two girls _________________ letters now. (write)

Past Continuous Tense

Verb to be Presente X Passado I am I was You are You were He is He was She is She was It is It was We are We were You are You were They are They were

Verb to be Presente X Passado (resumo) Am __________Was Are__________Were Is____________Was

Dica para lembrar do verbo To Be no presente: (Palavra _AMAREIS)

Past Continuous Tense

Caractersticas: Utilizamos o passado contnuo para expressar aes que estavam ocorrendo em um passado recente. Verbos principais com ING no final: Ex: work- working play- playing

Verbo TO BE (passado) + Verbo Principal com (ING) Exemplos: I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

working at the hotel. living in London. studying Spanish . teaching at that school . working 2 minutes ago. reading a magazine. writing a book. driving too fast.

Formas negativa e interrogativa

Contraes: was not = wasnt / were not = werent

Susan was looking for a job. Neg: Susan wasnt looking for a job. Int: Was Susan looking for a job?

Exerccio Passe as seguintes frases para as formas negativa e interrogativa: You were living in London.
He She was was


Spanish .

teaching at that school .




2 minutes ago.
a magazine.

I was sitting next to Dad while he was reading.

Past Continuous Tense

I was driving. Was I driving? I wasnt driving. You were driving Were you driving? You werent driving. He was driving. Was he driving? He wasnt driving. She was driving. Was she driving? She wasnt driving. It was driving. Was it driving? It wasnt driving. We were driving. Were we driving? We werent driving. You were driving. Were you driving? You werent driving. They were driving. Were they driving?They werent driving.

1.Aces que estavam acontecendo e foram interrompidas: She was reading when her mother came home. 2. Duas aes que esto ocorrendo ao mesmo tempo: She was reading while her mother was watching TV. 3.Situaes temporrias no passado : This time yesterday I was studying.

help + ing =helping come + ing = coming run + ing = running agree + ing = agreeing

Past Continuous Tense

Temporary situations in the past

1. Jenny (work) _______________ yesterday at 2 pm. Q: _________________________________________ N: _________________________________________ 2. We (play) ___________with the kids for some time. Q: _________________________________________ N: _________________________________________ 3. At 7am this morning my sister (sleep) _____________ Q: _________________________________________ N: _________________________________________ 4. I (have) ________________ dinner at 8pm last night. Q: _________________________________________ N: _________________________________________

5. Sue (wear) ______a nice dress at the party last night. Q: ______________________________________ N: ______________________________________ 6. They (fish) _____________ all day yesterday. Q: ______________________________________ N:_______________________________________ 7. You (get) ___________ ready for 2 hours last night. Q: ______________________________________ N: ______________________________________ 8. The dog (bark) ___________ all night yesterday. Q: ______________________________________ N: ______________________________________

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