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Book By: Dan Gutman

Slideshow By: Cr’shon

Made On: October 21-
Hello. My name is Cr’shon Henry and I read The Million Dollar Strike by:
Dan Gutman. It was a very helpful book. The Million Dollar Strike is about a
teenager named Ryan but everybody calls him (Ouchie) because when Ryan
was little he went bowling and dropped a bowling ball on his toe. Then he
started screaming Ouchie when his parents got it off his toe. His friend
(Squishy) was there to help get it off his toe. (Squishys) real name is Stephen
but (Squishys) big brother Ronnie came up with the name and started
spreading it around the neighborhood. Now Ouchie and Squishy are teenagers
and are having a adventure in The Million Dollar Strike!
In The million Dollar Strike there are 11 characters. There is the bully Leslie King which is a
boy with a girls name. There is the guy Cliff Dweller who owns the bowling alley Bowl Drome.
There is Gazebo Zamboni the man who owns characters. Bowl-A-Rama. There is Herb Dunn,the
man that wants to open a dog bakery where Bowl-A-Rama stands. There is Police Chief Strat the
man who won’t try to find out who is trying to destroy Bowl-A-Rama. There is Ryan's/ (Ouchies)
dad. There is Gottfried Schmidt's ghost the ghost who Gazebo Zamboni been talking to at the
bowling alley. There is Mayor Little the mayor of the town. Then there's (Squishy) and (Ouchie)
the 2 main characters in the story. This book has very weird / fun

Leslie King Cliff Dweller Gazebo Herb Dunn Police (Ouchie) Mayor
Zamboni Chief Strat Little
Description of charaacters
(Ouchie) is like a football player in a comedy movie. He is cool, talented,
awesome, and thoughtful all at the same time. (Ouchie) is sort of like me
he builds, people beat him up, and he can throw a killer party. (Ouchie)
is my favorite character out of the whole book. (Squishy) is a person that
is really weird. He watches all kinds of made up scary movies. He
watches movies like Night of the Living Dead, Friday the 13th,and
Monkeyshines. Gazebo Zamboni is a really weird person. He sleeps in a
bowling alley, prays to a bowling ball, and washes his head in a bowling
ball shiner. At the end Gazebo Zamboni turns normal instead of weird.
Main Conflict
The main conflict in The Million Dollar Strike is when (Ouchie) and
(Squishy) go over to Bowl-O-Rama and find a note that said You are
going to die Pinhead. When they found the note they were wondering
who would call Mr. Zamboni (Pinhead.) Another conflict is that the City
Council was going to shut down Bowl-A-Rama. So (Ouchie) and (Squishy)
went to the city meeting and the City Council gave (Ouchie) and (Squishy)
a month to turn Bowl-A-Rama into thee hippest, newest bowling alley in the
Resolution Part 1
When the City Council told them that (Squishy) and (Ouchie) had a month
to fix up Bowl-A-Rama they tricked Mr. Zamboni into thinking the world was
going to end. So they took most of the money out of his wallet/safe and
turned the bowling alley into the hippest bowling alley in the city. They also
changed the name of Bowl-A-Rama to Extreme Bowling. Once (Squishy) and
(Ouchie) finished giving Extreme Bowling a makeover they threw a bowling
party. Everybody in the city came to Extreme Bowling. Leslie King, Cliff
Dweller, Gazebo Zamboni, Herb Dunn, Police Chief Strat, (Ouchie’s) dad,
(Squishy), and (Ouchie). When they had the party a clown went down the isle
on the end of the bowling alley and said “Hello my name is Pinhead the Clown,
everybody say Pinhead!” Everybody said “Pinhead, Pinhead, Pinhead!”
That’s when (Ouchie) discovered that Pinhead was on the letter Mr.Zamboni
had. It wasn’t anybody calling Mr.Zamboni, it was Pinheads signature on the
Resolution Part 2
Everybody in the city came to Extreme Bowling. Leslie King, Cliff
Dweller, Gazebo Zamboni, Herb Dunn, Police Chief Strat, (Ouchie’s) dad,
(Squishy), and (Ouchie). When they had the party a clown went down the
on the end of the bowling alley and said “Hello my name is Pinhead the
everybody say Pinhead!” everybody said “Pinhead, Pinhead, Pinhead!”
That’s when (Ouchie) discovered that Pinhead was on the letter Mr.
had. It wasn’t anybody calling Mr. Zamboni, it was Pinheads signature on
letter. Pinhead said “Does everybody see this bowling ball it’s not a
original bowling ball, it’s a bomb!” Everybody started screaming when
Pinhead said that. Pinhead rolled the bomb down the bowling alley, but
nothing happened because the spark went out when it was going down the
alley. The next attack is when Pinhead put a working hot air balloon on
top of Extreme Bowling at shot a fire arrow at it but the fire went out
because of the air. The last attack is when Pinhead took 15 bricks out of
there place and Extreme Bowling started falling apart with Pinhead still in
Extreme Bowling! Everybody else made it out safely and Extreme Bowling
Every day after school (Ouchie) and (Squishy) would go over to Extreme
Bowling to watch the construction men clean up the shattered remains of
Extreme Bowling. Once they were finished they told (Ouchie) and (Squishy)
they found the safe of money. (Ouchie) and (Squishy) decided that (Ouchie)
should get 1million dollars for hitting the million dollar strike and that the rest
would go to charity. (Ouchie) said “(Squishy) should have half of my money
since he helped me make Extreme Bowling”. Once they opened the safe it was
empty but (Squishy) found a note inside of the safe.
The Letter from Gazebo Zamboni
January 1st
Dear Ouchie and Squishy,

When I woke up this morning and saw that the world didn't come to
an end after all, I realized I had been wrong, wrong about so many
things. Remember all those talks we had when I told you that
everything came down to fate? Well now I realize you were right.
What happens to us is not determined by fate, and that its not
determined by ghosts. Its determined by us. We are in charge of our
own destinies. Knowing that, I’ve decided its time for me to move on. After the
million dollar strike contest tonight, I’m going to leave California and start new
life. I don’t know where. Remember how I always told you I might as well give
my money away because you cant take it with you? Well since the world didn’t
end after all , I decided I’m taking it with me. I just hope whoever gets that
million dollar strike tonight is going to miss. Thanks for everything you boys
did to help me with my problems. You guys are great and I want to give you
something to show my appreciation. You love bowling so much that I think
you'll appreciate it. Enjoy!
My Thoughts On The Book
The Million Dollar Strike sucked me right into the book. I thought
that I was (Ouchie) and I had to go through all those problems. Also I
do recommend it because it can teach those people who say that
bowling is for nerds or something that bowling is not for nerds. Just like
Mr.Zamboni said bowling is the only sport where you can get a perfect
game. 10 frames ,10 strikes, and you have a perfect game. I agree
with him bowling is the only sport where you can get a perfect game.
Bowling is my favorite game and The Million Dollar Strike is the best
book I have read about bowling yet. So now you know most about The
Million Dollar Strike !

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